It glanced down at the fleeing Sorrow, and slapped a paw down in front of her, pulling her closer to its body.
"Aww. Lee-tle Mouse is want to run."
It was a femal, by the way it sounded. It listed the paw, only to bring it down again on top of Sorrow, not enough to hurt her or crush her, but enough to keep her immobile.
"Oh, mouse. Silly very much."
Jeremy looked stunned. there mas not much he could do- he cat was huge, and, by the way it ignored the bullets and swated Ky like a fly, wasnt going to be much affected by an old mans attempts at being a hero.
Kyouri, in the meantime, was not surprised, or, if he was, didnt show it- only hate gleamed in his eyes, for this cat who kept his love under lock and paw. Also for the fact that the swat from the cat paralyzed him for the time being- and he was about to sneeze.