Mimitchi's Diary


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Feb.18 (cont.)

"What should I do with ten thousand dollars?" Was the topic, er... Hot Topic on my facebook page. Makiko's answer was: "Give them to me!" What an IDIOT. It's not like whatever you don't know about that's awesome, that you should give it to HER! Well, Makiko invited the 7th grade to her house for a crazy bachelor party. I don't want to go, but Lovelitchi, Destiny, Memetchi and Violetchi were going, and what else to do when no friends are around? OK, I'll go. But I'm not going to dance with anyone. I'll be the guitarist/main microphone person. Whatever happens, I'm single. I'm just going to have fun. But, it's tomorrow, so what in the world is going to happen? I mean... life comes in a package of surprises... at least to me. I don't actually know whether others get the same boring life. Maybe I should create a checklist of what Others might do. Wait a sec Diary... OK. Can you, Diary let me write about lives of others for a sec? Ok. Wait.

1. Makiko: Same routine. Schooldays: Arrives late, flunks test, loses pencil, goes to detention, but still has fun. Weekends: Goes to cafe, rollerblades (skates if wintertime), throws a big bash where boys come, Kisses about 12 guys a day, and goes shopping.

2. Destiny: Same routine... ish. Schooldays: Hangs out with Kuromametchi, giving him little kisses behind the lockers, brainiac of the class(acts like one but actually isn't), Lunch Monitor, Hacker (hacks on the computers), and she is very complex. Weekends: Goes on dates with Kuromametchi, Hangs out with me, goes to Makiko's partys, goes to cafe.

3. Memetchi... Loves her hair, is great at schoolwork, but she is nowhere.

4. Violetchi...Picks flowers, a great friend, but spends too much time in her garden.

Diary, I've had enough of writing. Especially about Lovelitchi's life. she's someone like me. I think, it would be reasonable, for her to have a Diary too. Lovelitchi does actually, many things we could compare to eachother. we have lives of no boredom. And she has romance problems with toskatchi.. I hope they don't break up. Well, at least... Tomorrow, I hope the Makiko thing won't ruin her thin layer of love...


Feb 19

So.. Your wondering about the party, arent you diary?

Well.. I didnt go.

I got sick. Like, really sick.

I cought tha FRIGGIN' FLU!


But Mom said that she would let me stay home, watch tv, and eat all the oatmeal I want.

I gladly agreed.

So now, here I am, at home, watching TV, and eating oatmeal.

There was much rejoicing.


~ :mimitchi: is out. Peace!

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Feb 19 (cont)

While biting into my oatmeal sandwich (mmm) I got a text from Lovelitchi. (come here, quick!) So I ran to the place where lovelitchi was. Makiko was holding Toskatchi on the shoulders, massaging his back. Lovelitchi was trying not to scream or swear, since Toskatchi was the calm type. Her face was puffing with anger, so I barfed into my barf bag. I know it doesn't make sense, but guess what I did next? I dumped the oatmeal-barf on Makiko's little purple head with curls. She screamed. After all, Toskatchi was not my boyfriend, in fact, I had none, so nothing was impacted on me. Makiko ripped a peice off Lovelitchi's cute, red, expensive dress and wiped the barf off. She sweared at me, and Toskatchi seemed not to like that swear. Lovelitchi, and i was surprised, did not react to the ripping of her dress. She thanked me for getting her out of a situation. I barfed on the ground. But lovelitchi didn't mention "Yuck." She worshipped the barf, "for getting rid of Makiko." Then, she and Toskatchi walked off, hand in hand. I am now wondering... no... not anymore. Lovelitchi gave me the 10,000 dollars on purpose, and I really deserved it. but somehow, I seemed to want to turn it down... But it would break Lovelitchi's heart. I'm feeling queasy at the moment, wondering why I didn't stay at home, to finish my oatmeal sanwich and NOT barf. But part of me felt like I was a saint for saving my friend's love life. Then why didn't I need a Love Life? Was I just not made for it? well, ta-ta diary, and I'm going to write a nice report of that bitter school tomorrow. Bye.


Feb 20

I'm feeling better than yesterday, and now my temperature lowered to 37 degrees. So, I don't understand why it happened on a weekend instead of a weekday. When I asked Lovelitchi that, she called it a stroke of "Luck". For her, yea. I love oatmeal, but I would rather hang out with friends than oatmeal. Diary, you can't even speak back to me?! Why am I doing this? I guess it's for a clear memory of my past. I'm going to flip back to day one and look- "Dec 26. There is a Mametchi who just moved..." I can't read that day. Mametchi is out of my life. Diary, if I ripped that first page out of you, would it injure you? Well, you're only a book of blank pages that are waiting to be filled in. there are 366 pages in it, but some of my entries are so short they only fit a half page. I have enough time to write, Diary, and if I call the replacement number- here, I'll write it- 866,546,2341. If I called it, they could make you bigger and fit twice the pages. Neat, eh? Well, for now, I'm studying Algebra. A very boring subject, but indeed one that is recommended. X times 20 = ??? Well, I can't seem to solve THAT properly. But Makiko is suffering more than I am. it serves her right. Today, though, the weirdest thing happened. Mametchi came up to me, and was acting really snobby, like Makiko. He punched Lovelitchi in the face, saying: "Why are you talking to Mimitchi? We need to talk with eachother! Get lost, Lovelitchi." Lovelitchi started crying, and she pressed her hands on her bleeding nose. I shoved Mametchi so that he fell onto the floor, and I followed Lovelitchi to the classroom. We had class the same time in Science. Lovelitchi made a nice explosion, but it seemed that when the explosion crossed her bleeding nose, it stopped bleeding. And Kikitchi, who had a broken knee, got it healed. "Wha...?" I stared inside Lovelitchi's beaker. "What did you use, Lovelitchi???" She pointed to a jar with yellow liquid. "I didn't listen, so I followed my instincts." She motioned. I grabbed a mini beaker out of my pocket. I poured a bit of Lovelitchi's surprise substance in. And I closed the rubber lid. I ran to poor Young Mimitchi, who had Brain cancer, and was about to die. I opened a hole into her ear "The fastest way to get to the brain" and poured the liquid in. Young Mimitchi moaned, but didn't say anything. She then fainted... Well, I think she did. If she died... I can't even think about it.


Feb. 21

Today, I tried the old water-bucket-over-a-doorway trick on Mametchi today for revenge on Lovelitchi's bloody nose.

It worked.

After it was done, Lovelitchi yelled at him, "Try messing with us again and see what happens!" and then we high-fived.

And then I yelled, "You are a jerk, Mametchi. You deserved it."

So he didn't tell on us.

OOC:Karelia, I wont be here for the weekend so post as much as u like :p

Jan 22

YM survived! And Lovelitchi and I are now considered BFFS! Well, we tried... Mametchi is now kicking his sneaker laces on the floor. Everytime me and Lovelitchi pass by him, we cackle. He seems mad about it, and I don't regret it. Why should I regret if he's ruining my life? Well, Lovelitchi and \i are going to come up with something that will get mametchi to move away. I don't like having a house next to him. In fact, to get him out of TamaTown into Patchi Forest or something like that might be a better place for him. Mametchi is now acting REALLY violent. He always punches Kuchipatchi in the stomach after Kuchipatchi eats, and when Destiny and Kuromametchi were in the middle of a conversation, he spilled rotten milk on their heads. And toay, when Lovelitchi and I were throwing snowballs at eachother, he smuthered us with tons (literally) of snow. I went in with the frost bite, and probably a broken chest (Mametchi actually stepped on top of us when we were covered.). Lovelitchi and I were mad. VERY MAD. We had to come up with something to stop this violent jerk from ruining our fellow 7th grader's lives. He was becoming mad. as in.. not angry mad, but crazy mad. What to do.. what to do! I'm now pacing around my room. "YM, I need to prepare a revolution." "What?? Big Sister... what are you talking about?" "You're only in elementary, sis. You won't understand." So I lied down on my bed, realizing what magnificent plan arose.


23 Feb.

First things first:

1: Confuse the enemy, gain his trust.

Mission 1 commenced today. Me, Destinee, and Lovelitchi met in my room before school and ate oatmeal. I proposed my plan, and we devised all the tiny details.

Plan 1: begin.

I walked up to Mametchi and gave him a hug and said "Thanks for keeping your promise,"

It confused him a lot.

Mametchi hugged me with a confused look.

Then, I offered him an oat bar.

He ate it, then Lovelitchi gave him a car.

Destiny gave him an invention robot that would help him fix his stuff.

But... Wait a minute. Now that I realize, mametchi may start this ROMANCE thing again.

Well, ill work something.

-Wondering, Mimitchi.

I asked Mametchi what he was doing and he is starting the love thing again uhh thins Is is going to be a lonnng year

At random, I poked him in the shoulder.

"What was that for?"

I sarcastically smiled, scoffed and said,

"It's for being you."

Now I've got him seriously confused.

Ahh.. well, who cares. I have oatmeal and I am happy.


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I think I can make this fun by getting seriusly confused it will be so funny!


Well, 2day i was putting my stuff into my lockers, and Lovelitchi kept passing me little gummies, since I had no snack. She said the gummies were fortified with vitamins. Oh well. It's chewy, though. I love things that i can eat while having fun. Anyways, as I shoved the thick math book in my bag with difficutly, Mametchi came over, pulled me out of the locker, and kissed me. on the lips. ARRGGGH! in front of the entire MIDDLE SCHOOL! Well, Makiko started laughing, and other kids stared. I blushed, then I shoved Mametchi in the locker and slammed it shut. Then, without him knowing, I spat and wiped the kiss off. Then, the middle school laughed. "Nice going, Mimitchi." Lovelitchi whispered. Well, I did have a quick brain, and I AM very agile. So shoving Mametchi out of sight and wiping off his kiss got the middle school to think "Mametchi is a darn love machine!" So I walked home with Lovelitchi, slapping eachother on the backs and doing handshakes. But, what about Mametchi? Well, I'm still wondering, but it's eleven o'clock, so I need to get a good night's rest.


(I'm back from Europe, so sorry for not posting entries. :( )

Feb. 25

Step 2: Keep it up.

Today, I pinned Mametchi to the wall and growled through my teeth. "I don't know if you realize this or not, but this is MIDDLE SCHOOL. Try anything like that again, and I swear to Tama King I will hurt you somehow. Oh and, I don't like you."

He still didnt tell on me. Now to repeat the love/hate sequence over again, and I'm home free.


Dear Diary, Mametchi has sent me countless gifts,inventions,love letters,and... FANCY SOAPS!?!?

I don't get this boy AT ALL! But today, he came over and ate my oatmeal... grrrr that Mametchi!

Makiko might be moving! YAY!!!!!! Sadly, Destiny broke up with Kuromametchi today. he's really

depressed. Well, got to go!


Mimitchi :mimitchi:

OOC: Um, Destiny and Kuromametchi have a pretty good relationship... They can't JUST break up? I mean... Its complicated, but DESTINY AND KUROMAMETCHI WERE MADE FOR EACHOTHER!!!

PS- we'll act like they never did break up. if they did, then multiple posts will do. -_-

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Feb 27

Today, Makiko told us "Good news! I'm NOT leaving!" I screamed in my mind. Well, step 3 formed in my mind.

-Provoke the enemy to a trap

so far, my keeping up made Mametchi bond closer, but our real relationship was way further then what HE thought.

I've fulfilled the following steps:

Step 1: Confuse the enemy and gain his trust

Step 2: Keep it up!

Now, Mametchi is on my side, so we need to test that he'll do WHATEVER we ask him.

I'll get him to drink one of those disgusting anti-oatmeal drinks and see if he actually listens.

So, during lunch break, I cycled to the local store and bought an anti-oatmeal drink.

The lady at the counter, Katiranah,(weird name i know) knew me so she asked: "for such an oatmeal lover, why THAT drink?"

I answered simply: "boyfriend problems" but, as you know, Mametchi is NOT my boyfriend, and NOT close to being it.

I can't tell my real situation, since you know how adults act. (Ex. But thats MEAN!)

Ok, I asked Mametchi to drink up the anti-oatmeal drink. (Keep it in mind, Diary, that if Mametchi drinks this, plan 3 will come into action. Also, Mametchi will stop eating my precious oatmeal.)

Beleive it or not, he actually drank it. If he did that, lets begin step 3.


-G'night diary, Mimitchi

Today, Destiny and Kuromametchi went to the romantic restaurant! Cute!

That Leaves Lovelitchi and I to work on step 3.

My sister Destiny is sometimes very unhelpful...

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Feb 28

I made Mametchi fall into a hole dug by Lovelitchi this recess. We told mametchi to listen to us, so we said...

"Look, I don't like you. No hard feelings, but seriously. I really don't like you. I just can't get why you don't get that. You're smart enough to."

And then, I helped him out and walked away.

He chased me, begging me to stop. But to stop him from chasing me, I stole a little kid's snowball, lifted it and smacked it at his face, then Lovelitchi and I ran for our lives. Kuromametchi and Destiny are getting too lovey.

well, that's all for feb.28, and good night, diary!

March 1

^ Hay look it's march!!!!!!!1!

Today, I've decided to act indifferent to Mametchi. If he thinks he is a big impact in my life, he will either try to kill or fall in love with me. The snows are gone, and it is starting to clear up outside. A little earlier, Lovelitchi and Destiny came over, cuz were gonna have a sleepover tonight! Yay.

~ :mimitchi:

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