MissBerry's v4 Tama Log =]


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Post #80 Fo Sho!


Haha well Zack evolved into that chicken dude [mohitamatchi]

And I unpaused Becca so that they may live happily as friends!



That's all I really have to say...Except they haven't been accepted into pre-school yet.


Oh and, I think my account might have been hacked.

If so, will you PLEASE give me it back?


-MissBerry [Hacked?] =[

EDIT: PAGE 5! yay! thank you guys for the veiws!

and here is a shout out for great logs!:

Zack's tama log! of course, we are BFF's!

Choco's tama log! again, FRIENDS!

T~D's log!

FKOD's log!

read them they are great!

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They both just got accepted into preschool..


I am kinda busy so I will post more later..


-Missberry [busyBusyBusy]

Oh no!


I am making people upset left and right... =[

I don't do this deliberately!



well Not alot with the tamas.


unless something happens, this is my last post.


-missBerry [bored]

Lawls...Thank you!

This is from FKOD. Pretty sweet huh?


Well I woke up to a poopy-sick Becca and a just poopy Zack.

Let's fix it...

Okay all butter!


And they are both missing all their hearts.

=[ I slept in late.


Okay.. let's check out their weight,


Zack:28 pounds??

Becca:26 pounds =[



I am gonna have to play a lot of games today then, huh?

Well they wanna talk to you:

Ohmigawsh, hi everyone! let's talk! let's shop! let's...uh...Hihihihihihi!!

That was Becca. For a toddler she is pretty preppy. I'm Zack =D I am...a normal toddler.

Normal? Is that what people call it now-a-days?

Wha-what do you mean?

Zacky, you are sadly mistaken if you think you are "normal".

What about me is UN-normal?

Have you SEEN your room? Or TALKED with yourself. Or SMELT yourself after you wake up in the morning?

=[ Jeez thanks. do you even want me to go there with you?


then PLEASE don't talk about me. Please?

What eva...

Well I think we can see how this is gonna end up.


-exhales deeply-


alright...I'll post later.


-MissBerry<3 [spongeBobSquarePants]

Oh gawsh,


It's already 2 and I have only posted once!?


That's not good.


Oh noes!

Some one just sent Zack a poop and Becca a snake!

That's not good either.


But I am wearing my glasses!

That's good.


I don't have alot to report...



Becca: 23 =[

Zack: 21 =/


And I just caught Becca making stinky lines

Ah-hem! I don't want people to know that! -blushes embarrassingly-

Oh, sorry!


Well I think you know what happens next anyways!



And The same just happened with Zack. Ha.




Short post.




-MissBerry [NotAGoodLogger]



Becca JUST evolved!!


She is a...



Yay! I a gonna try and get a Memetchi.

I have never had a Memetchi before!

So that means that within this hour,

Zack should be evolving too!


YAY! oh my gosh I am UBER excited right now!






-MissBerry<3 [GoodyTwoShoes]



You know how I am ALWAYS trying to get a Kuchipatchi?

Well...Zack just evolved into a....



ANOTHER character that I haven't had before!!

I will draw a new picture for you guys.


I Am soooooo excited!

A memetchi and a kuchipatchi!

that will be a first!


Next post the tamas will talk...Maybe..




-MissBerry [sunglassesAtNight]



both of the tama's are asleep and I am...almost there.


I also got a NEW tama. =D


it's yellow. I won't start it though.


that's all.


-MissBerry [PeaceTea!]

Good morning!


I woke up to 2 teens both with a poop.


I don't have time to post really but I will try yo raise their skill points.

Going to a party today...maybe.


Okay I need to take a shower.


-MissBerry<3 [urgent matters]

90th POST!!


Woo hoo!


Sorry for not posting much at all yesterday. As I said, I went to a party

And it was OUTRAGEOUS! I ended up passing out there, so I didn't get back home until now.


Anyways, No evolutions.

But I am having skill points problems.


They both got accepted into school.

And They are doing very well.

I just need to raise their skill points!


I think that they are evolving today.

Around 5 or 6.


Which should be enough time for me to raise dem' skills.


Haha I just made a neopets account X]


Uhmm, here is the "new Idea" I was thinking of:

Dear Diary,

I think I have mentioned Zack before...Haven't I? Well anyways, I think I might like him!

He is soooo cute. I L-O-V-E the color green and he Has the most beautiful brown eyes and he is sooo nice.

I want to marry him some day. =] But I don't know if he likes me or not.


Anyways, In school I am friends with this girl named Kelly. She is like my Bestest friend in the whole entire universe!

I tell her everything, but she doesn't know anything about Zack. I'll tell her at school. =D


-Becca ♥

Dear Stupid Diary,

Remember that prep that I used to hate? Well she is kinda cute...NOW that is. but she would never like a kuchipatchi like me.

She has that cute little curly hair thing. D'aw. And she will look even cuter as an ADULT memetchi.

*sigh* I am friends with this kid named Austin In school. he is an URa young kuchipatchi. which is cool because he is an URA character =]


That's all really.


-Zack [beccaBeccaBecca]

Those are "diary entries"

The tam-tams will post one each day so YOu guys know what's going on.


That's all for now.


-MissBerry [soupAndDoctorP]

Oh. My. Gawd.


Becca just evolved!


But that's not the best part.


She is a...


-suspension fail-




I can't belive it!


Never had one before and now, I do!!!

All I'm waiting for is Zack to evolve now.


I seriously cannot wait.



I'll reply when he does.





You guys,


I have always wanted Kuchipatchi,

And I have never Gotten it.

Maybe I have been cursed..



That curse was just broken.






I am SOO excited!





OKay I'll reply in a minute.

Once i am done with this happy attack.


-MissBerry [KUCHIPATCHI 1st!!!]

Zack, I wanna talk to you.

Sure, what's up?

Well...Uhm....I kinda...li-

Like me? yeah I already know.

????Wha? How? -_-

i took a hint when I saw you drawing a picture of us kissing on the front of your binder during school.

o_O; Oh.

the picture

But don't be embarrassed or anything, I like you too!


Yeah, I am just better at hiding it then you are =]

Well, uh...=]

Let's go out.


You said you liked me.

Yeah I know but....

But what? Becca I have known you since birth and I love you.

I don't know what to say...

Say yes, and that you love me too.

Yes and I love you too. =D

Good. now that we are going out, let's go out to a movie and try to tell Miss Berry the LEAST about this we possibly can.

I agree =]


Does anyone wanna tell me what HAPPENED in that last post?


I can't believe this!

That's so sweet!


Here are their diary entries:

Dear diary,


I love Zack! He evolved into the cutest Kuchipatchi I have ever seen. And I can't wait to have that wonderful sensation that brings forth 1 or 2 babies. I love him. and he loves me. did I mention that we are going out? Wow. He is a great kisser. And When I turn 4 we will have 2 beautiful kids. Oh, I have been talking about Zack so much, I forgot to mention that I turned into a Memetchi! EEEH! I am sooo cute. I have these BIG fabulous eyes and this GORGEOUS hair curl up here. =D well that's enough today.

-Becca the Memetchi =]

Dear Diary

I don't even know what to say. I can't...Wow. I .... I love Becca. and she loves me too.


:) ;)

How sweet. That is just...



PM me with baby names! 2 boys and 2 girls!


-MissBerry<3 [inLove!]

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Thank you!

But sorry to say, you can't post in other people's logs!


Feel free to PM me though! =]



The tamas are doing good. they are going to some club tonight I heard.


I hope they don't get into any trouble!


Okay, I'm off to tamatown =]


-MissBerry [Frannn]



Hello I love your log also I noticed your b day is 1 day before me I also have a log it's in my siggy

Nice =]

Thank you for reading!

Yeah, thank you!

Ah, that's all really. Is my log getting boring?

PM me if you think I should STILL continue.


I didn't get to go to tamatown!


I'll go now.




-MissBerry [Do you know my name?]

I have something for you guys!:


Something >.>




Well here the tam-tams wanna talk:

No we don't.

We are too lazy.

Yeah, we will talk next post.


Pfft. fine then.


-MissBerry [Do it, bud.]

Oh hai! ><


Both of the tamas just got a job =D


Zack: airplane guy

Becca: TV station lady









Okay, NOW they will talk:

Here is your Frap, Hun.

Thank you. =] How was work?

Oh, it was...Fun?

What do you mean?

Well...On the plane there was...


Well it was a...issue.

Of what kind?

Well...The plane kinda..flipped.


And all the people...who were on the plane


50 of them died.


No! nononono. The 50 people that died were elderly people who died from a heart attack.

Oh goo. you had me worried.

That's the last thing I need, is you worried.

And why is that?

Well you are my wife!..

Yes I know. but I am allowed to be worried. It's what I do, being your wife.


There you have it. I think they are old enough to have babies now...

Let me check.OMG IT IS!! they are right now!!!









Okay. PM me with boy names =]


-MissBerry [MUH BABIEZ!]
