Moonlight War


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He rubbed at his own face for a second, those big beautiful two-tones brimming with tears ready to spill again. "Momma.... I want momma..." He whimpered, quietly, as if Terra could bring her back.

Terra had an idea. She thought about. If Willard could send her images into her dreams, she could do the same. Could she not? She started to send the images of Luneth crying. To try and get Vinn to release the couple soon.

Terra kissed his head, "Luneth... I love you, sweetie. Auntie Terra's got you. Shhh..."

Willard shot up, crying. He clawed at the bars, bugging out. "I NEED TO GO HOME! ME AND AXIE AND CATALIN..."

He still sniffled into her shirt, clutching tightly. However, he only let out little whimpers now.

Vinn sighed, and pushed back from the desk, his rolly chair stopping in front of the cell. "Axie and Catalin both are being cared for, WIllard. Whats wrong now?"

Vinns face suddenly softened, considerably, and he was suddenly lost in thought. "Your son? Hes... hurting? He tried to verify.

"Momma and Daddy left away." He cried. "Away, they no come back for me."

"H-He thinks we abandoned him. I don't want him to be so depressed! Every night, he screams and cries for us!" He pounded his fist on the floor. "It's not right!"

Terra winced, "they love you baby, and they'll come back soon. I promise."

"How do you know this?" He murmured. "That your son is so afraid."

He let out a moan, and cried again. The kid was devastated, given up hope on his parents ever comming back.

he missed them, he loved them. Why didnt they come back for him? He didnt understand why they were not together.

"My sister. I've been sending images to her. She returned them. With my son crying." He was shaking. "He thinks we're never coming back."

Terra rocked him, "shhhh..."

"Willard." He sighed. "What do you want me to do, then?"

she cuddled her again, her scent... was like daddys, and it made him comfortable. Like Dani. but Dani didnt smell like Daddy, he just gave off that feel, the one Araya hated so much, and that feel made him always comfortable.

"As soon as Catalin and Axie are fine, release us. Take us home." He looked down. "But thats probably too much to ask for, isn't it."

Terra smiled, "I love you baby..."

There was a long silence.

"Ill see what I can do." He murmured finally. "My time here is comming to an end, anyway."

He nodded to her. "Louv luv yu, Terra-mommy." Instead of auntie, thats what he had started calling her a few weeks back. On top of that, he was very good at speaking, though when he was saying his good nights and I love yous, he had a tendency to revert back to babble and slur.

He looked around, at all his girls. "Ill need to ask you a favor, though."

He looked up at her, sniffled, and nodded.

He sighed. "My letting you three out... It may mean the end of me." He looked dead serious. "I mean it. But Ill be ready for it if it happens. However... These girls." His hand gestured over the three others, the sisters and Rose. "They... Well, my girls, it would be the end of them as well. I dont want that for them. So heres the thing. You save my girls- you dont need to keep them forever, just.... find a place for them- Ill let you free. Deal?"

"Want story time." He whispered.

"Wait, do you mean they'll kill you? Vinn, just... Come with us. Please. You'd fit in just perfect- you'd even be helpful. And the girls, they will come too. We're forming our own little community. Please Vinn, join us."

Terra laughed, "oh."

He shook his head. "You provide an enticing oppertunity, but.. I dont know. I would slow you down, im sure. And I would buy some time if I staid here, for you."

He tried to smile at her. He liked stories when he was to tired to play go seek.

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