I laughed when I fell down the stairs 10 minutes ago. I was trying to go up. xD THAT'S how it works... uh, chibi... childe. xD AND IF YU STILL DON'T GET IT, HERE ☆ Me: *grabs a spade, digs a really deep hole, crawls into the hole, then buries self* ☆ GETTIT?!! xD And I'm bored, so imma just write a skit here. ☆ Candy: OMG I SWEAR THAT I JUST SAW A SPACESHIP!!!!! Kiko: Yeah right. Lucy: I'd consider believing you, but I'm not that gullible. Candy: NUUU LOOK!!!! UP DERE!!!!! *points to an aeroplane* See?!! Flashing lights!! Kiko: Candy, that's a plane. Lucy: That's what they all say. WAIT I'M CONFUSED! Candy: ... OKIE, SO WUT IF IT IS A PLANE?!! IT COULD BE A... A... SPACESHIP THAT LOOKS LIKE A PLANE!!!! Kiko: Yeah right. Lucy: OMG!! *they all get abducted by aliens* Candy: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! I WAS RIGHT!!!! TOLD YU SO!!!! Kiko: *groans* ☆ YU'RE WELCOME. xD