.:.Kuromametchifan123's Tama Log.:.


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This is going to be a very sad post...

Um,I'm having trouble logging into Tama Talk from my commputer so I'm using Tama Talk Mobile right now. From my computer,I would log in then I would get logged back out without doing anything. I had my pictures uploaded too but it does the samething with the iPad. So um,no pictures today,sorry. :(


Yesterday,after an hour of constant care,Akimitsu evolved into the cowboy like toddler and went to sleep. We played a few games and stuff,I need to get his weight down. :p We have a decent amount of Gotchi Points,13,000 something,I've been saving! :p Sorry for the uh...sorry post,hopefully I can log in from my Mac tomorrow.

Goodnight Tama Talkers!

-Nicole and Akimitsu :)

Hello everyone! Normal Tama Talk is working for me again,turns out cookies weren't enabled so I couldn't stay logged in. It's all fixed now, (Thank you for fixing and figuring out the problem Dad!) so I have pictures! :)


Today,at exactly 7 am,Akimitsu evolved into Bokuhositchi,a.k.a.,distracting eyes guy. :p He's cute though. :3 I didn't get a picture of him awake though,he fell asleep at 8 pm.


I gave him two care misses to be sure I wouldn't get a duplicate character.I figured if I set the time,I could get a picture of his closeup. As soon as I did,he evolved!I definitely didn't expect that,I thought he would evolve after 10 am since I set the time to 7am.



^I caught that picture as it blinked,that's why the amount of gotchi points looks blank.I got 800 points from his evolution. :)


Kutchipatchi is so cute! :)


And it's raining out. I forgot to take a closeup picture of him,I'll make sure to do that tomorrow. I set the time back,Akimitsu is asleep...with his mouth open! :p LOL,that gave me a good laugh when I saw that,he looks so cute. :3

-Kuromametchi and Akimitsu


Hehe,whoops. I meant to update yesterday but I lost track of time. Pre-Algebra sucks. Okay,let's log!


The closeup pictures I talked about 2 days ago?I have them!



I took this one yesterday around 8:00 pm,that's why it's night time. ;)


And the picture of Akimitsu asleep with his mouth open?I have that too. :)



Akimitsu decided to try on a wig we bought from the Tama-Mori. :p




Cool fro' dude. :p



-Nicole and Akimitsu

Hello!I have bad quality pictures today as I'm in a hurry,I have to get ready for bed still.


Akimitsu and I planted a seed today,I'm not sure what it's called,I bought it because I liked the pattern. :p






I wonder what it will grow into,I haven't planted a seed in ages! We'll see tomorrow. :)

-Nicole and Akimitsu

I'm back with good quality photos and stuff. :3 I got this crazy idea yesterday for something to store my Tamas in in my closet. You know those shoe caddy's? I've decided to make one out of felt and some sow on zippers,I'm pretty good with crafty stuff. ;)I'll make two,one pocket for each connection tama I have,my colors are stored in their original packages. :) I've been designing it for the past hour,I have a feeling it wont take me long;I just need to take a trip to the craft store.


Akimitsu and I had a little adventure today. :) We walked into Tama Town for an early dinner...



I love how Maidtchi greets you,it's so fitting. :)


We had...this.I tried my best at translating it but I failed. :p Next,we went to the Tama Cafte where Akimitsu got one of his happy symbols. *coughfinallycough*



And I didn't want to ruin it for anyone,the pictures of his happy symbol are under the spoiler. ;)




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Afterwards,I dressed him up. :3








LOL that's so cute!! :3



One step closer to all of the happy symbols!!:3

-Nicole and Akimitsu

Hello! I've been sitting at my computer for the past two hours typing up my not very short stort story for English class. The whole thing is 22 pages and my hands are killing me. :p I'll try to make this update short, sweet and self explanatory. :p


Akimitsu and I took another trip to the restaurant where we got his blue happy symbol. :) When it happened,my camera was sitting right next to me with the memory card in which is a first. :p It's usually plugged in my computer until I need it.




And what food was it? We I don't want to ruin it so click the spoiler button to find out. ;)


A dumpling.

Next,we took advantage of the clear night to play with some toys.


I see a cloud shaped like candy and babytchi or petitchi looking up at the in Akimitsu's thought bubble...I think. :p


I love Kutchipatchi's expressions!

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YES! :)


I'm planning on getting him married tomorrow. Okay, good night Tama Talk!

-Nicole and Akimitsu

Yes! I finally finished that story I was typing for class, I feel so good right now. :) Since I have to be in bed by 9 cause I get up at 6 for school, no pictures tonight. :( Sorry, I didn't get to update yesterday, my parents and I were visiting my brother who is in college two hours away, it was fun; we went to dinner and spent the whole day together. Okay, enough ranting! :p


I meant to get Akimitsu married yesterday or today but now I'm thinking tomorrow, I didn't have the time to take pictures. I'll try to tomorrow *hopefully*. We didn't do much today, all I did was feed him, I'm a bad mother! :p

-Nicole and Akimitsu

R.I.P Steve Jobs, your creativity has changed the world. <3


A very sad post today. Not sad as in no pictures but sad as in this:



Akimitsu ran away.

I'm really upset about this, this is the first Tamagotchi that has ran away from me since...2007 or 2008. What had happened was,after school, my Mom took me to this dance store to buy new tap shoes. I had checked on Akimitsu and he was asleep, his clock said 3 am. We were out until about 6 o clock since we stopped by Walmart and Starbucks on the way home. When I got back, I ate dinner and went to my room to check on Akimitsu. I assuming he was still asleep, I pulled out my homework. After two seconds exactly, I heard a strange noise comming from my iD-L. The light had popped on and Akimitsu was lugging a huge suitcase across the room. I franticly pressed the A button and well, nothing worked. He left. As silly as it sounds, I sat on the floor next the my iD-L and my eyes watered. I have no idea why I got so upset, it's just all that hard work, gone. After five minutes of hugging my poor Tamagotchi, I pressed A and C to start over.


This made me feel even worse, he ran away from a dirty home.



And a baby girl was born! Her name is Akemi, it means bright and beautiful.


Next to the green arrow says what generation i'm on, I was pushed back to one. All of my items and points are still here, my generations were reset.


And looking under memory, I see Akimitsu, that's the face he made as he pulled his suitcase.


Akemi and I cleaned the house...



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Mail call...



That's from Memetchi, the last character I got on my iD before I took the batteries out.

And baby pictures and closeups...



And hey, I unlocked Melody Land too. I'll save that for tomorrow, I haven't gone to it yet. :)


After an hour, Akemi evolved into the well known Paletchi. :p


I'm really sorry everyone, about Akimitsu and not posting the past two days. On a lighter note, Akemi and I will be visiting Melody Land tomorrow. :)

-Nicole and Akemi

<3 Akimitsu

Hello! I have a novel post again today. :p

I made a page under the Tamagotchi memorial for Akimitsu here. In other news,remember the Tama Takeout Box from about two weeks ago? (I lost the picture of it) I got a bigger version and I have size comparisons! :)


The smaller size, a Tama-go and a Tama-go figure. I would have had a ruler for the height but I can't find one. :p


I stuck some cotton on the bottom and made a little hole for my iD-L,it fits nicely. :)


And in other random news, my best friend (known on Tama Talk as Loveletchifan) and I are going to appear on our school's video news...doing a random dance. :p We were told by the people filming to do the "Don't make me snap my fingers in a Z formation" etc. thing but ended up bursting out laughing in the middle of it, spinning in a circle and giving a thumbs up! XD Yes, my friends and I are crazy! :p Enough of my ranting, let's log!



As you can see, i've been taking REALLY good care of Akemi, in hopes of getting the pineapple teen for my Meloditchi, who I always manage to miss by one or two care misses. :p

So in yesterday's entry, I said I unlocked Melody Land. Turns out it wasn't Melody Land, it was Forest Falls, on of the places on Music City/Tama Town! :) So we decided to go there, wondering what would happen...




Hey, it's Beartchi!

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You have unlocked a new destination...?


Maybe it's would you like to sit in the hot tub for 100 Gotchi Points? I tried to translate both, I didn't do very well. :p What ever the options were, I clicked the top one. Akemi did the animation as if she were taking a bath? Maybe it's a hot spring or something?


And the pretty afternoon. :) (I took these pictures earlier ;) )


-Nicole and Akemi

(EDIT: Put a duplicate picture in this post.)

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Today, (well, yesterday as it's after midnight here... :p ) I gave Akemi two care misses on purpose. One of them i'm sure of but the other i'm not, does giving your Tama a cavity count as a care miss? :huh: I think it does. I also got my pineapple teen, she's sleeping right now. I also discovered how to change the icons. :p Since I unlocked Forest Falls yesterday, I get to change my icons to apples.


I'm used to the houses though. :p And I changed them by going to the stats menu:


And pressing A, (the first button) twice until I came to this screen:


Where I pressed B (middle button) twice and the icons changed. :)


I like the houses the best. :)

-Nicole and Akemi

Hello everyone! :)



So I guess giving your iD-L a cavity doesn't count as a care miss. ;) I've gotten Lovelitchi before but oh well, now I can take her to the Henshin Jo. :) I'll do that tomorrow.



Close ups!

We decided to goto a realitive's house for an early dinner. We got a big surprise once we got there...


Akimitsu?! I guess his happy seals still count even though he ran away. He didn't have anything made at the moment, he and Akemi had a tearful reunion. :)


After that, we headed to the Tama Depa for some seeds, Akemi wanted to try growing a garden.




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We bought these seeds, Akemi and I liked the colors on the package. :p As soon as we got home, Akemi headed straight for the courtyard and started planting the seeds.



Bad picture ^-^; she's watering the seed there.



We'll see what it grows into tomorrow! :)

-Nicole and Akemi

What time is it?

It's catch up time! :p Actually kind of a quick morning post, I won't be able to post after school, I have dance class and a few other things right after. Sorry for not updating the past 2 days, I've been having a busy week!


Akemi got her last happy symbol yesterday. Since I've already had a Lovelitchi and gotten all of her happy symbols, I plan on getting her married over the weekend. (Hopefully) And I might have enough time to take her to the Henshin Jo tomorrow. :)

-Nicole and Akemi

(EDIT: Sorry if there were a bunch of typos, I'm on TT mobile.)

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Ack! I haven't updated I a while! Sorry about that, I've had a busy week! I'm about to goto a sleepover with two of my friends, hopefully I'll have a better update tomorrow. ;) In other news, I signed up for art club and writing club at school, I got in! :)


Akemi and I still haven't gotten around to the Henshin Jo yet. :p We've been kind of hanging around all day, playing games. She'll be asleep while I'm at the sleepover, she's comming with me. :)


Loveletchifan, one of my best friends started up her v4, we want our Tamas to marry so I un tabbed my v4.5 so they can. A baby girl hatched, I named her Tori (It was the first girl name I thought of). I've been giving her horrible care, I'm trying to get her in the universal family. Her hearts are empty and she doesn't have any skill points. An hour later, she evolved into a kuribotchi. Hopefully, I'll get a UFOtchi so she can be a furwatchi/flowertchi/violetchi.

-Nicole, Akemi, and Tori

(I'll try to update with pictures tomorrow :) )

Back from my sleepover, my friends and I had alot of fun. :)


Henshin Jo!! :D Akemi and I finally got a chance to go, she looks even cuter now. :3









Cuteness!! :)


I took the batteries out of my v4.5, I decided to run my v5 instead. :) And, I have a story about my v4.5 from the sleepover with my friends last night.

So my two best friends and I were sitting on the couch playing Mario Kart (It's spelled kart on the package, that's not a typo ;) ) when I heard an unfamiliar beep coming from my v4.5. My iD-L was asleep in my bag, my v4.5 was next to me on the couch. I looked at it and Tori had a skull and was falling over. "Someone get a paper clip or a pen or something fast, I'll explain later!" I jumped up from my spot on the couch and we all ran to the closet and looked for any kind of pointed object. My v4.5 beeped again, my friends and I surfaced a pen and poked the reset button. We all breathed a sigh of relief and nervously laughed for a few seconds as I pushed download. Tori was back on the screen, with a skull. I gave her two doses of medicine and some food.

And that was my thrilling story. :p Anyways, I started up my v5. I don't have baby pictures or hatching ones, only toddler pictures because as soon as I got home, I took the batteries out of my v4.5, I don't think I want to run it anytime soon. :p They hatched into a Mimifuwatchi (Daughter), a futabatchi (Son), and a Omututchi (Daughter). After an hour, they evolved into a Sakuramochi, Mattaratchi and a Belltchi. They took a bath around 8 pm, I love that animation! :) Oh, I forgot to say, they're the Banks family. :) (I couldn't think of anything and a commercial for a bank was playing. :p )

-Nicole, Akemi and the Banks Family

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