I have always enjoyed forums, as a gamer from RIFT, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy 14, and Dungeons & Dragons Neverwinter. I have always utilized the official forums, to those games. As a player and raider. The only thing I ever used Discord for, was raid coordination. In the game, there are in-game calendars you can use to schedule and invite people to events. So Discord for me is only associated with game play coordination over voice. I don't and won't use Discord for any of its other features. Due to those features being programmed into the games I play, and the fact that those games had those features waaay before Discord came out.
So I won't use a raid/group play tool, for anything other than its voice feature. Being that this forum was also created before Discords inception. I feel that this is how it should stay. I also will not use the discord voice chat feature to just "chat" either. Due to the fact that not only does myself and other adults use it, so do minors. So they may hop into voice, and hear a conversation going on between adults, that is very inappropriate for them to hear. Because you cannot police the voice chat feature, other than the owner of the Discord channel kicking them out of the room. But they can just immediately re-enter. The only way to stop a conversation that's inappropriate for a child to hear, is to completely kick them out of Discord. All because a minor heard something they shouldn't have heard. So it's also unfair to the adults to be kicked out of Discord, for having some harmless humorous fun between themselves. Discord ends up causing more problems than its worth when you mix adults with children, on a tool that has voice chat.
I will keep donating to these forums to keep them open. Because it's a safe haven that can be properly policed, to keep certain topics, behaviors, and reactions under control. Also to insure that certain kinds of topics, and discussions are prohibited by the rules set in place. Something that can't be enforced in an open mic situation.