.:.Kuromametchifan123's Tama Log.:.


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I disappear for a week and when I come back, my log has nearly 4,000 views! :D Sorry for not updating, we were wrapping up the first quarter of school this week, I was working super hard for all A's and guess what I got? STRAIGHT A's ON MY REPORT CARD FOR THE FIRST QUARTER!! :D We get a day off from school today, I'm not sure what it's for. Okay, enough about me, lets talk tamas!


Just as I was about to take new pictures, my camera showed the low battery sign and shut off. Thankfully, I took pictures last night so I have those. :) It was raining hard here last night, it was raining in Tama Town also. :p


Akemi and I decided to make the most of the weather by heading to Forest Falls.







She did the same animation that she would do while taking a bath, I should try taking her when she's dirty and see if she takes a bath. I think i'll try that. :)


The Banks family evolved into the smart family teens yesterday, they evolved into adults this morning.



Since I fail at bonding,when I press C, the family makes a confused face. :p


They evolved into (In order from the above picture) Hatsugotchi, Lovezukintchi and Watatchi, they're all cute. :3

-Nicole, Akemi and the Banks Family

Sorry for not updating yesterday, my parents and I were watching movies and stuff. :)


I can't find the charger for my camera but I know where my Dad's over complicated-giant-lens camera is, I'll use that until I find my charger. The only problem I have with it is all of the buttons on it, my camera is simple XD. Meh, I'll figure it out. ;) Aside from that, the most Akemi and I have done today so far is get breakfast. I think it's time to get her married, she's just so cute! :3 I'll update later with that and pictures. I have a great idea for a girl name, not so much for boy names. XD


The Banks family has 30% for their family bond, my record for not changing the time. :p They haven't done much eaither-I never took pictures of them as adults did I? I'll do that when Akemi gets married today. ;)

-Nicole, Akemi and the Banks family

YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES YES!!!!!!!!!! I found my camera's charger! I tried taking a picture of my iD-L with my Dad's camera, that didn't come out very well cause I can't figure out how to turn off the flash. @.@ I have a few pictures of Tamagotchi that I drew from my Dad's camera until mine is finished charging. :) I drew these yesterday... (No signature yet because my Mom wants to frame them and put it on the bookshelf. I was shocked too, she thinks they look cute :3)


The outfit change of Meloditchi...


Moritchi/Tamamoritchi and...


Lovelitchi with her outfit change. :)

Do you like them? :)

And just as I posted above, my log hit over 4,000 views!! CELEBRATION TIME!!! I hurried back to photobucket and made a banner complete with sparkly stars. :p


And free cupcakes and balloons for everyone... :p



Thanks so much everyone!! :D



Why am I updating every other day? I try to update every day but it's not working out right now. :p



Akemi and I decided to try cucumber that we grew a few weeks ago, she liked it. :)


Afterwards, we walked down to the matchmaker for an overdue visit. :p






It was a tough decision but we chose the guy in the cool hat. :p



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And...IT"S A BOY! His name is Koichi wich means happiness. :)


He just evolved into a fruit basket like toddler, fruitspatchi is it?


Left my v5 at home with empty stats and guess what? I got the petite family for the first time! LOL!



I still fail a bond percentage. XD I have enough of it to get the closeup when I push C though. :)


Haha, one of the little animations of the petite family is seeing how tall it is, it jumps to reach the top of the scale. :p


I'm gonna find the code to change them back, I'll get them married soon or- OMG EXPERIMENT TIME! I wonder if I get the Mame family babies if I marry my mame family girl as a petite family child? I'll have to try that!

-Nicole, Koichi and the Banks Family

Oh my gosh, I kind of disappeared didn't I? Long story short, unexpected 10 hour road trip to my Grandma's house with my parents and brother without WiFi. Good news is I finished my idea for Bandai America's create a Tamagotchi contest at like 2 am last night. XD I woke up at 7 am today somehow to start filing out the submit form, it took me 2 hours. @_@ Funny news is I was flipping through the Wall Street Journal on Friday when I came across an article about Bronies (Combo of Bro and Ponies)to all of the FiM fans out there! :) I took a picture with my iPod, i'll have to upload that and post it here. Enough rambling, lets log!



What adult character do I have currently?Well...


Speedo goggles guy, aka Sunopotchi!


I forget exactly how many care misses I gave Koichi,he was a Happabouyatchi as a teen.


Closeup! I think I'll have more time to post the rest of my post with my v5 and my recently started up Music Star a bit later or tomorrow, I have an essay for social studies to finish typing. :)

-Nicole and Koichi

The new Tama Talk looks great, thanks Admin! :) Sorry for not updating, I had an essay and a bunch of other things due.( And I got them all in if you're wondering ;) ) I was browsing eBay when I saw the new iD-L 15th Anniversary edition! I love the purple, I keep looking at it. :p I think I'll ask for it for Christmas along with a pink Tama Profy. Oh, and Mimitchi is on this tama as a raisable character!Pictures (found these on the internet, credit to whoever's pictures these are :) ):




Okay, lets log!


Only news with my iD-L today. :blink: Koichi got married around 10 am this morning to a Lovelitchi.





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And it's a boy! So cute! :3


Bye Koichi!





So cute, he looks like a little potted plant. :3 I named him Haru which means sunshine or springtime. :) He hasn't evolved yet, I'll post when he does!

-Nicole and Haru

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Woah, I just got on TT mobile, everything is so different! :p Sorry if I have typos, I'm on my iPod. :) No pictures tonight, I just missed my Tamagotchi's bedtime by almost an hour. :/

I'm looked at the iD-L 15th Anniversary listings on eBay, they're going for $100 or more right now, I'm totally disappointed about that. >.< I hope the prices go down before December, I really want one now.


Yesterday, Haru evolved into the toddler that looks like a tree, I didn't get a chance to take pictures. Today, he evolved into who I've dubbed "Tennis Guy" cause' he's wearing a visor. XD His actual name is Hanikamitchi but I probably won't remember that. XD He was really quiet all day, I gave him two care misses, I'm aiming for Kuromametchi. I hope I won't get Mametchi, I'm pretty sure I gave him two. :unsure: If I do get Mametchi, I think it would be the third one I've had, I want a new character. :)


I got the Petite Family again, wonderful. I left my v5 downstairs alone until 10:30 am this morning, they must have evolved then. Wait a second, I didn't post a picture of my v5 currently did I? I'll have to do that when I change them back. ;)

-Nicole, Haru and the Banks Family

It's storming outside here, I'm supposed to be asleep but the rain is hitting my window really loudly. T_T No pictures as I'm on my iPod and Snapbucket is doing something strange where it rotates my pictures upside down. :/


Mametchi. I knew I should have given him one more care miss, I wasn't sure of I gave him two or not. Rawr. We redecorated his living room today to a modern artsy like theme, I like it. I actually went back to the default background for a few minutes as well as the bubble one then deciding against it. I'll *hopefully* have a picture of it tomorrow, along with Haru being his cute Mametchi self. :3

-Nicole and Haru

I'm super excited!Why? Well remember Bandai America's create a product contest for a few weeks ago? Well I entered and I got past the first round today!!!!Yay!!! I hope I win, I worked really hard on it. :) I have pictures today with my camera of all of my Tamas. I'm still checking the iD-L 15th version listings on eBay, turns out they're all on pre-order so they won't be $100+ for long. ;) It comes out on the 23rd (From what i've heard) so i'll check it more often after it comes out to see if the prices go down some.


Haru as an adorable Mametchi and our new living room background:


And outside it's all afternoon like. :)


We took a trip to the Tama Mori for exactly no reason at all as we didn't buy anything. :p After that, we headed to the Tama Depa and bought some seeds.






I didn't get a picture of him watering the plant, my camera was being slow. :rolleyes:


I wonder what it will grow into? After that, we walked to Forest Falls to relax. :)



Haru seemed to enjoy it. :)

-Nicole and Haru

Hey everyone! Sorry for not updating, I had two tests to study for. Great news is, I got new downloads for my iD-L from this topic: https://tama-zone.com...pic=24523&st=90 on Tama-Zone. :) And, I have 3 videos of me trying out new games from it. :D And, I made a PhotoBucket album specifically for the videos that you can see here: https://photobucket.com/KMF123


This is my iPAQ, the PDA like thing from 2002 that I use to send downloads to my iD-L. It's charging on its little cradle thing. :p


First, I decided to send a game called Pashalin Camera. (Pashlin is TamaMoritchi's camera/pet kind of like Lovelitchi's cell phone Terulin. :) )LOL, seeing TMGC on the screen made me happy. XD




And it's asking me to delete a game from my collection to make room...


I chose this one, it's a matching game called Furwa Garden. :)



Whooo! New game! :D Okay here it is! I epicly failed at this game, TamaMoritchi looked shocked. XD To play, you press the A button repeatedly, it was kind of hard because I was attempting to focus my camera also. Turn your volume up on your computer to hear the beeping from my Tama on all of the videos, they're super quiet! And this is me playing it: (I'm not sure if this will work or not)

(They aren't working, I have no idea why. I can't seem to delete them from this post either.Try just going to my Photobucket album to watch them, here's the link: https://photobucket.com/KMF123)

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And the third game I tried was Milky Way Rafting which I found kind of strange cause' if you look closely, Kutchipatchi is riding on a cow...through space. :huh: I have no idea either. To play, you dodge the different space-like items by pressing A to go up or B to go down. I kinda failed at this. XD

(The videos won't work for some reason, you can watch them all on my Photobucket album though: https://photobucket.com/KMF123 :) )

After playing those games, I downloaded the item Harajuku Playing cards. Haru and I decided to buy it at the Tama Depa. :)



When we got home, we decided to try them out right away.



Haru really enjoyed them!


Then the worst thing happened. My camera said "Memory card full" and Haru was getting his pink happy stamp. T_T I quickly deleted a photo but I wasn't fast enough. So I only have this:


That was a really long update. XD

-Nicole and Haru

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Oops! The videos got out of order when I broke it up into parts so I could post them. This section was supposed to be in the post above before the one in that post:

And I tried another game called Summer Night Dance, I think it's my favorite of the games i've tried so far and the hardest! Its kind of hard to explain but when Meloditchi winks while dancing, you press B. A bunch of songs Lovelin sings from the Tamagotchi! Anime in Japan play in this game. The first one that plays is (I think) the opening from Happy Heart, the second one is Miracle Kitchen. and the third is Happy Happy Harmony. So this is the video of Summer Night Dance: (The videos arn't working, this is the link to my Photobucket video album so you can watch them there:https://photobucket.com/KMF123 . All of the Tamagotchi! songs I listed are on Youtube by the way. ;) )

Sorry about that!


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I have a bad case off rainy-day-boredom-itus right now. :p I decided to update again just because. XD


Haru and I downloaded a new wallpaper and headed to the Interior Shop to purchase it.



The wallpaper is called Choco Living, as in chocolate. :3




Yum! After that, Haru told me he wanted to get married. I agreed and took him to the matchmaker.

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Haru chose an adorable Moritchi.





A boy! So cute. :3 His name is Teruaki which means brilliant autumn, I figured it made sense because of the season. ;)


After Haru left, I fed Teruaki (Not teriyaki like the kind of chicken :p ) and we went off to play Summer Night Dance, my new favorite game to fill his happy bar. :) He should evolve in a bit, I'll post again then!

-Nicole and Teruaki

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Hello! Sorry for not updating yesterday, I had a bunch of homework. I'm on Thanksgiving break now, I'm going on a 10 hour road trip tomorrow, I may or may not be able to update. :)


Teruaki turned into the toddler Kaubotchi then into then teen Hanikamitchi. Today, after giving him two care misses (I counted this time ;) ) he evolved into Kuromametchi!



After evolving, we walked to the Tama Depa and I told Teruaki to pick one thing he wanted.



He fell in love with this metal guitar, we bought it, took it home and decided to try it out right away.





He played an awesome song. :)


He enjoyed it so much, he got a happy seal! One down, three more to go. :)

-Nicole and Teruaki

HAPPY 15TH ANNIVERSIARY TAMAGOTCHI!!! (I have the right day, right?)

Hey everyone! This is my first time updating while on a road trip! My iPod doesn't have wifi but my Dad's iPhone has a signal! (For now, we just passed a tower.) My Tamas are sitting next to me in their little box, I've been playing with them on and off while I'm sitting here. We're only two hours away now, I'm glad. :) I brought my camera with me just in case, I don't think I'll be updating from an actual computer until I get back home though. Excuse the typos, we're on a bumpy road right now. ;)


Teruaki and I have had an awesome day so far, early this morning at 7, we went to the Tama Depa and bought some seeds I downloaded. They're called Old Fashion Candy Seeds. I wonder what they'll grow? A seed I planted yesterday (After I updated) had a worm in it. :< We played a few games afterwards. :) I'll try to update later. (hopefully with Snapbucket pictures)

-Nicole and Teruaki, Happy 15th anniversary Tamagotchi! :D

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