Mimitchi's Diary


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Jan 12

I was with Destiny in her car and I saw Makikio and she was actually being nice to me and she thought the car was mine
OOC: the car IS Bridgettes, since Destiny is an adopted member of Bridgette's family, and Bridgette's sister.

OK, I'm giving Mametchi a present so he doesn't feel so bad. Or maybe I should just tell him I like him, I mean he IS

the most popular guy in school so I should probably give him a chance. I really feel bad about breaking his heart. Oh!

Mametchi just gave me a card! It says: Dear Mimitchi, I want you to give me a chance. -Mametchi signed :mimitchi:

Today, Bridgette told everyone she was moving away. I enjoy the popularity thing, but I'm sick of living a lie. Tomorrow I'm ditching the destiny star. She told everyone she was just here to visit Destiny, my "sister," for a couple days. Exactly a month until the dance! I'm also taking my DJ job back. Bought this new vampire-ish makeup just for fun. Wearing it to school tomorrow for laughs. I look silly in it, but idk what's gonna happen with it.

I really shouldn't give Mametchi a chance. I mean, he's ruined my life, and if Makiko sees us together, she's gonna ruin my life too!

I'll have Makiko give him the present, so she doesn't suspect anything. She thinks I'm doing it to be a matchmaker or something, which is also partly the truth. It will get them both off my back, and when Makiko's happy, everybody's happy. And by happy I mean I-am-eating-oatmeal-right-now-happy.

I love oatmeal. <3

(Nobody finds out Mimitchi is Bridgette.)



ok I left everyone today just to get everything out of my head cuz I really needed a holiday anyway so I will come back in maybe a few days as Mimitchi again really hope things don't get to crazy when I go back I hope I don't ave to deal with Mametchi again

hope to see how it goes!


bye :mimitchi:

Today, Bridgette told everyone she was moving away. I enjoy the popularity thing, but I'm sick of living a lie. Tomorrow I'm ditching the destiny star. She told everyone she was just here to visit Destiny, my "sister," for a couple days. Exactly a month until the dance! I'm also taking my DJ job back. Bought this new vampire-ish makeup just for fun. Wearing it to school tomorrow for laughs. I look silly in it, but idk what's gonna happen with it.

I really shouldn't give Mametchi a chance. I mean, he's ruined my life, and if Makiko sees us together, she's gonna ruin my life too!

I'll have Makiko give him the present, so she doesn't suspect anything. She thinks I'm doing it to be a matchmaker or something, which is also partly the truth. It will get them both off my back, and when Makiko's happy, everybody's happy. And by happy I mean I-am-eating-oatmeal-right-now-happy.

I love oatmeal. <3

(Nobody finds out Mimitchi is Bridgette.)

Jan 13

Well, I saw Mametchi today. and he was talking to me. He said to me: "Do you know Mimitchi?" "Yes" I said. "Well, wherever she is, tell her that I'm sorry for what I did." and with that, Mametchi walked away. Destiny and I looked at eachother and puffed up into giggles. Makiko then came up to me and said: "Brigitte, let's go to the cafe! I want to show all my friends what an awesome role model you'd be." She motioned to her rollerskates, the diamond-encrusted ones, and said: "Be my guest." I thought she was going to trick me into tripping and bleeding, but instead I did not fall at all. Wow! Makiko was being NICE to ME! I couldn't beleive it. Destiny winked at me and we rollerbladed away. If Mametchi wanted me back, it was OVER for us. 7th grade popularity is not hard to define!


P.S The reason it's over with us is because he is ruining my life. I'd do better without him.
it says jan 13

Jan 14 (cont)

Makiko was talking to me. she bragged about how her porche was made out of gold. Wow. I liked Destiny's limo, but her porche was the prettiest car by far that I've ever seen. Makiko then welcomed me to the "Rich teens club" where everyone there was rich. well, I fit in, but half of me was still Mimitchi, the old me. I was not minding Mametchi, in fact, I didn't care about him, but I would take a while to get used to this crazyness. Destiny, my friend, Destiny, was getting used to the sweetness of this life. (Well, if you took away Kuromametchi from her, then she'd feel the same) Saying that, Diary, is not because Mametchi is taken away, but because my previous life was so different. Makiko couldn't make me any happier, since she used to be my enemy. I will take a long time to get used to it. BTW, tonight's the dance! The Valentine's dance! Should I be Mimitchi or Bridgette? If I were Mimitchi... then Mametchi would be my partner. If I were Bridgette... Who knows which hot bachelor will try on me! Tonight, Bridgette is going to rock this partyyy! Todayyy's... Valentine's day!!! Well, in elementary we did card that had a design like:




╚══`. you. but this year, we had a dance. and the Rich teens club (RTC) is super-awesome!



(cont please)
This also says January... uhhh..

This also says January... uhhh..
I dont know, but before, if you look, ther's february??? how about lets start from feb. 1st ok? and lets pretend that Mimitchi JUST became Bridgette, then we can continue on.

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You know that the recent photo on Tama High's newspaper of the cutest couple is... (drumroll) Lovelitchi and Toskatchi! But, I know that Lovelitchi is not as snobby as I thought. When I last recently talked about her, diary, remember she was designing top outfits? and she was invited to the RTC, but Lovelitchi sure felt like me. So... That's the update diary.

Feb 14, the evening dance

Lovelitchi was dancing with Toskatchi, after they got voted cutest couple. After the slow dance, Toskatchi ran to join his friends. But instead of going to the RTC, Lovelitchi went to me and said: "Mimitchi, I have to confess something." I looked lovelitchi in the eye. "Yes?" "Well, as you may not know, I was the least popular, worst, and most horrible person in my old elementary/high split. Everyone bullied me. So I needed to start a new life, too. I went to this school. Mimitchi, I knew you were Bridgette, because you acted like yourself. But, I know what you feel. I dont need to be best buddies or anything like that with you, but you and I are in the same situation. Look at the dress I designed for you." I looked at the glittering, purple dress. The fabric was nice, but the sewing was done in a horrible manner. "My parents are rich... but I was never as good and never qualified as anything. When I turn 25 and leave, I wont get a share of their money. They said I'm not suited. I can't do anything right. I feel left out." I said to Lovelitchi: "I'm not rich myself, either. Destiny and I work on the streets to earn money. We can, though, teach you how to be efficient in sewing, if you like." Lovelitchi winked at me. "and I'll bring fabrics to teach with!" So, maybe if Lovelitchi and I just met eachother, we may get along properly. I feel sorry for Lovelitchi, for being left out. But I'm just trying to help, so why dont I?


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Feb. 15

Rising to popularity.. It is fun.

I got a few new friends, and I wore the makeup today.

It was friggin' AWESOOME!!

Everyone was laughing, I had like, 5 people sit with me at lunch today, what a great day!

Signed, :mimitchi:

Feb 16

Am I dreaming? Lovelitchi was nicer than everyone would think she'd be. Not surprised, but still a bit confused. Lovelitchi and I got along well, and Mametchi is a bit of a heart-broken jerk. Well, diary, I need to go to Lovelitchi's Birthday party! I brought her a dress I sewed myself.


(cont please)

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I also signed up for the talent show next month. I think I'm going to do a comedy skit. It isnt all about dancing and singing, you know.

I like oatmeal.


Signed, :mimitchi:

Feb. 16, Lovelitchi's party

Well, tonight's Lovelitchi's bday party! I hope she likes the awesome dress! The fabric was not the richest kind, but I'm sure Lovelitchi would like it. Lovelitchi is a great actor too! I wonder if she and Destiny want to participate with me for the skit? And I'm happy that this time, my fame is real. No Bridgette to lie around foolishly. Destiny still didn't give up her tamaform. She has to stay as a dazzilitchi with red hair. I have to keep it in good condition, since if I don't, and I ask Mametchi to repair it, the romance thing might start again. And THAT is definately not going to happen. Lovelitchi, today, had more of a bash with pass-the-package games and throwing popcorn in the air for us to catch it in our mouths. Makiko and her snobby friends didn't want to do it, since they said it was "rude" but they offered to straigten up Lovelitchi's wardrobe. (I personally think they did that to steal Lovelitchi's stuff, since she was rich. Richer than THEM, at least.) Well, I played the silly games that Lovelitchi offered, and they were actually pretty fun. After Lovelitchi and I became pros at popcorn, we threw gummi bears. They were sticky, but good. :) Memetchi and Violetchi were invited, too, but arrived later because they had skating class. Well, when Lovelitchi received her presents, she received a diamond bracelet, necklace and matching earrings. (from Makiko) From Memetchi, she got rollerskates. "Wow! they're the sports kind! My parents always wanted the tight, white, expensive ones. THANK YOU MEMETCHI!" She hugged Memetchi. Makiko rolled her eyes and whispered: "She does a big deal over those cheap rollerskates, and not over my expensive gift? Pshaw." And her gang laughed. Ringotchi, a member of Makiko's gang, gave her a heart purse with pink rhinestones on it. and Inside, pure velvet. Lovelitchi looked at her cotton one and shoved ringotchi's present inside it. And then she received the present from Violetchi. A basket, made out of flowers (fake ones) that Violetchi claimed "To put picnic stuff in it." Lovelitchi, once again, said that her parents would always want to buy her those tiny things that fit only a sandwich. So she hugged Violetchi. And when it came to the time she opened mine, Lovelitchi exclaimed: "Did you make this yourself, Mimitchi???" I nodded. She said again: "This is the prettiest design I've ever seen! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Mimitchi!!!" Makiko this time whispered: "God, look at the fabric of that thing. its ugly. She may sew well, but THAT SUCKS." I took notice of this, so I went right up to Makiko and spat: "You can't sew that good! yea, and I'll never teach you after whart you just said!!" Makiko's face scrunced up, but she let it go. "Sorry, Mimitchi." Then, Lovelitchi handed out the goody bags. In mine, I had an MP3 player with a bunch of CDs from stars. Makiko seemed to get something different. Anyways, Diary, tomorrow's Sunday, so I'm going rollerblading with Destiny and Lovelitchi.

- Good night, Diary.


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OOC: I thought they were in 7th grade but ok..

Feb. 17

Meh burfdai, it is a comin' up!

Like, in a week!


*eats oatmeal*

(mouthfull) Yeah, that should shut me up.


okay here goes..

So anywayss...

im just goin crazy in my room like any other normal teenager would do. Mametchi's probably wondering WTC is going on next door. Hi-Larious!

i throw my hands up in the air sometimes

sayin ayyo

i forgot the words.


I is a very good drawerer. I draws stuff.

See, there's me!! :mimitchi:

I am SUCH an artist.

OOC: they are in 7th grade, when did i mention not?

Jan 17 (cont.)

I'm rollerblading with Lovelitchi and Destiny. Destiny is a show-off. She keeps doing tricks, but keeps falling. FAIL. Well, Lovelitchi bumped into... MAKIKO!! And Makiko fell, and her 2000$ rollerblades chipped. "AAAHHH! My expensive Tama Dazzi-artist designer rollerblades! CHIPPED!" She punched Lovelitchi square in the face and left her bleeding, on the sidewalk. I picked up Lovelitchi, and brought her to the cafe. I ordered a bucket of ice cubes and a water bottle. I cleansed Lovelitchi's bleeding figure, and then applied some ice cubes. Then, Lovelitchi drank the water to cool down. "Thank you, Mimitchi." she whispered. I bandaged her head with gauze to prevent infection and then I brought her to my house. "Want some oatmeal?" I offered. Instead of being like Makiko, Lovelitchi agreed the bowl and ate a mouthful. "Itch goodch!" (try pronouncing this) Well, I taught Lovelitchi her first sewing lesson, and then when she had successed, I told her to meet me tomorrow, after school. Well, Lovelitchi left, and Lovelitchi left a note on my desk: "Here's what I owe you for everything." and enclosed the envelope, 10,000 dollars.- :mimitchi:

P.S= my birthday is on the 24th Feb, OK? Don't forget, Diary!

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Febuary 18

So today, I got a Facebook. On the first five minutes of it's existance, I got 7 friend requests, 5 comments, and a new layout. Fun!

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