Moonlight War


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Its a picture on DevArt called Rape Edward.

Anyways, what I thought was great was how stupid the girl sounded up top x33

"We could be outside the cell and close the door." He said. "Then we can try and hit the targets through the bars."

i thought so too xD

it looks like Chris Crocker is a Twilight fan, like he is a Britney Spears

".. Leave Twilight alone!"

"... That could work." Willard smiled, "Hey, maybe the girls would want to play too."

rofl, the girl was like... whining.

Willard blinked, and lifted Catalin's head up. "No, Cat, it's a wonderful idea. You have an imaginative mind, and that is something that can improve your future." He gave him a gentle kiss, and then held him close. "Beleive me."

... haha, super fail.

was that supposed to shakespearian for...

"... I'm an obsessive freak who will kill you and devour your cat if you say Edward Cullen's not real."

"I really do." Willard smiled.

"Not the cat. Please not the cat!"

lol, this girl was wak.



Bella dosent exist, and she hardly went through a lot that wasnt her own d*mn fault.

He nodded. "Okay. Lets get a ball, then."

Knowing Gaia....

I sort of doubt it.

I think she was real xDD

I dont know. Maybe it was a troll.

He went over to Vinns work area, pulling open his top draw and looking through the supplies for a rubber band ball.

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those kind of fans are okay, and maybe if they own one tee shirt.

but when your like this girl jenna, you-

- own several twilight shirts

- own every book in the series

- own magazines dealing with twilight

- make your own twilight shirts

- make a twilight bag

- have a charm bracelet like bella's

- get offened when someone doesn't like twilight

- do all these things daily

"I'll get it." He quickly snatched one, and then closed the drawer.

You also

-Troll forums

-seek people on forums and websites who arnt even talking about twilight and start talking and making posts about it in their conversations

-only date people whos names are in twilight books

-seek people out who dont like Twilight to make thier life hell

-name your pets after people in twilight books

-think that anyone who names thier ect Bella, edward, Jacob, Alice ect is naming it after twilight and automatically that makes you their friend

-Have never read anything that makes sense and contributes to your knowledge

He blinked, then nodded. "Okay, thats cool."

good list.

very truthful.

Jenna thought I based my hair cut after Alice back in November >___>

He smiled, "I got markers. Do you wanna draw the targets? I'm no good at drawing circles."

she ruined vampire folklore-

most of the stuff i use are from various countries in the world.


stuff from a half-a**ed dream.

did you know the guy who plays Edward (who's name always escapes me) hates twilight?

and Jenna is wrong!

I based it off of Yulia from t.A.T.u ;__;

"Nah, they're washable." He nodded.

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