MissBerry's v4 Tama Log =]


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No, Rexie did not evolve,

But I can't seem to win jumprope!


So Rexie is FAT until he turns into a child



He is a mizutamatchi.




He is now asleep

So the adventure starts tomorrow!


-MissBerry [FrenchToast!]


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I am eating Coco Puffs!!

Yey! And drinking Dr. Pepper


-Clears throat- Okay...

Rexie got accepted into preschool.


Oh and he LOVES his soccer ball.

He always wants to play with it.


I don't know...

I'll post again in a minute.


Then maybe Rexie wil talk for the first time! =D


'Evening folks.


Rexie is F-A-T.

18 pounds =[


Here he wants to talk to you:


Ha. Whoa.

I love my soccer ball! It's so fun to play with!

I want to be a soccer player when I grow up. Or maybe I'll work at a preschool.

I love kids too, but I have never met one!

Weird huh?

Okay bye!!

-Rexie [rawr]

Haha. Okay then, I am outta here!

I'll be back later though.


-MissBerry [arrowhead]



I am still waiting on my Nerd glasses. They are taking FOREVER to come in the mail.

But it will be worth it in the end. Can't wait!



My baby Rexie is asleep already.

I will post in the morning.


Sorry I post ALOT of really short posts.

I just dont have alot to say.




-MissBery [wordplay!]

Good Mornin'.


Ugh I'm so tired!

I don't know what to do with myself.


Well Rexie is still asleep. Lucky.

But when he wakes up

I am gonna IMMEDIATELY play games with him

and raise his skill points.

Because thay are low.


And he is fat.

19 pounds still.


I am making soup.

Top ramen actually.

But I will reply when Rexie wakes up.


-MissBerry [Doodley doo]

I am upset.


Rexie evolved right when he woke up. =[

He evolved into the tooth=[

Hawaiitokotchi =[

Bad. Care. Tama. =[


I'm so sorry Rexie!!

That's okay. I am a tooth!! >=D

Well at least HE'S cool about it.


Well anyway,

My ramen tastes good!!



well I have to play games with teenage Rexie.

Like I promised.


-MissBerry [beautifully straight]



I am doing a VERY bad job with the skill points.


I am going to do this.



Oh wait...

Where is Rexie?


Oh I found him =D

He is...

25 pounds.


Oh and he just got a heart in the mail!

AND...he is getting accepted into school!



I think that I will try to get Kuchipatchi. As usual.

I'm gonna have to look up some charts and stuff

to see how to get him.




Hai :3


I just cannot get his skill points up.

I fail =[


Rexie's skill points are at:

13, 8, and 12.

I am getting NOWHERE.



I am continuously losing every game I try to play. =[

♫♪She's so HOT she's a scorch-y-in♫♪

Ha. sorry I had to burst out in song =D


Okay, I guess Rexie will talk:


I am so lonely.

I wish I had a friend that I can visit when I'm not in school.

In school I have 2 best friends;

Ricky the gourmetchi and Rosey the ringotchi.

I have every class with them.

Ricky wants to be a Togetchi and Rosey wants to be a Mimitchi.

And I want to be a Kuchipatchi.

But I have VERY low skill points.

Oh I have a star mail:






Eh, pretty good.

Let's check the shop:






I bought the shirt =]

Kay, bye!

-Rexie [mmbleh]

Well that;s all for now.

I'll post back when I'm done shopping.


-MissBerry [bwahaha!]

Oh Hai!


Guess who evolved!!??

Not Rexie.


But I raised his skill points alittle:





and it'll be my goal today to get to:





Do you think I can do it?

Yeah, I probably can =]

I look ugly today!!

But you don't care.


I went on tamatown with Rexie earlier.

I got 9900 points again.

And I then donated 10,700 points.

So I might have to go to tamatown again to see the king.

And get a special prize =]


Well I am watching a movie so I'll post later.

-MissBerry [DonnieDarko]


Do you like my log?

I haven't gotten any fanmails yet...well maybe I have gotten 2.

but that's not alot.


I am watching Donnie Darko for the second time

and it still doesn't make any sense...

Only a little.

Not really.

PM me if you understood it.


♫The dreams in which I'm dieing are the best I've ever had.♫


I like that song.

Okay I am getting off topic.


I am still working on his skill points.

I am NOT good at the games on here.

Oh but I got to round 5 on dance.

I usually only get to round like...3.


If I'm lucky.


Here talk to Rexie:


I have been going to school more often

so I have been seeing Ricky and Rosey lots.

I like to study with them.

Science is our favorite subject.

I like Life science because I have the best grade in that class.

It's very easy.

Well Ricky wanted to come over today.

Can he mom?

Of course! I would love to meet your little friends!

Just don't embarrass me.


Embarrass you? How could I do that? -smirks evilly-

Yeah. Ok sure. Just don't come into my room while we are in there.

Unless you are bringing cookies. That's fine.

Okay, fine.

I'll call him right now.

To be continued =]


-MissBerry [super long post!]

Okay So here is the continuation of the last post.

BTW, Ricky's color will be Orange.Kay?


Hey Ricky! What's happenin'?

Not much man. Just got outta detention =[

Oh yeah huh. I forgot about that. What did you do again?

I wouldn't stop laughing in science when the teacher was talking about Uranus. Haha.

Oh yeah hahaha. It was funny but it's too bad you got Detention.

Yeah I know. Where is your room?

Right over here. Did you bring the paint?

Oh yeah. It's in my bag.

Yes! alright this is gonna be fun.

Yeah, definitely. Haha.

i wonder what they are gonna do with paint?

Hm. Well maybe they are like...I don't know painting a picture or something...

And are you sure that Miss Berry is going to be mad about this?

I hope not. I told her I wanted to paint my room.

Okay then...But I don't wanna get busted or anything.

Oh yeah. don't worry about it.

-two hours later-

Ah, finally done!

It looks great! thanks for the help.

that's what friends are for. Also for coming over to eat all the cookies that your mom made >=]

Ha yeah. well I think we better get outta here before the fumes get to our head.

Your right. let's go.

Hey you guys...What were you doing in there?

You didn't come out once!

Well we wer--

It's a surprise!!You will get to see it tomorrow...I hope you don't mind if I come over again...

oh no of course not! that would be fine =]

Awesome see you later bud!

Right, okay, yeah..uhm see y-- guh... BYE!

Well that was weird. Haha.

Hey look I am starting to make longer posts!



Oh my gosh, the king just came to Rexie and gave him a canadian flag ticket!





-MissBerry [caffeine free]

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I just found my other tama!

I have been lookng for it FOREVER!!


PMe if I should start it or not.


-MissBerry [byee!]


I have been gone forever!

okay not really. I was gone for 1 day.


But everyone has updated their logs!

It's great but I haven't gotten one fanmail yet.


So I am not gonna start my new[old-ish] tamagotchi.


Guess who ACTUALLY EVOLVED this time?!


He is a...

Bad care tama. [Gozarutchi]

I am doing a terrible job.

Although his skill points WERE 28, 25, and 63.

Psh. But I don't care. I have a ninja!

And he hasn't gotten a job yet either.


Well that's about it.

Happy 4th of July!

Send me a FREAKIN' PM. That would be nice.

I am so lonely.

I have only been PMing one guy this whole time!

PM me!


[Not that there is anything wrong with you, zacksims123]


Kay well Rexie has been asleep for a while so I better get off.

-MissBerry [Karl the pig]



It's 2:41 in the morning and I just got a fanmial!!!

o_O "WHY HERRO!""You have a great log, Rex should totally marry Rosy!"

"That would be so cooliums!"


Well message back, bye!  :D
Yay!! Thank you Dangoobotchi-lover~

Keep reading!


Okay I have to go.


-MissBerry [Haha 1st!]

I am sickkkk.



I'm all stuffed up with a headache and watery eyes.


Enough about me.

So far this morning Rexie has pooped 2 times.

And he got a star mail.



Hey I think he wants to talk to you.

Hey guys.

Miss B. is sick so she Isn't gonna be doing much today.

By that I mean she will probably be posting non-stop.


But anyways,

I went to school today and I saw Ricky and Rosey.

Ricky evolved into a Shimashimatchi

and Rosey evolved into a Violetchi.

SO beautiful.

I wish I could be her's.

I didn't like her in the beginning

but once we started hanging out

right before she evolved

I saw how nice and pretty she really was.


Gah I am getting carried away.

No Violetchi will want to be with some Gozarutchi.


Oh and Miss Berry found out about my room.

[remember how me and Ricky painted it?]

She was only upset because we painted the room

then we painted our names on the ceiling after we were done

in a different color.

Hahahaha. But I better go.

-Rexie [ :lol: + :) ]


We will have to fix that whole problem in some other post.



MissBerry [slanderous]


Oh hi Rexie! what beings you here?

Well I just wanted to talk you about something...

Oh, okay! come in!

Right...okay err...yeah.

-In Rosey's room-

What did you wanna say?

Well...I have been talking to Ricky lately...

Oh yeah! How is he doing? I haven't seen him since the last day of school!

He is doing great. He came over to my house and we painted my room. It was fun.

Nice! so what about him?

Oh right, Uh well "he" Wanted to know...Who you have a crush on...?

Oh Haha why would he want to know? Hm.. well I don't like him. Only as a friend. I like some one with...sleek moves and He is very swift...almost "ninja" like.

It's that Nazotchi guy isn't it? All the girls like him because he is so secretive...

Nope...but close. I like some one...with a cute name and he is BEST FRIENDS with one of my GOOD FRIENDS.

Billie the Kuchipatchi?? He isn't too swift Rosey.

Ohmigawsh. You don't get it, do you??

Get what?? are you talking in a code of some kind??

I LIKE YOU!!! I have liked you since day 1 and we were tied together with Ricky so we hung out alot! YOU are the ninja like one!! not Billie!!!

o_O ....... Oh...

Haha silly goose. And I already know, by the way, Ricky told me that you liked me!


Oh come off it. Let's date!

-smiles cheesily- Okay...

Pick me up tomorrow at 7 and we will catch a movie. If that's okay with you.

Okay! -kisses Rosey on cheek- See ya then!! -runs out door-

-Blush and giggle-

To be continued...

-MissBerry [Ha!]

Wasn't that last post sweet?

It took me a while, for sure. But it was worth it right??


For some reason Rexie hasn't gotten a job mail yet.

I don't know.


It isn't time for Rosey and Rexie's date yet.

But I will be posting more in between.

I have been reading this one log lately:


FKOD's log =]


And I think it is just FABULOUS!

Read it, It's great.

And of course,

My best friend on here:


Zack's tama log!


It's wonderful!

[He has a tama named after me!!]


Well that's all.

I have a new idea...

That you are not allowed to know about until Rexie has a baby.




-MissBerry [billaBong and FlipFlops]

Guess what!


Rexie got a job!


He is a-


I am a firefighter and the ladies love me.

But that doesn't matter. I am only trying to impress ONE lady.

Oh speaking of that lady,

I need to go pick her up!

Bye Miss B.! I am going on a date!!

Ohmigawdliness they grow up so fast =']

I can't believe it really.


Okay the date will be on the next post.


-MissBerry [datenight!]

Kay, here it is! :

Hi, Rosey!

Hi Rexie! wow you look nice!

Not nearly as nice as you my darling.

Oh Ahahah... -blush-

Let's go catch a movie

-still blushing- Right!...

-after the movie-

Wow, that was scary!!

Don't worry, it's not real.

I have you to protect me as well.

I..I geuss.

Rexie, do you love me?


You don't have to answer.


Oh! There's my house. Call me tomorrow?

Oh yeah! totally!


-runs to door-


-runs back and kisses on cheek-


-runs in house and shuts door-



Well there you go!

I hope you enjoyed it! =]

-MissBerry [YoungLove]

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I am so bored!


Here, I drew a picture for you guys:






I'm so sickkkkkkkkk!



Page 3 please?

No? Fine.


Still no glasses.



-MissBerry [pfft...]
