Moonlight War


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"Well." He leaned back. "Who would you pick? Arrange a pecking order, or a pack, if you will. Itle give us something to do, yha?"

He laughed a little too. "Willards dad too, yha? I could see him doing that." He smiled. "Axies dad, he looks like he could have led once... but hes become pretty passive."

"Sounds like it. Some of the kids like him too, speccially willards kids. But I guess thats just because hes the grandpa." He shrugged. "He gets along great with everyone."

"He's a nice guy, over all. No one here is really mean, except for..." She looked at Sorrow and Kyouri, who were asleep. "... Kyouri."

"He just... I think it's because he envies Dani. Dani never did anything- he's like as innocent as the freaking babies, just about."

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"I guess your right." He sighed. "He used to be a lot more... Well, I dont know. Hes always been weird. But he didnt used to be so bitter."

"So ive noticed. Shes never away from him." He sighed. "Compared to Dani, Kys like chop liver. Thats bound to make him a little p*ssy."

He looked over at them. The family was sleeping together... except for Yulia. Of course, she was sleeping, curled up with Dani and Isaac over in the corner. It was the usual sight.

"I do too."

"Hes dressed up like a f*cking king, from the middle ages. And he just seized up Dani like he was a peice of property. I dont like him, dont trust him."

"Hes some sort of player, I think." He said. "As much as he says hes a good person, I bet hes got a ton of other people ready to f*ck him when he wants."

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