Moonlight War


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"I could take you then, to see one. I'd love to, Avar." He smiled gently, and then leaned over, kissing the spot where he bit him.

Jade cleared her throat, trying to keep her voice even. "It's a gold comb. The kind women put in their hair, for decoration, you know? My mother used to wear it, to our religious celebrations, to the parties and festivals us spirits would hold before venturing the world, to funerals, any special occasion. When I was very young, I used to ask her, "Mama, when can I be a pretty woman like you?" And she would always say, "You will know when you are, love. And so will everyone else." And I had a comb made of shells, to signify my element, water, to keep all beings alive. My mother wore gold to represent light, because she guarded the humans from darkness." She sighed. "But so far... I'm still not worthy to wear this comb." She took her pearl comb from her pocket, comparing the two possessions she cherished most.

Avar whimpered. "You better keep that promise."

"I couldn't say to you that you are beautiful in apperence." Croy said, dully. "I would be lying- I have not the ability to see. However, I do believe you to be beautiful in personality, in morals. You carry beauty in your speech, beauty in your saunter when you go for a walk on a more peaceful night. Everything to do with you, is beautiful. And eventually, you will come to realize that yourself- im sure of it."

"Your anger face, as it is now, is much more... Pleasing, for my senses." He teased. "You'd better stop, or else I'm all over you. So cute I can just eat you up."

He laughed a bit, his blue eye twinkling, much like Axie's did, when she was lustful for her husband- or when she was feeling particularly mischevious.

"Now, why does that sound like so much fun?" He giggled, before putting a hand behind his head. "You keep flirting and I might just crack, and have to forgive you."

Willard got a little startled when his eye twinkled like Axie's, but he put it aside for now. "Crack huh... I can do better. I can make you melt like ice, into a puddle."

"No no no, that's not what I meant." He whispered. "I'm the pants at the moment. It takes a bit to transition for you take the lead. Unless you feel ready to, right now. I meant it in... A different way. I intend on keeping you around for a while. A long long while."

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