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so anyway i now think dirkjake is canon U_U

also at comic con i met andrew hussie!!!!!!! and he was so amazing and i got to hug him and he drew eridan for me and ahhhHHHH


omg i forgot about this topic meep.

jfkdajflkjla DIRKJAKE IS CANON but i ship dirkroxy more uwu~

I ship Dave and Jade.

*hides in a box and falls in the Pacific Ocean with wireless internet and nutella*

*comes with you eagerly* Uo U

eeeee davejade~ <3

so many people hate it though :c

Why?? D:

i ship a bunch of things too. >//< davekat, johndave, nepkat, rosemary, johnrose, davejade, johnvris(i dunno ship name??), erifef, aradiaxsollux, and theres probably more uwu

but yeah i dunno i just see a bunch of people on tumblr hating on davejade but i dunno why theyre so adorable together! D:

aww wowow thats a good list! o:

but oH MY GOSHHH i cannot believe i actually won dirktier's giveaway contest on tumblr and i get a dirk cosplay with the shirt, glasses, wig, and gloves uwu~ im so excited its insaneeee i've honestly never cosplayed before but ive been planning on getting a rose and dave cosplay but now i can cosplay dirk fldkjsflkjdsdjasklfj

oh gosh that is awesome!! i've actually won a drawing giveaway once but i didn't get the prizes yet :x so idk what happened hmm

yeah im worried though if i'll actually get it cause we already exchanged all the details and stuff so for now all i have to do is wait and hopefully i'll actually receive the cosplay! >///<

hmmm my favourite kid is roxy, then dave, and then dirk probably x3

its weird cause i never really liked rose, i mean shes a good character but i just didnt care for her personality, but now im starting to really like her for some reason >w<


Vriska, love her design.

Hate her personality.

Actually, kinda reminds me of a certain Transformer.

Gosh, I love Terezi.

And Nepeta.

And Tavrous.

And Aradia.



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