Moonlight War


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i like the disease part too,

but its fun to mix it with mythology

like, in certain areas...

Vampires are beleived to have red hair and blue eyes,

which is a common theme for me.

He nodded, and handed them to him. "Knock yourself out."

No, your common theme is bisexual girlymen x3

Catalin smiled and ran over to the wall, positioning and then drawing all the targets with careful consideration. for a child, that is, no matter what kind of child he was.

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But its just had to happen, didnt it?

A whole family of girly vampires!

I like x33 but at least they wont be as incredibly stupid as Twilight.

...Im just playing with you. All your vampires are cool.

Catalin paused for a moment, then dropped the marker on the floor and ran to Willard, hugging him as tight as he could.

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not all the vamps are girly-

they haven't been introduced yet.

and thanks X3

Willard smiled, wrapping around him. "You're lovely."

My roleplaying chars, sometimes they are very different then my chars in my own disoragnized thoughts and random little stories.

A lot of my characters you probably have never heard of or roleplayed with yet.

(Ramble mode engaged)

And some of my characters in roleplay, they arnt in the stories. Like Everett, Antoinette, Steiner, Im still shaping Tettra and her brothers (Her brother existed before she did, obviously she kind of came up in here) Allyster Ive never done anything with other than acknowledge her existing...

Oh, Dani. I maded him important. I luff him to much to let him not be important.

Catalin dosent exist. Willow Rose, obviously...

out of all the kids, Parade and West actually exist with Parade being Akiras adopted daughter and West being one of Axies two sons.

Ramble over xDD I think

Catalin didnt respond, though, he just kept his face buried in Willards chest.

nice xD

rambles are fun.

grrr, i'm mad.

ben and billie jean are stuck in my head now >___>

Willard tilted Catalin's head up, gently stroking his cheek. "How old are you again? I feel like you've gotten taller."

lol, "the kid is not my son."

i don't think i could ever pull off a song that...

dead to the point.

did you know that was based off of a real experience?

and yeah, Ben. From the days of Jackson Five, and the original Willard

"You're such a big kid now. I'm sure Terra will go crazy when she sees you again, squeezing you and such. She missed you." Willard messed with his hair.

isn't that such a creepy thing?

to have a random crazy obsessed fan want you to kill yourself for her?

like, wtf. if I was MJ, i'd be afraid for my life too.

"Aww, don't cry." Willard whispered.

she sent him a freaking gun o___o

who does that?!

and i don't think MJ would really be dead now if he was never accused of being a ****.

for some reason, i just do.

Willard stroked the back of his head, "It's okay, Willard's here. Daddy's here." He rocked him back and forth.

Jade pulled herself out of the water suddenly, hurriedly slipping into her clothes and jumping into some undergrowth. She could feel another presence, approaching fast.

"Because of Terra. But, I saw the good side of you, and we all missed you. I felt like your dissapearance was all my fault, but Cat, I do really love you now. You are my son, and no body could ever change that." Willard's eyes were beginning to tear up as well, and held Catalin tighter.

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