Hello everyone!
I have a story about how I got my pictures uploaded today.

So I was going to update earlier but when I plugged my USB adapter into our Mac to upload them,it wouldn't work.The icon on the desktop didn't apear and the little power light on the adapter wasn't lit.So I went through the office desk drawers and found a replacement USB cable for the adapter...that didn't work either.So I told my Dad and he gave me a flash drive and told me to plug it into the computer in my brother's room.Butttt...it's a Windows 7 desktop and I hate Windows computers with a passion.XD Why?Well the last time I used one,I got the "blue screen of death" (aka that annoying error screen when it crashes).

I plugged in my memory card directly into the computer since it has a slot for that and it took me a bit to get all of the pictures on the flash drive.Then I went back into the ofice and plugged the flash drive into the Mac and put it on iPhoto then Photobucket.And now i'm here rambling about my pictures...let's log!
Today,I drew two pictures of Ayame.
Like them?Post a comment on my profile or PM me,I like getting feedback!
Ayame decided before she got a new bedroom,she wanted to goto the Henshin Jo!I already have the Wing Cap so we were all set.
Gotta love that guy's outfit
Rainbow smoke...
She looks like Hapihapitchi!:3
OMG she can fly?!
After :3
After transforming into what I think is called HapiChamatchi,she wanted to wal-float to the park...
Sorry,thats kind of blurry.
***Read post below***