I crave Chinese food on a daily basis. Chinese and Mexican <3
"I love hearing it," Asher whispered in reply, chuckling softly. "I love you, too, Lucy McClintock-- soon to be Mrs. Lucy Scott. Good night." He found sleep soon after she did. Often, in hospital, he had found himself unable to, either in so much pain or protesting to the doctors to let him go home. He slept soundly for a while, truly having sweet dreams; about tonight, about the future. But suddenly he found himself in Vietnam again, amidst gunfire, explosions, screaming. The large scar on his back burned, cold sweats appeared on his forehead, and the next thing he was screaming himself, in pain, in terror of all that he was seeing, reliving the moments when he'd truly believed he was going to die. He woke up, his vision tinted red, his back still felt like it was burning, and the next thing he knew he was sobbing uncontrollably, his breathing heavy. He sat up in bed, and put his hands over his ears. All he could do was wait, he was physically unable to control himself.