
Me: I'm sorry kyle!
Also I am becoming attached to my p1... I am starting to feel heart broken that I have to reset it tomorrow for a group hatch... v_v sorry Bean...
Meh...he's just got worse...he got a V5, and guess what? On the first generation, he left it home every day while he went to school, and one day he got a Ninja family and it died. I feel so sorry for that least he isn't running it now! Come on sell it to me brother...Well, I am a bit different now. Since I somehow got a lot more strong-willed, I can love my Tamas without my parents or brother knowing. Shout out to brother: Because you killed my Tama, Gemma's son Orion, I am never having midnight feasts with you again.
My brother is "different" as my mom calls it. To me, it's more like he's a total Tamagotchi Hater, and it also seems like this stupid new computer has a broken speech mark thingy so it is very hard to do speech marks. Anyway, my brother used to sort of get in the way with his:
Me: Anything happened to your Tama?
Him: Yes. It's on 16th Generation now.
Me: Good! What's it's name?
Him: Uhhhhh...uhhhhh...Violet. I'm going to get Violetchi.
Me: But you named your last 5 Generations Violet, even the boy one, and got Violetchi every single time except the boy!
Him: Yes.
Me: But...aren't they supposed to be unique?
Him: Who cares. They're just toys.
Sometimes I get mad with a ) feeling really really sorry for these Tamas and b ) why that iD L of his can't be my nineteenth Tama. At least I bought his others for $2 each.
I used to be different. I used to be like him. I was a Tama killer, didn't name them, reset them all the time and didn't care about them. But then I learned my lesson when my me breaking or giving me electric shocks. So I started treating them OK as my new year's resolution this year. Then I started treating them GREAT as my birthday resolution this May (I do that too. I usually get a million resolutions stored up during the year). And that's how it is to this day. Yeah.
What? I want to read it. What was the name of it?To be honest, I see them as a pets & friends as they are dependent plus fun to have around.
When I was about 11 I read a book about a boy that finds a cyberpet that actually talks to him & eventually befriends him.
It was a very nice read & a lovely little story aswell, further fuelling my passion for them.
I'm 20, with plenty of friends, even a boyfriend (who doesnt understand my facination).. So i'd say calling them 'friends' isn't necessarily bad.
It happened again today! I'm used to unexplained mysteries, so I'm not too scared...Me and my Tamagotchis have a deep bond nobody else would understand. I think, beyond the pixels, Tamagotchis are more than just toys because there was once a time when...uh...yeah...Let's not go into scary details, shall we?If I tell you, you'd think I have lost my mind. But seriously, my Tamagotchis have...more than once...never mind.
Heh heh heh! I love being mysterious.![]()
What? Your Tama evolved into a *whatever* care character when you actually took the opposite care of it? It glitched? Or it did something crazy, like transforming into a dolphin and jumping out of the screen, lol. I won't think you're crazy; if anything, I'll think your Tama is crazy.It happened again today! I'm used to unexplained mysteries, so I'm not too scared...
I know now what it is...and it caught me COMPLETELY by surprise, because guess what, it happens to me too! And it's NOT scary!Me and my Tamagotchis have a deep bond nobody else would understand. I think, beyond the pixels, Tamagotchis are more than just toys because there was once a time when...uh...yeah...Let's not go into scary details, shall we?If I tell you, you'd think I have lost my mind. But seriously, my Tamagotchis have...more than once...never mind.
Heh heh heh! I love being mysterious.![]()