Things I know about Homestuck:
It's about four kids. Who play a game called Sburb.
Who meet insanely cool looking trolls.
And go on adventures. Or something.
R-Right? 8D I tried to read it a few times, but just looking at all the stuff I have to read makes my brain explode. ;^;
So I usually just read about it on other sites. But! It sounds really amazing and I love reading about the trolls. I realize I actually know more about the trolls than The Kids! D:
I kind of like Karkat and Eridan a lot, but I like Nepeta's design the best. She's cuuute. ;w; And Eridan's zodiac sign is Aquarius, which is my sign too. So I guess he'd be my patron troll or something, huh? ^__^ His purple cape is too cool!
Also, awhile ago I did this Homestuck title test thing on Tumblr and I got Knight of Heart. ... okay that's epic