thE UPDATE THOUGH I DONT KNOW HOW TO MAKE A SPOILER THO SO u can highlight the following sentence
omg john stop freaking out omg no no no no baby davesprite loves you john dont get mad and jade and davesprite no dont break up either D: i saw this post on tumblr about the update it was so sad i'll link it cries
and sometimes paint tool sai for scaling images, but not making them look ugly and stuff, like what ms paint does when scaling. its great for making the posters on a kid's/troll's wall!
for animating gifs i love using a great website called iaza, and once i've animated it i upload it on imgur and upload that url for the image on mspfa.
wow hey there jhud!! lots of new homestucks hooray n v n
ummm i actually am too lazy to download firefox to play the game u_u;; and i cant find anything on how to play it on tumblr tbh but my friends helping me set it up right now
but i am certainly in love with cronus and mituna and meulin no doubt
oh my gosh so many homestucks i love you all! uwu <3
wowowow i absolutely LOVE the pairing kurloz and meulin ok its just my new otp they're so cute aaaah
as much as kurloz scares me omfg he is absolutely amazing and i love the fanart of him!
cronus is a no no for me but i love love mituna and meulin!!
gosh everyone is just so cute but honestly it kinda made me upset that hussie based everyone off of websites like tumblr and 4chan and stuff, i kinda wish the characters were more original i guess and not just stereotypes??
Cronus doesn't put me off because of being a jerk.
He puts me off because of being a forever alone hipster failing at romantic life.
Canon Eridan ISN'T like this. Canon Eridan is a VILLAIN. He is as romantic as Caligula is, yes, and some sort of an hipster, but PLEASE. Eridan had some contacts.