Kiro's log


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Momo got a dinosaur from the kindergarten teacher and she just got a heart in the mail.

Appearently Ashley restarted my Color at my party Friday, because I had a sick Kikitchi on the screen. I have no clue what to call him, so.......I guess I'll just name him after an anime character because I'm lazy....Spike from Cowboy Bebop! That works.

List of tamas:


v6--Not running

v6--Not running



Tama go--Not here yet

Angelgotchi--Not here yet

I GOT MY TAMA GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

List of tamas:

~v3--Ein--No batteries


~v6--not active


Tama Go--Nana--active


Version: Tama Go

Name: Nana

Shell: Blue Memetchi shell with a Memetchi plugged into the top.

Gender: Girl

Age: 0 years

Weight: 5 lbs.

Gen.: 1 gen.

Hungry: 3/5

Happy: 2/5

Train: 0

Friendship: 0/6 (How could u do that to me Nana?! I love u!!!)

Character: Egg thing??? Idk.

Character: Nokotchi

Points: 600 pts.

Username: CAITLIN (my real name)


~Trying to be the oldest tama

~Sleeping lol

Version: +Color (lol feels small after holding the Tama Go)

Name: Gozuratchi??? Idk.

Shell: Blue

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 1/2

Glitches: 0/7

Monies: 740 Gotchi

Tickets: 0 Tickets

Gender: Male

Weight: 35 g.

Gen.: 1 gen.

Character: Gozuratchi

I guess I'll raise him to be the oldest too.

I don't want to go ALL THE WAY downstairs and come ALL THE WAY BACK upstairs just for Momo. So I won't.

~Caitlin, Nana, and Gozuratchi----DAY ONE


Awwwwwww...Nana was going CAITLIN! CAIIIIITLIIIIN!!!!!! HOLY CRAP! She evolved into a star thingy!!! I just made her happy 4/4, and she's not sleeping anymore. Yay me, Imma problem solver :D

:3 Red kawaii :3 :3 Let's get to tama business.




I decided to restart my Color because I didn't think it was fair to Nana to be up against an adult. His name is Kuri and he's a Kuribotchi. Lol I'm so lazy. Oh btw I found out that Nana's character is a Hoshitchi.




Nana now has 2 friendship hearts with me. She also got a new friend! His name is Lemon, and he's a Mattaritchi. Anyway, Nana and I shot some serious looking bugs at the arcade and guess what woke me up? Her beeping. We also played Cradle for a while.


Kuri has no friends except for my sister's (also Lemon's owner) ID. He and I played the apple game while he was still a Kinotchi, and as soon as we got home, he evolved.

By the way, I paused Momo the Sebiritchi.

That's all for Days 2 and 1, except if Nana evolves. I doubt Kuri will yet.


~Caitlin, Nana, Momo, and Kuri

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Also, my Angelgotchi (Which I will name Teto if it's a girl or Ted if it's a guy. I always get girls, so I'll call it Teto for now. Yes, I'm so lazy I'll name my tamas for UTAUs.) is still coming. I'll try to make it the oldest too.



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Momo has been unpaused and is on with the following:


~Lemon (Yes, he's still logged on)






TETO:....still not here.....

Nana evolved into a Ringotchi and Kuri be a Kikitchi. I missed talk like a pirate day lol.

I luv this color and this font :lol:

I brought Nana to the park, and a Memetchi came! Weird...I don't even have my Memetchi figure plugged in. Yesterday (I forgot to say this) Nana had her first look at the world outside of my house. She rolled down a hill lol. Also, her weight isn't EPIC FAIL anymore! It's 74 lbs.!!! Yay me.

Don't think I forgot about my log. Because I didn't. lol fail.

Day six. We're both bored and tired. And I connected to Kid today. I'm just calling Jenna's tama by the username because she keeps resetting D:< And I get off break tomorrow, so Nana may be traumatized when I'm not there.

So guess who decided to show her tiny little face to the family. TETO!!!!! She hasn't come out of the egg thing yet. The reason why I say "tiny little" is because it's so small compared to my v3, and that's my SMALLEST tama!

Angelgotchis don't have genders....I'm still calling it Teto. Speaking of Teto, she evolved into Maruten. I played a few games and then fed her candy, and a bat came to steal it, so I was like (this is an exact quote xD) "NO! NO! YOU STEAL FROM MY TAMAGOTCHI, YOU ANSWER TO ME!!!!!" XDXD. It was so scared. My whole family was looking at me like O_O

Teto almost got stolen from, but I stopped that from happening. Nana just got overfed and crapped all over my floor...a week ftw.


Tama Go:

Name: Nana

Character: Ringotchi



Name: Teto

Character: Maruten


Bye byes!

Teto can never be fully full or fully happy, can she? No. Nana's always doing fine, with one or two hearts empty when I'm at home, but when I'm at school, her hearts be empty T^T I will try to fix that. No, I'm not pausing her. Forget that idea.

Nana got an Otokitchi!!!! Oldies, dude xD

And Teto is a Takoten. Hehehe...Tako Luka. Vocaloid fans should get that.
