J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty Apr 29, 2006 #121 anyone here knows where to download free Real Player software?? I educate my self with EnTama today!! I want to reveal everything!!
anyone here knows where to download free Real Player software?? I educate my self with EnTama today!! I want to reveal everything!!
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty Apr 29, 2006 #122 im trying to make a blog site! can you please visit it when its finish thanks!! btw I just bought a drum for my Kuchipatchi!
im trying to make a blog site! can you please visit it when its finish thanks!! btw I just bought a drum for my Kuchipatchi!
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty May 6, 2006 #123 sorry for not postin for sometimes! I had a bad news and a good news! the good news is... IM GETTING MY ENTAMA TOMORROW!!! the bad news is..... IM GETTING A MATH TEST THE NEXT DAY!!! well... Its kind of a let down after hearing the good news *sob* btw here is the link to my new blogsite!!! www.jirotama.blogspot.com oh! My Kuchipatchi had a baby and my Gozarutchi has one too !!
sorry for not postin for sometimes! I had a bad news and a good news! the good news is... IM GETTING MY ENTAMA TOMORROW!!! the bad news is..... IM GETTING A MATH TEST THE NEXT DAY!!! well... Its kind of a let down after hearing the good news *sob* btw here is the link to my new blogsite!!! www.jirotama.blogspot.com oh! My Kuchipatchi had a baby and my Gozarutchi has one too !!
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty May 6, 2006 #124 I also think about my EnTama screen so... I bought a cellphone screen protector and cut it in little pieces so it fits our tama screen! Im really afraid of getting a scratch on my new and expensive EnTama!!!
I also think about my EnTama screen so... I bought a cellphone screen protector and cut it in little pieces so it fits our tama screen! Im really afraid of getting a scratch on my new and expensive EnTama!!!
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty May 9, 2006 #125 ANNOUNCEMENT!!!: THIS LOG HAS BEEN MOVE INTO THIS LINK: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?act=ST&f=30&t=55717 btw. its about EnTama
ANNOUNCEMENT!!!: THIS LOG HAS BEEN MOVE INTO THIS LINK: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?act=ST&f=30&t=55717 btw. its about EnTama
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty May 10, 2006 #126 having EnTama is so cool! I want another one!!! Its more fun then the V3!! You should buy it !
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty May 12, 2006 #127 Guess what! My V3 turned into a.. YOUNG MIMITCHI!!! THIS IS SO COOL! Im hoping it would turn into a ChoMametchi or Mimitchi!!
Guess what! My V3 turned into a.. YOUNG MIMITCHI!!! THIS IS SO COOL! Im hoping it would turn into a ChoMametchi or Mimitchi!!
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty May 13, 2006 #128 My Young Mimitchi havent evolve yet! maybe later or tomorrow I decided to start my black V1 again, and he is now a baby ) read about my EnTama on my other log please
My Young Mimitchi havent evolve yet! maybe later or tomorrow I decided to start my black V1 again, and he is now a baby ) read about my EnTama on my other log please
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty May 14, 2006 #129 Its so cool to have a YoungMimitchi you know! my days have been fun to be with him!! my V1 turned into a Hinotamatchi or something like that!
Its so cool to have a YoungMimitchi you know! my days have been fun to be with him!! my V1 turned into a Hinotamatchi or something like that!
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty May 15, 2006 #130 I havepaused both my tama lately, bacause im concentrating on EnTama, Its really fun to be learned~
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty May 16, 2006 #131 both are still on pause right now!! im going to a camp for 3 days after this so I wont be logging!
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty May 30, 2006 #132 HELLO EVERYONE!!! Im back~~~ Im back~~~ I got 3 new tama's!! hooray! hooray! these are the new tam's I bought from ebay *cough*: ✏Angelgotchi pearl blue ✏HongKong Handed Back to China P1 Special edition *grin* ✏P2 translucent green with blue buttons Its so cute ~lala~ my V1 turned into a Hanatchi and my YoungMImitci is on pause! okay thats it *sigh* *waves* bye2
HELLO EVERYONE!!! Im back~~~ Im back~~~ I got 3 new tama's!! hooray! hooray! these are the new tam's I bought from ebay *cough*: ✏Angelgotchi pearl blue ✏HongKong Handed Back to China P1 Special edition *grin* ✏P2 translucent green with blue buttons Its so cute ~lala~ my V1 turned into a Hanatchi and my YoungMImitci is on pause! okay thats it *sigh* *waves* bye2
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty May 31, 2006 #133 Bot my tama is still on PAUSE! I got to many Exams! its Math Exam tomorrow!! ARGH! Read my EnTama log to find out more about my tama!! btw Im going to HongKong this June YAY~ Ijm gonna buy 2 EnTama!!!! thatha4now
Bot my tama is still on PAUSE! I got to many Exams! its Math Exam tomorrow!! ARGH! Read my EnTama log to find out more about my tama!! btw Im going to HongKong this June YAY~ Ijm gonna buy 2 EnTama!!!! thatha4now
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty Jun 6, 2006 #134 hey!!! SSUP!!! I got a new MORINO TAMAGOTCHI!!! I have a good news!! my V3 is a MIMITCHI!!! YAY!! My V1 is Hanatchi!! BOO!! and they both got married!! AAAAA!! and had 2 cute little son!!! OOOOO!!! my V1 is now a Kinakomotchi!! YEEAAAHHH!!!! my V3 is ON.... *drumroll* PAUSE!!! oh... okay thats it bye2
hey!!! SSUP!!! I got a new MORINO TAMAGOTCHI!!! I have a good news!! my V3 is a MIMITCHI!!! YAY!! My V1 is Hanatchi!! BOO!! and they both got married!! AAAAA!! and had 2 cute little son!!! OOOOO!!! my V1 is now a Kinakomotchi!! YEEAAAHHH!!!! my V3 is ON.... *drumroll* PAUSE!!! oh... okay thats it bye2
J Jiro Well-known member Joined Mar 12, 2006 Messages 543 Reaction score 1 Location New York CIty Jun 7, 2006 #135 is anyone still reading my log? As soon as I got my Morino and Angelgotchi Im gonna make another Tama-Log... and then when I got my P1&P2 Im gonna make another log again! Isnt it cooL! Im gonna have 4 logs at a time!! Its gonna be hard to keep up but Im gonna try! my V1 is a Kinakomotchi right now! Im aiming for a Mimitchi! M V3 is still a Mimitchi and havent went back to tamatown because I dont want him to go away! Tha-Tha for now!!
is anyone still reading my log? As soon as I got my Morino and Angelgotchi Im gonna make another Tama-Log... and then when I got my P1&P2 Im gonna make another log again! Isnt it cooL! Im gonna have 4 logs at a time!! Its gonna be hard to keep up but Im gonna try! my V1 is a Kinakomotchi right now! Im aiming for a Mimitchi! M V3 is still a Mimitchi and havent went back to tamatown because I dont want him to go away! Tha-Tha for now!!