I have 5: I have a purple, a green, a blue and two blacks. I don't MEAN to have that many; most of them I haven't even raised one complete generation.
Blue - bought as soon as I got back into Tamas after a very very short break this January, my first Tama-Go
Black No.1 - collection expander
Purple - collection expander
Black No.2 - bought from brother when he just stopped liking Tamas, for 1 pound ($2) just as collection expander
Green - bought from brother when he just stopped liking Tamas, for 1 pound ($2) just as collection expander
I've also got a lot of figures:
Memetchi (came with Blue Tama-Go)
Mametchi (came with Black Tama-Go No.1)
Memetchi (additional)
Ringotchi (additional)
Mametchi (additional)
Mametchi (came with Black Tama-Go No.2)
Kuchipatchi (free from brother)
Kuchipatchi (additional)
Memetchi (came with Purple Tama-Go)
They're a bit randomly dotted about. I don't have them all in one big group with the rest of my Tama collection on my window sill. Well, actually, the collection is kind of dotted about too so only less than half my collection is actually up there.