Kiro's log


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Pink. She evolved into a special adult. A seeeecret one. Overcare :)

~ I just got Birth by Sleep, so I don't know when I'll get around to unpausing him xD. That's all today kbai


I just got home from school, so let me go check Pink and maybe, POSSIBLY , *synonym for maybe and possibly* unpause Ein. It's like a 0.00000000000000000000000000001 chance though. I like 0's. Tehe.



Needs food. That's it.

~ cat just came in :3 Hello Bluffer. (His name is Bluff) Oh...he left.



Hungry: ♥


Training: 1 bar...FAIL

Age: 4...o_O

Weight: 99 lbs.

Name: Ein

Gender: Guy

Gen.: 3

And back on pause he went xD

*loud, loud, VERY loud sniff* PINK GOT MARRIED!!!!! AND SHE HAD A BABY!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE LEFT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Status: Calling some Japanese characters I can't understand.

Hungry: 0

Happy: Pink bar empty

Monies: 2440 Gotchi

Ticket things: 0

Gender: Male

Weight: 5 grams

Gen.: 2

Name: ???



I got the ice cream glitch.

Happy: Pink and purple bars full

Hungry: Full

Name: Toad

Toad because the character he is (Kinotchi) reminds me of Toad from Mario.

~Kiro :puroperatchi:

Btw, the versions are:

Ein~v3...I got the v3 in 2006 for my birthday

Toad~+Color...I got it off eBay because I was like "TAMAGOTCHI IN COLOR?! NO WAY!!! I have to check this out!!!" And it was around my birthday (2009) so I used my birthday money to buy it. So expensive T_T

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Toad was sick and dirty this morning when I woke up for school. After I cared enough to make him healthy and clean, he evolved.


He was also sick and dirty when I got home. After I cared enough to make him healthy and clean, he stayed the same xD


When I got home from being at the park with my friend Brittany, he was dirty. After I cared enough to make him healthy, he evolved into Kikitchi!

The EPIC in the EPIC Story of Toad starts right here on [adult swim] at 11:00c!

lol jk. It starts HERE when I say so.

Waaait...what? Ohhh yeeeeaaaahhhh...Toad....xD I think he's asleep. I set it like 16 hours ahead. I'm not a math wizard, okay?

He died.

I unpaused Ein and brought him to the renasiansse fair with me though! He's STILL four lol. I'm on Music City btw. SK8813 :3

I ended up taking Ein's batteries out and putting them into the Music Star Ashley got me for my birthday last year. His name is Kyo.

Kyo evolved into a kutchitamatchi and is playing with a helicopter right now...

I sent my guitar from my room in Music City to him and he lurves it.


Gender: Guy

Age: 1 year

Weight: 30 lbs....not too bad :D

Name: Kyo

Hungry: 2


Stress: 4

Tone: 66

Rhythm: 47

Original: 29

R&B music

Guitar player

Character: Nonopotchi

Gen: 1

Points: 5400

Username: Soul (lol Soul Eater)

Toy: Car (lol I typed Yot at first.) What am I, dyslexic?

Version: Music Star/v6

And I goes off to Music City. I'll post again when Kyo gets a band.

IT. Is in progress.


Okay, done.




-Name: Kyo

Gender: Guy

Guitar player

-Name: Veronica

Gender: Girl

Violin player

-Name: Penny

Gender: Girl

Guitar player

I am on Music City right now. Byebyes.

Kyo's doing fine, just got unpaused xD

My dad was messing around with my +Color and Kisuke was born in the prosess.



1 yr.

30 lbs.








Asian Music

Nonopotchi (as it says in mah siggeh)

Gen. 1

5400 pts.

User: Soul (lol Soul Eater)





No glitches

3040 pts.

0 tickets

25 grams


Gen. 1

User: [some Japanese characters that 1. My computer probably doesn't support and 2. That I don't understand]


~Kiro My school gets me up WAY too early T_T....

Btw, my dad had a P1 before I was born. Probably shouldn't've said that...^^'

So he's experienced. He named Kisuke after Kisuke Urahara from Bleach, if you didn't already know that.


Now byebyes, and I wish you a happy social studies class tomorrow! eheheh...white font xD My teacher's gonna be madder than she usually is at me. Why? I think I had homework....Why is she usually mad at me? Well, to tell the truth, she was like that the second I stepped into 4th hour on the first day of school...


When I took him out of my fancy red box, he was gone. Gone as in "Press A+C! Bye Bye!!!"

DISAPPEARENCE OF KYO JONES!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! Vocaloid+tama!

kay, my birthday party's tomorrow. i'll post if i get a tamago

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1. I'm getting a blue Memetchi tama go on Tuesday :3

2. I'm getting an Angelgotchi sometime this month. It's already been ordered.

3. I restarted my Music Star


Toy: Koala

Instrument: Harp

Gender: Girl

Age: 0 years

Weight: 10 lbs.

Name: Momo

Hungry: 4

Happy: 3

Stress: 14

Tone: 7

Rhythm: 1

Original: 7

Genre: Pop

Character: Hitodetchi

Generation: 1

Points: 3200

Username: Momon (fail. its supposed to be Momone for Momo Momone)

Anyway, I have a pile of books that goes up to my knees sitting on the floor, so I'm going to do that now...bai
