Moonlight War


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you got to remeber a lot of people try out for these things.

Even if you were one of the best, it ends up someone else will get in.

its the luck of the draw.

...Anyways, I am sorry that happened. But with these things, you gotta look for more then just one way to the goal; to many people pull a one letter thing to one place and expect to get in, and instead, they get rejected and have no where to return.


A voice rasped in the darkness.

"Its Croy."

How sad. The thing lost all the spite and crudeness that had decored his voice while he was with her.

"Brat?" He said, looking up at him with a confused look. "Im not a brat...?"

I know

and that's what everyone has been trying to tell me.

but it seems like no matter how much work I put into something, I hit a dead end.

Jade came forward in the darkness to meet him. "Croy!" She whispered in reply. "What's happened?"

i'm the same way- no matter what i do, i fail.

i'm sorry, BG.

Willard grinned, "to me, you're a brat." He laughed, "but I love brats~"


Same for me.

Report cards to marrow.

F for math.

D for APHuG

Long story.

We all go through devistation sometimes.

Croy hesitated to touch her. "A lot. Nothing really bad, I just..." He licked his lip with that forked tongue of his, then shook his head. "You. Whats going on here? Are you okay? Wheres Toby?"

He looked sort of downtrodden. "Why am I a brat?"

Good luck!

"Well, we met with some humans, and since me and Toby are good at finding food, they decided to take us in. Toby's fine, he's getting along quite well." She took his hand and squeezed it in a reassuring way. "It's good to see you again."


Well, if my progress report is good, maybe I can turn that in to her in a few weeks.

"Oh." He whispered. "Im sorry."

Croy nodded, but seemed a little confused. "They arnt hurting you.... not at all?"

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I hope your progress report goes well.

Jade said, "The band of humans... they're a small group, a weary group. What they really care about now is surviving, not destroying me or my brother."

I will try.

I doubt she will listen to my explinations.

He giggled. "I know. But we dont get haircuts here."

Croy sighed. "So your going to want to stay with them, huh?"

=( that sucks.

Jade said, "Well.... I'm not sure. They really need help. But... why do you ask?"

don't diiieeee DX

"That sucks." He took off his wig, showing that his blond hair got even longer. "I look like a girl. My hair is in desperate need of a good cropping." He looked at Vinn, "Wouldn't you agree?"

I try not to ;.;

He sat down, pulling Jade with him. "I... you know, I have a sister? Yha, a little sister.... I hadnt seen her in a long time. I had a nice chat with her."

Vinn laughed at him. "why dont you use those shapeshifting powers? Or Formechanging, seeing as you dont actually turn into other animals."

you'd better not die.

"Oh. I hadn't known that. Well, what happened?" Jade said quietly.

well what if I do?

whatcha gunna do about it?

He laid back a bit, before sighing. "Were two in the same. We get sick with you.... humans, we yearn for our home. But in the end, our home is gone."

"Now, she taught me a lesson. She dosent get sick like I do, at least, not yet- she will- but she told me even if she does, she would be selfish to seperate herself from the one she loves. Even if he is making her sick."

He bit his lip.

"so I wondered- how selfish am I being, really? So here I am."

Vinn shrugged. "I dont know anyone around here ready to give you a haircut, unless you want to get it shaved to the scalp."

you don't want to know...

Jade smiled at him, and said, "So you're here to prove something to yourself? Or have I got it wrong?"

i dunno ;3

Willard shuddered at the thought of being bald. "You know what, I think I'm fine with looking like a girl." He looked at Vinn, and smiled. His eyes turned a light blue. "You know, I think I remember you better. Wasn't I young when you first worked on me?"


I guess I dont want to know.

Vinn let out another laugh, a loud, full one. "I thought so. Anyways, yha, I did work on you when you were little. Maybe Catalins age now, or a little older."

Croy reached out, to touch her cheek. "Yha. I guess. Or, at least, something like that."


Jade got up and stretched. "I probably should stay at the camp. But please, tomorrow morning, can I bring Toby to see you?"

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