.:.Kuromametchifan123's Tama Log.:.


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Hello readers!I have a few questions,I noticed my log was bumped down to four stars. :( I was wondering why.I'm not mad or anything,just a little deflated.(hehe,like a balloon) I also noticed some of the 5 star logs were bumped down to four stars also.I just wanted to know how I could improve my logging. ;)



When I woke up,Ayame was having a sneezing fit in a dirty house.I sent her outside to get some fresh air while I cleaned the house.She found our jumprope in the garage and invited some friends over to play. :)


Mimitchi and The Spacey Brothers...


Terulin and Monatchi...


And Mrs.Perfect :) .


Mimitchi:How does she jump so high?! Mrs.Perfect:I think it's because she can float...

More pictures under the spoiler button ;)





And she got her last happy symbol too.I didn't expect it,thankfully my iPod was nearby!

-Kuromametchi and Ayame [still wondering but less deflated :) ]

YAY!!3,000 VIEWS!!!!You guys are awesome! :) Thanks so much for the 6 votes on the rating too!!Sadly,It hasn't gone up to 5 stars again :/ so keep rating! ;)


Welcome to the party!


We've got cupcakes,take as many as you like. ;)


And don't forget your balloon...


And you can't party without a party hat. :p

***read update below,I have a double or triple update today ;) ***

***read update above first***

Now let's log!


It's time for...Tama Time!With Kuromametchi and Ayame :p

So today after school,my Mom drove me to Barnes and Noble (this book store near us) to pick out a few books.Ayame came with me of course .:3


Here she is,buckled up in the car in the seat next to me. :p


When we got there,my Mom made a beeline to the magazine section and let me go upstairs to find a book.Here she is,near the shelves in the Teen section.:3


It was kind of funny,I wasn't quite sure where to take the picture at at first.I could have taken it with Ayame on one of the shelves but I wanted to be quick,I wanted a good book for the weekend. ;) After paying for my books (and my Mom's magazines),we drove to Starbucks.:3 I got my Fall usual,a Tall Caramel Apple Spice with whipped cream,yum!It's getting cooler outside too.Here's Ayame next to my cup...



:) After our little adventure,Ayame wanted to go out to eat at the Restaurant and get dessert at the Tama Cafe.



First,we took a trip to the Restaurant,Maidtchi waited our table. :)



***read two updates above first***

We had this,I'm not exactly sure what it is and I'm a bit too tired to translate.Next stop,the Tama Cafe!



Lovelitchi's Mom,LoveMamalitchi,came to greet us.


We had a waffle with fruit for dessert,nothing wrong with that! :) It's a DL/download item by the way. ;)


More pictures of her dessert under the spoiler.


She really enjoyed it!


Yes!Happy symbol!! :)




So that's our epic day,thanks again for the 3,000= views,I'll keep updating! :)


-Kuromametchi and Ayame

Hello everyone!Sorry it's so late,between homework and dance class,Wednesdays will be pretty busy for my this year.It is Wednesday right?Lol,Labor day threw me off. :p


Ayame was fast asleep in her bed all day,I didn't get a chance to play with her. :( I'll make sure to get her last happy symbol tomorrow to make it up to her. ;)

-Kuromametchi and Ayame [sorry for such a short update!!]

(EDIT:HTML fail :p )

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Hello everyone!Sorry for updating late again,I got back from dance class at 9:30 today.I'm a little tired. ;) Nothing after school tomorrow though,yay!


After getting dropped off by the bus,I started to walk home.The soft pitter-patter of the rain on my umbrella was calming.I couldn't wait to get home,Ayame was waiting for me upstairs.When I reached the porch,I let myself in and headed upstairs.Ayame was happily floating around in my bedroom.She was in need of a bath,I ran her water and she hopped in.After Ayame's bath,we too a trip to the Game Center where we played our favorite download game,Furwa Garden.After about ten minutes,we walked back home.Exhausted from getting up at 6 this morning,I fell asleep on the couch doing my homework. :p Ayame waited patiently,quietly floating around.When I woke up,It was 6 o' clock,dinner time!Ayame and I happily skipped to the Resturaunt.Maidtchi waited our table,I got green tea and Fish and chips,Ayame decided on the same thing but with lemonade instead.After finishing our dinners,both of us walked back home,tired from the day.

Enjoy my story?LOL,I actually fell asleep on the couch doing my homework today,I didnt even realize it. :p When I got home,it was 3:00 and I really slept till six!XD I woke up at 6 am too,I'm always tired when I get home.Sorry for the lack of pictures,I had a late iPod update tonight.:/ Hopefully tomorrow won't be as busy and I'll finally get some more pictures! ;)

-Kuromametchi and Ayame

Woah,I just realized those icons over the status update box are above the fast reply too.Anyway,I have a pretty boring update,just two pictures.:/ I plan on *hopefully* getting Ayame's last happy symbol so the updates will pick up,I promise! ;)



^Remember the Chamametchi drawing I posted a few days ago?I decided to draw another,but of Hapichamametchi instead. :)


It's okay,I've done better. :p Drawing her is harder than you think!If anyone's wondering,I use Pitt Artist pens to ink my drawings. ;) Around 8:00 pm,I opened Ayame's bedroom door and saw her asleep.I just realized how small her Henshin Jo coustume makes her.Look at all that space between her and the bed frame...


She's really tiny,without her costume,her head goes all the way up to the bed frame.

-Kuromametchi and Ayame :)


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Wow,the rain's coming down hard outside.It's weird,it's kind of calming. :) Sorry for not updating yesterday,I was over at a friend's house with a few of my other friends.Afterwards,my Mom and Dad picked me up and we all went over to one of my Dad's friends from work's house.It was a day of friendship LOL :p I made a banner for my log:


Like it?It's my favorite color.I'll put it in my siggy and make it clickable.And in other news,my birthday is tomorrow! :) A package and a card came in yesterday.The card was from my grandparents and i'm not sure about the box.My Mom won't drop hints,I'm assuming it's my birthday present. :) After getting all that out of the way,lets log!



Haha,It's even pouring in Tama Town. :p Even though the weather was bad,Ayame and I decided to head to the restaurant for lunch-WOAH.The lights are flickering...Okay anyways,Maidtchi waited our table.



The pictures of what we had came out all blurry. :( I'm not sure what Ayame ate,I think it was caviar or something like that.Afterwards,we headed home.Ayame took a hot bath while I made tea in the kitchen.We've just hung out all day. :)


Close up!


Just floating around...

And have I posted a collection pic of all of my Tamas yet?I don't think I have.Here it is:


Fourteen tamas total. :)

  • 1 v4
  • 1 v4.5
  • 1 v5
  • 3 v6 Music Stars
  • 3 Tama-Gos (In blue,white and black) and 9 gotchi figures
  • 1 iD
  • 1 iD-L
  • 1 package of Tama Mori Stickers

Yup. :)

-Kuromametchi and Ayame

Hello everyone!Today's my birthday. :) I think Ayame celebrated with my family and I,there was a Happy Birthday scene in the background. :) No pictures tonight,we're staying up a bit longer and stuff.I got an Aqua 3DS and a Mocha Rouge Vera Bradley bag,I had no idea!I thought the 3DS was for Christmas but okay! :p My grandparents got me a card and $25,the $25 is going in my wallet. ;) I've had a very happy birthday,my Mom made a chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting,my favorite!My Mom,Dad and I did some family stuff,it was fun!Bad quality pictures tonight,just a quick update.Thank you so much for all of the happy birthday wishes!You guys are awesome! :)



I got Ayame's last happy symbol yesterday,I had forgotten to upload the picture!I had unlocked my iPod and had it on Camera mode when the above was happening;I had no idea she would get her green happy symbol then!Remember my Morritchi?We had gone to her house for a snack and had what looked like chocolate cake.Ayame really liked it and got her green happy symbol.I knew you could get happy symbols for previous tamas' cooking,I didn't think Ayame would. :p

-Nicole and Ayame

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ACK!I have alot of catching up to do hm?I've been meaning to get on TT the past few days but never found the time.I had tests to study for and projects due but now that's all over. :) Hopefully I won't miss anymore updates this year.


I plan on getting Ayame married this afternoon. :) I'll try to get on and update again sometime after 3 pm so stay tuned. ;) Sorry for such a quick update,I have to get to school!

-Kuromametchi and Ayame

Hey everyone! Im on TT mobile right now so excuse the typos. ;) I'll try to,update again this aftrrnoon like yesderday.


I,didnt get Ayame married yesteeday because I didnt have time.I will try to again this afternoon with pictures, I am determined! :p

-Kuromametchi and Ayame

Hello!I have tons of pictures finally. :) It's today's update and yesterday's combined.:3


Yesterday,my Mom,Ayame and I took a trip to Walmart,I had a sleepover yesterday and needed some party supplies.


Here she is,all snug in the cup holder of my Mom's car. :) Remember the little box I keep her in while I'm out?I used that to cary her in.We walked straight to the produce section,I needed a fruit tray to set out.Ayame helped me choose of course. ;)


Then we walked down the isles to the baking section where we passed the cereal isle.I needed more cereal anyway so Ayame posed in front of my favorite.:3


We headed towards the magazine section after that,I saw a Halloween magazine which means it's finally fall! :)


When my Mom,Ayame and I got to the check out counter,we looked over and saw the display of candy.I didn't get any,(I got gum instead,Trident Layers is awesome. ;) )but we saw this funny candy bar called "Thingamajig".LOL


It's caramel and peanuts with chocolate or something like that.And I also got Ayame married. :)

***read post below***

***Read post above***


She fell instantly love with Icekutchi,they got married after. :)





Girl!Nittobotchi is so cute!:3 Her name is Emiko,it means smiling child and child graced with beauty.She evolved into another paletchi instead of rolutchi,the girl toddler I haven't gotten yet.:/



^My old paletchi pictures from Ayame. :)

-Kuromametchi and Emiko

Hello!Yesterday,I was at dance class all day.But I'm here now with yesterday's update. :)


Emiko evolved into an adorable Sasabotchi yesterday.


And I just realized,I forgot to give her care misses and she evolved at 7 am.Rawr,she's going to evolve into a Perotchi for the 3rd time in this log's history. :p I'll try and give her care misses and see what happens. ;)


Close up!

-Nicole and Emiko {tired]

Hey everyone!Today I have a day off from school,we get one every year to goto the Annual Fall Fair. :) I decided not to go so Emiko and I are just hanging out. :)





Surprise,surprise. Hello for the 3rd time Perotchi. :p Oh well,she's cute anyways. It's a cloudy day in Tama Town and where I am.Emiko and I decided to make the best of it by visiting her mother,Ayame. :)



Ayame had found a cozy little home in the suburbs.I love how she peeks through the window and smoke in the shape of cakes and candy is coming through the chimney. :)



She served us some kind of sundae that I recognize from Music City.The one on Music City looks like this:


Oh hey!I discovered something. :) That is the same one.So Chamametchi makes a Mame Sundae as her snack.


Emiko enjoyed it. :)

-Nicole and Emiko

Hey people of the Internet! :p No pictures today as where I am,it's a little bit after 10 o clock and I have school tomorrow.


Emiko and I played a few games today and tried on a blue dress from the Tama Mori. :) Since I set the time when I go to school,she grew two years (yesterday and today plus night time) and we unlocked the matchmaker. :eek: I might get her married tomorrow,I want to keep her around for at least 3 days,Perotchi is just too cute!:3

-Nicole and Emiko

Happy first day of fall!

Hello everyone!I've been MIA (missing in action :p ) from Tama Talk for *gasps* 2 days! :eek: Why?Pre-Algebra homework and just homework in general.I'm going to try to make it up to everyone with good quality pictures as it's Friday and I have time! :) Before I start ranting,I'd like to give a big thanks to Spaceytchi to giving me a complement on my log. :) Get an iD-L,they never get old! ;) But please comment on my profile or PM me next time,I like complements! :)Mmkay,lets log!


My pictures might have a blue hue today,I got this aqua lamp a few months ago from IKEA and it doesn't have a glare.


And yes,aqua is my favorite color. :) And,I got this blue camera case a few days ago from Walmart,it's a nice fit for my camera.


Anyway,Emiko got married today.


Walking through town...


To the Date Place...




Emiko chose Gozarutchi,one of the male Tamas that one of my 3 past Perotchi haven't married. :p


Oops, that's a little blurry.


Those fireworks are so pretty in color. :3

***Read post below***

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***Read post above***



Finally,It's a boy!



Bye Emiko :(


And I'm taking care of her little boy now. :) His name is Akimitsuit means Autumn light,perfect because of the season! :) He's really needy,it feels like Akimitsu calls for attention every time I type a sentence. -_- He's so cute though.:3

-Nicole and Akimitsu

And just as I scrolled back up to the top from posting,I realized my log is back up to 5 stars!Thank you so much for all of the ratings everyone! :)

And edit,this is also page 14. :)


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