MissBerry's v4 Tama Log =]


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It is 11:39 pm and I am not sleepy,

my tamas on the other hand....

passed out.


So this is [unfortunatley] the last post of the day.

8 posts today...

pretty good if you ask me.


Oh and my new friend Dangoobotchi-lover~ gave me a "get better" flower in a PM.

Why can't you guys be that nice to me??


Bu it's okay. I guess.

Well I need to get off.


-MissBerry [HoneyNutCheerios]


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I know,

I said I would leave but

check out this piece of work that my friend sent me:


Yay schemes!And hey um...I um... I made you something... just watch it all the way through...My gift to you, Rex, and rosey ;3


How sweet!

thank you Dangoobotchi-lover~

Glad we are friends!


-MissBerry [bff's]

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I just got a thingy-thing from Dangoobotchi-lover~


how wonderful!


Yay! and also, Rexie had some breaking news for me this morning...

I'll tell them mom.

Me and Rosey have been talking about this alot lately,

and we have decided that it would be best,

IF we are going to have a baby together,

it would be best to have her move in with us.

And you are okay with that right?

Well, I guess so. you do have a job and stuff so you will be able to care for a WHOLE family...


Awesome, she is already here!

Hello Miss Berry! I am so honored that you will let me move in with your son...

Of course! you guys are so cute together...

Okay well let's go to my room, I will show you where to put your stuff.

Okay honey!

What am I gonna do!?

I can't believe my little Rexie is growing up so fast!!


Well anyways,

Poor Rexie is a whopping 48 pounds. =[

I am gonna go try to see if the matchmaker will come today.

[he is 5 years already!]






for once in my life, I can't think of anything to write.

I was reading some other logs, ad they're all soo awesome I feel inferior. Ha.

But Rexie is on a lunch date with Rosey today. They are so adorable together!


-MissBerry [at a loss]

Sorry about that.

Something came up.


But anyways,


He is coming to Rexie and

Taking 300 points =[


Oh BTW I went to tamatown and got the scepter from the king =D




I think that i will start up another tama when Rexie has his baby.


But it IS gonna be a v4,

since this is 'MissBerry's v4 tama log'



Well...I am chewing gum.


Alright, alright I am leaving.



-MissBerry [uptown gurl][/i]

Hey-ey! guess what!?

i like your tama log a lot =DYour log is doing a lot better then mine lol. xD

Well this is a fan letter ;D

Just wanted to say that~
;-D!! Thank youu!

Read LittleChocoWolf's log too!

It is doing really good! =]


Guess who is fat!



58 pound Rexie over here.

Hey! don't forget about my girlfriend who is LIVING IN THE SAME TAMA-HOUSE NOW!

I didn't forget anything hun.


Well Little Rex should be getting married tomorrow.

Cant wait! and I already have names picked out:


Boy: Zack [thats for you-know-who :) ]

Girl: Becca [Rebecca]


Yup there you go!


-MissBerry [ancient times]

This doesn't have to do with Rexie


but I thought you might want to know what tamas I own!


2 v1's

3 v2's [one's debugged]

3 v3s

3 v4's

3 v4.5's

1 v5

3 v6's


and I have more...that are lost.



Okay that's all.


-missBerry [gametime]




Thanks alot you guys =]



No matchmaker.

We will hopefully get her tomorrow.

When he is 6.




Oh but I over heard this today:

But honey, I don't know whether or not I can do so much... I am getting older you know.

Oh I know hun, But think about the child! We do want the best for him/her don't we?

Yea, I know. Of course we do. But the whole room? That would be a lot of work for two of us old people.

Well you and Ricky--

Yes, but we were teens! It was a fun, not so energy wasting activity.

Well...Maybe we can call Ricky and see he will do it again...?

Yeah. sure. I guess so. He knows about us right?

I believe so...I don;t exactly remember...

Well I'll call him again

-quick phone convo-


he was surprised about us...You know...

Getting married?

yes, yes shh! I don;t think Miss B. knows yet.

Oh, -whispers- Sorry O.0

It's alright...But he said that he would help...

Great!! Well I think we should paint the wall an soft yellow. So to fit the boy/girl =]

Sounds nice -kiss-

-Kiss back-

Should I be worried?







-MissBerry [bah!]

Post #8 =]

8 posts today.

Pretty sweet.


well Rexie is asleep, and soon to be 6 years old.

I am SOO excited. you don't even know!







-MissBerry<3 [bABY!]

Post #50!


Yay! I think this log is actually going somewhere!

Well anyways,

I think the matchmaker is coming today...

Let's check and see!


Alrighty, I set the time to 2:59

I'm drinking lemonade >=]

Oh sorry, WAITING...


WHA? Why didn't she come??

Omigawd, I hope Rexie ends up getting married! I mean seriously,

It's not that I don't WANT you, It's just...

I want to get to generation 3 because I have never gotten passed that before...


Okay I'll be right back hold on...




For some reason the matchmaker won't come!

=[ Well maybe tomorrow...or later today...I don't know.

Well other than that I have nothing to post about.


But I am gonna try to make him super skinny,

because he is 64 pounds! ^^;


-MissBerry [shortPost]

I think I need to clear this up,


With all tamas aside, I have to say;


Rosey is a figment of imagination right now.

She "exists" but only in our brains.

I STILL need the matchmaker to have him married.

So do we understand?

If not feel free to PM me.


-MissBerry<3 [GotIt?]

Hi again guys,


I am so bored! I guess I shouldn't have posted but I did anyways.

Guess what!!!





He didn't get married!


And he got fired from his job as a firefighter.

Now he works at a restaurant.



Okay well I best be on my way,





I forgot to mention,

This morning Rexie a close-to-death encounter!


I have been waking up rather late lately

and beause of this

I have been neglecting my tamas for a bit in the morning.



he was sick with 2 poops and I heard the dreadful 'beepity-beepity'

=[ I freaked out so bad!

But luckily I found a pen just in time and I saved him.

=D I am good ^_^



That's all.

-MissBerry [PrettyRaveGirl]

My Friend, Dangoobotchi-lover~ made This!!!! for me!


Isn't that sweet?

I have good friends =]


Well the king just came and gave Rexie a chicken leg ^^

How nice =]


Well that's all.


-MissBerry [sickk]

7th post today =]


Rexie is asleep.

Sorry for not posting anything interesting today.

Tomorrow the matchmaker will come and all will be well =]


-MissBerry [sorry]



Rexie isn;t awake yet!


Liast night I was tossing and turning and I woke up about 5 times =]

but I finally just GOT UP.


Okayy he should be up in about

Half an hour.



-MissBerry [HardHats]



Rexie is awake!

And he is...STILL 6??

WTF? =[

Well let me try this anyways...



Mmm...Soup :ph34r:


Haha...wait she still hasn't come yet.

ZOMG! Why isn't she coming?



Well maybe later. =[

Like how I am always positive no matter what?

Yeah well I'm lying. I am really upset about this.


But I'll post in like...5 minutes =]


-MissBerry [superUpset]

Hey you guys!


I just got a mail

Let's check it,


Ooh it's the king!

leaving 400 points! =]

Thank you king! This will help pay for baby diapers!

I know that we are expecting but the baby isn't due for a long time. We don't have to think about it!

True.. -.- I am just SOO excited to be having your baby! =]

Trust me, I am excited too but I think Miss B. is the MOST excited one here.

Ha. ya think? that's the only thing she posts about any more!

Haha. =]


-Rexie & Rosey <3
