Marshmellow Delights


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Nyu. Needs more... Oovf. Or hoomvff?

Boy, I think I hatched half the pets already. Lol. I haven't been into a game THAT much in a while. Not even pokemon... Ironic as pokemon games are my favorite. I haven't broke it out again today... I figured I'd wait for a bit to wake up. Talk about Stylus happy. The whole game works by Stylus... Except the pause button....

Oh speaking of the little angel... She'd love it. Steal my DS from me and just play it forever.

I had my HUGE Sunny Daze out yesterday..... Its huge. and WHITE not pink...purple or whatever the "I can talk!" Sunny Daze is... Changing all the white pony to be pink colored ponys is kinda annoying. I think my neice would be very un happy if I showed her the "G3" Applejack.... she, for a short time was RED-ish pink with green hair... She has always been Yellows and more yellows.... I think Applejack is becoming a favorite of her's too. Oh this quickly turned into a color change paragraph...


Nothing really changed for my IDL or Nano....

OH ya! Ringtones baby! People aren't going to like the MLP ringtones...

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Ahhhh.... What a day.

(IDL) Potato has all his happy stamps but the last one. Hopefully I will wake up and marry him early in the morning. He been a happy Potato.

Lovelitchi is a drama queen. La Gasp!

I got a new pony today! Pinkie Pie! I'm in love with all her songs she breaks out of no-where... Since Rainbow Dash is hiding in a single pack.... I got Pinkie.

I made ring tones for my phone of Zecora and Cupcakes.... But I haven't set them to anything yet. I don't think they are loud enough. I almost saved the Derpy one above, but... I think that'd be too long as a ring tone.

Potato Married today....with a girl that looked like she had bubblegum balls on her head. (Purples/Pinks) Then hatched a girl who grew into Kingytchi... Something like that. The cutie with a fishbowl on her head. Ironically, the first time I had her. She is so cute... I want to keep her a bit longer. I gotta keep with this girl... Maybe I'll get lucky and... Melodytchi will come forth.

Lovelitchi... Humm. Nearing reset perhaps? But I don't know.... Maybe I'll tab my Nano. With me not really playing much with it............... I might. I play with it as a baby, the game because it effects the growth. Other then that, I haven't or don't... Maybe once in a day or two. Not often.

People are testing me I swear. I should sick Pinkie Pie on them.... Or at least the random music.

I forgot something yesterday. Was at my sister's house... I had my "possible ring tones" on my phone. I told the younger niece of the two she had a phone call and totally played the cupcakes song for her. She was grinning. I'm not sure if it weirded her out or if she really liked it. My other niece over there would have claimed my phone as her own. (and would have continued playing cupcakes and the Zecora song over and over.)

It was a good day... Oddly enough. Did a few things I feel good about, others ... I said one thing at once I might regret... Oh well. Karma will do well for me the next few days I guess because of it.

Maybe I will finally get my Melodytchi? Hummmmms. I think I missed my little pineapple girl 2 times.......... I guess it was a good day to not pay too much attention to her. I might go for one more since its 2/3 misses. I might have had two, but I might not have... I don't think she called when she was bored... Its pretty simple to not feed them for a miss. Play tons of games, ignore the fact they might be getting hungry.

Then... I tabbed up my Nano for now. I didn't feel too bad doing it late night since I didn't feel so connected to Lovelitchi. She was cute but, I really just want my IDL on for now. I'll turn on my Nano again sometime later. Glad I didn't end up buying another one..... That would be one just sitting around and one that might be played with.

I almost got these neat stickers. I was thinking they'd look cool on my IDL, on the back. I decided not to since I haven't used that brand before. That and the design I wanted was White... not another color. Kinda the point to put color on it with those stickers for me. It wasn't something you could change it's color... not easily anyway.

OH! GUESS WHA???!!! 30 days! 29 since this one is near over.... Bin! (Tama Profy) 60 for IDL 15, or 59 if today is near over..... um is. Blah.

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Crap.... I went one care miss too far. :rolleyes: Oh well, I like the LunLun character too. hehehe. Figures. Oh well, atleast I know it possible for me to get more care misses then a few... I'm normally in the another branch if I get 2 or more...

I've been playing today. With Fancy Thread and not really fabric to cross stitch on..... But atleast the character looks pretty close. I traced the picture and went for it... I do better free handing though. I found an image of Milk from Yes! Precure 5/GoGo. I'm not sure what I am going to do with it yet... Its done... That took a good chunk of the day.

Um... I think I have unlocked half or more then half of my Fantasy Petz Magical Night game... Got most of the favorite down... I would share but it seems like it'd be wasting time as nobody else has.... That and the game says that all the pets are unique in what they like.................... Could be just in the game type... I don't know, but I'd rather take pictures, that could take forever too.

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Ya... Yesterday I was sorta busy so... sorry, nyao.

Nothing too major happend with my IDL since it was the only tama at the time on. She was a happy camper yesterday.

Today... I was saying my good morning... and note my time it gets its 48 hour happy stamp... is somewhere in an hour of time... Fun part of it was, low battery once it started jumping around. *Facepalm* Why? I thought it was going to get low battery sometime soon about the same time it downloaded back to.... I didn't change it until a bit ago. So now I'm hours behind change now. Probably not until tonight...... EH. So much for my early change again...

So, to spur off my wait for my tama to sleep... so I can know when it will change.... blah blah blah... I turned on my Celeb tama. Cool and all, but I was expecting to download my last family. Nope. It sat idle long enough without power that the save file was gone. Ooops. Oh well, Forced me to start fresh. Atleast I didn't have to reset it myself. Its sad that this one was on like 28 generations. Time for anew.

Note to self.... Change the battery when you think the batteries are getting low. Its a pain in the butt to wait for the same time you just slept through....

Winter Wrap up.... Drool. I'm totally watching it right now, on the TV. Muuhahahahaha!

Ya, I didn't log yesterday.... Boo me. My LuLun character had a baby girl yesterday. After my fulty battery death... It reset my time back and all that fun stuff... Now she is a pineapple girl...

OMG yay! I love TV ponys.... Love... I rarely watch anything on the TV... let alone the hub. hahahaha.

Oh and my Celeb battery died yesterday morning. Whoop. I need to stock more batteries..... obviously...

Don't poke.... stab yourself with a straight pin. Jeeze that hurt. Did that last night trying to make a special pouch for my IDL... In the end, I didn't like how it came out. I might cover the edge around where I sorta screwed it up. (and hurt myself) Those who sew know you need your thumb more then you'd think. I'll keep trying, I know I want to make a few. I just need to figure out a better way to do it.

IDL has some awesome news today.....!!!!

I got Melodytchi! Finally, after 22 gens, Whoooop! I woke up and boom, finally! I'm not sure how long I will keep her, but I love the fact I have her now!

Meanwhile, on to more pouch making and hopefully no more poking myself.

Watching Sanctuary Season 1, Disc 2, Episode 2... Nubbins. Furbys on ... stuff. Lol. That is random isn't it... I wonder if they did that on purpose....?

Melodytchi is having a blast today. Went to the Henshin place, took some time dressed up then went back to normal. But man, I finally got her.

I'm not sure what type of pouch I'm making yet.... I don't know what colors I have. Then I have some stuff for cross stich or something like that I might do. I know I'll save some for the Tama-Profy. I'm almost certain I want to buy one. I just hope they aren't hugely rare or get expensive...

I decided to keep Melodytchi for another day. (Today) but I'm not sure when ToMo I will marry her. She has the Blue puff ball as a pet.

I was in my anime store showing the owner my IDL and I know she speaks Japanese... but I'm unsure if she reads it. I had to turn it on since it was off again... Then as I turned it on, it started talking or calling for me. I don't know if it was random, a miracle or what... but I was thinking *Read it, Read it, Read it!!!!* She didn't read it... I could have asked her, but I didn't. Maybe she did read it, but not to me. I wish I could read some of this stuff.

Welp, yesterday Melodytchi married the cute teddy dude with a hat.... Had a boy. Grown to Happyboytchi, I'm on my way to Kikitchi. 2 misses (On purpose) New character either way now. Whoo. Now I put my little guy to bed so there isn't anymore care misses. I will set it back a few hours when I go to bed then I won't miss it in the morning. Well will have a less likely chance anyway.

I'm Free stitching Princess Celestia right now... Just on a plastic thing. I'm only on the lines for her right now. Not even starting to color the rest of her. Hopefully I will get to do that soon. Its not that far off though. The fun part is all the thread I need to use on it. I guess I should have yarn, but that kinda takes the cuteness from it. Or at least my vision for it...

MLP:FIM, Meme, Crazy, and probably shouldn't be searched by young children on the internet. And NO, You Can Not Has a Cheezebuger! You can has a Cupcake though!

I have Kikitchi! This guy is being a bit shy when I try to take a picture of him.

Using my "camera" or not so great memory box that records 1 second in time... I am glad I never paid tons of money for it. Like $10? I don't know... It was random. I use my phone camera WAY more often since I can just email the images, which is better then the camera... which supposedly has the same mega pixels.... pufft. My phone sees you moving *Slow shift* Freeze!

*Eye shift* Its almost like I am spamming... but in my own log. Muuhahaha.... *Cough*

This is my MLP:FIM herd right now.... by NO means is this my whole collection. That would be insane to post all of them. Then again, that COULD be fun.....


Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are my newest ones. (Fluttershy was springtime special, Rainbow Dash lights up) (Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia)

MY Sunnydaze! Mine! She is huge for a plush. Twice the size of a normal pillow. She isn't purple... She isn't Pink.... she is White like she should be. They had a Pinkie Pie too. They had a slightly smaller Rainbow Dash too I think too...


OMG, I forgot to mention!!! We are getting Canterlot stuff!!!! YAYS! I went to our Target to find empty shelf/hanger thingys... This time I read the tags, "Canterlot Sisters Luna and Celestia" Then ones with labels saying pony w/ Dvds or the Dvd of episodes 2/3. I've seen both in another Target with Canterlot already. Now to get Applejack, Cherrilee and Lily.... I'm assuming certain ones came out (in singles) with Canterlot.... (Not listed...)I saw so many cuties already.... Drool much. Light up Princess Luna in a Castle... *Excessive Drool* Somepony bit me again.

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My fello Bronys. Dude.

I am feeling very spamming right now. Sorry.

I really want a MLP:FIM digital pet... Why don't they make like 20? I will buy them all... Each Character, Regardless they are the same games.... Lol. (Probably not but I would have multiples)

Oh, Kikitchi got his favorite stuff already. hahaha. I didn't even look at my cheat sheet this time. Fish and Chips in the restaurant. Underwater Goggles in the dress up. (From Tama Depa) then the Car! Extra cute... Also from the Depa. I have all the items... I need more items? I might make some more... I don't know yet.

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Kikitchi is going to marry today! Whoop! Its going to be special I know it. Someone leeched out some of the special places.... NUUU. They look too epic! I want to visit now... I wonder when they unlock.

I think Kikitchi from the IDL would look awesome as an Emoticon here. Exp when he is super excited. Can't edit what isn't yours though.... But that would look so cute!

I added another pony to my collection. AppleJack. I will take a picture sometime soon. I have a feeling I am going to get another one (or something) of MLP today. Man, 3 ponys this week.... I've got it horribly. I have the first set unoffically now. They looked funny at first, but now I'm totally in love with them.

Two days eh? oops. Welp. Kikitchi had a boy. He has grown to Harunitchi I think... I think I'm going to get Mametchi tonight. He should change pretty soon.





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I got Mametchi like I thought I would. Marrying him ToMo in the morning... I was looking at the chart, there is more girls on the IDL. Puuffft. Whatever. That just means more care misses are needed.

Meanwhile, I am sitting here on my near dead myspace account listening to my music playlist... I think I've had this playlist basically for a year now. I did add and remove some songs... But basically the same as they were. Some of the songs really talk to me when I listen to them. I need to find the mp3 versions of them and burn myself a CD already.

I went back to GPX I think... Trying to get this Mewtwo again. I'm not sure if I will hang again after I get him. I'm almost to the 100 of Charizard, Blastoise and Venesuar... Oh screw the type. Jeeze. Add it to your dictionary foxyfire. Probably spelt them wrong, but I am not caring this moment anyway. I know people on my friend list I added don't seem to be active much anymore... Or who of you is who on there. They have a new scavenger hunt thingi btw... I kinda like it. People don't realize you need to hatch the egg first. On the same day as the task, and level it to whatever..........or whatever specific thing it asks for. 2/3 isn't bad. I wasn't about to hatch a million eggs yesterday. That was crap... Easy to level though.

I still can't make up my mind. I'm sorry.

Prince Mametchi is here. hahaha. That dude is so cute ridin' his "little pony" I think I will record him. Maybe I'll unlock more stuff. Lack of update stuff.... Eh.


Half tempted to turn on a v1 or my v2... Probably one of my V1s... People inspire me to do so... but I'm not sure if I have a battery, let alone going to run it more then the hour it takes from baby to toddler. I don't know. Maybe I'll run one of my first v1s.

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Greetings. Salutations... and all that crap. Yay! Um... *Cough* I've been going to GPX first the past few mornings. I think I like clicking again. I KNOW tons of Tamatalkers are on it too... Why I only have a few on my friend list is confusing. I do that so we can all click our fellow Tamatalkers. I got my Mewtwo... I am pondering if I should take advantage of the 2 explorations this month and do it again or one of the others. I doubt I'll do another one, mewtwo drove me kinda nuts the 9/10th part. (Gen 1 starters to lv 100, 2500 clicks.) Although I will admit I was raising the starters as I went and made it so much easier/quicker. BTW, Use your Pokewalkers for the new scavenger hunts dude... MUCH easier if you frequent click. Must remember an egg first must it be in your possession.


SO, Prince Mametchi. All his happy stamps... as he is pretty simple to please. I've gotten Mametchi many times. By now, if I didn't know his stamp worthy stuff... I should head-to-wall myself.

I was trying to decide which V1 to turn on. (I DID, scary) I put a battery in each one of them... To find all of them had Ichigotchi..... uhhm... The not ichigotchi. I know they switched that one a few times. *Eye shift....* The fun part was choosing which one to keep the battery in. I choose my Purpleish pink with swirls. You know... I didn't check my white one I decorated... It probably was an ichigotchi impostor too... I figured if I reset them anyway, it would be the same. I figured I should just skip baby stage.

The next fun thing about my V1 I left on... About 5 minutes on and moving about the screen. It fell alseep... I facepalmed. Then turned off the light for it. I'll let it sleep for a bit then change the clock. It needs to age anyway... It says its 1, but I'm not sure how old it probably is since its been so long for this one....


Prince Mametchi is now 4. He can marry now too... I'm not sure why I haven't married him yet though. Its getting to be evening time... Maybe ToMo... One thing about him is he always seems to want games and fun.

Meanwhile, I'm watching Ninja Warrior. Japanese with subs. Then sometime I figure I will break down and watch some more My Little Pony I've been wanting to watch. Maybe Today's with more Princess Luna... She is suppose to be back. Maybe Pinkie Pie will "go off" again. (Sing/be hyper) *Forever......... Unquote. Lol.

I'm hungry...... Nuuuuu! But I ate a yummy lunch.

Niiiii! I haven't finished the Sailor Saturn Liv doll dress yet. HO My Goshs.... Must... The Obitsu an other Livs dolls wanna see it complete.... Not to mention, many of you guys. 2 Obitsu and 3 Liv Dolls. Lots of dolls in the house though... But not as.... Flexible. I will die if I find a Volks doll somewhere in here, It is rumored there is one here... put "away" I do hope so.

-I'm in a pony kinda mood, excuse me-

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