she would always yell at me to be girly, and now that i am, everyone yells at me even more. i take a bit to get ready because my hair is a pain, and my legs were hairy today. we went to go eat. i wasn't hungry, and frank was p*ssing me off by saying "bye sam". i got fed up because i hate it when he does this, and said let me stay home. mom got all bent out of shape over it, and i was forced to go. i didn't want pizza, but mom was all like "i want pizza, i'm f*cking getting my pizza" and stuff, when i could of easilly got hot wings and she get her pizza. so i decided not to eat because i wasn't in a good mood, and she would not leave me alone. and when i get angry, i fall asleep. so i slept the whole time, and woke up to her complaining about me. she makes me feel like i'm crap >______>
Willard sighed, "Vinn?" He knocked on the door to his bedroom.