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Happy 12th Page!

Also, we are celebrating this log being 8 months old! :)

Today, FINALLY, I unlocked the background icons! :D Cinna loves the new apple theme ;) We also went to Henshin Jo and he transformed into...


King Kikitchi! :) Not worth 3,000 GP's in my opinion, but still very cute. ;)

Thats pretty much all I have to report today. Thanks so much for sticking with me all the way to the 12th page!!!! :D :D






Holly and Cinna


Today I decided to get Cinna married. He met up with a Giragiratchi, and it was love at first sight! :)






Then he returned home with a little egg, and out popped a cute Choribotchi ;) He played some games, and she was all on her own :)



Yay! I logged all week this week!! :) Aren't you so proud?? :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:





Holly and Dakota <3

Hi everyone! :)

Not that exciting of a day for Dakota. She evolved into a Sabosabotchi a few hours ago. They are still so cute! ;)


Hopefully tomorrow Dani will want to connect a bunch and get matching Giragiratchis, but I doubt it ;)

Ooh, and I got a new purse for my iD L, and it is really cute :)

Until tomorrow's logging! :)





Holly, Dakota, and new purse ;)


Sadly, Dakota evolved into a Violetchi. Not that I dont love them, but it IS a repeat character, so yeah...

No more exciting newz for today really.






Holly and Dakota

Hey everyone!

Not sure when I'm going to get a chance to post later, so I'm posting now. Dakotas doing good, we got one of her happy symbols today. I think I'm just going to get her married when she's eligable. Nothing much else to report. We'll probably go to the park later and get a pet, she's been talking about getting one ALL DAY! :) Also, she's getting a little tired of the currently livingroom, so on the way home from the park, we might just stop and get a remodle theme ;)

Okay, I'm writing a report on Harry Potter right now, so back to that! Thanks for clicking! :)





Holly and Dakota


Todays my last day off from school and I'm enjoying just relaxing. Dakota got married this morning to a Maisutatchi, and they had a baby girl Choribotchi who I decided to name Ginny, since I'm going to try a Harry Potter theme (in honor of me starting my read-Harry-Potter-series-and-watch-movies event ;) ). She evolved into a Kingyobotchi within the hour, and now she's just relaxing and enjoying the day off.


Not really aiming for anything in particular right now. We'll see how everything goes with school and all.

Thanks for reading, until next log ;)





Holly and Ginny

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Sad post tonigt. :p

Ginny evolved into a Sabosabotchi, sadly... hopefully i wont get ANOTHER repeat character!!!! Thats really all i have to log tonight...

Btdubs I am IN LOVE with Mockingjay, the series im reading. If you want good reading, it is very much reccomended ;)





Holly & Ginny

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I know I've been M.I.A., but I had a dance competition this weekend and I got a MEGA huge trophy!!!!!!!!!! :D :D

In honor of my Halloween costume, I decided to revive the Greek-Gods theme :) Dakota evolved into... Violetchi. Bad care due to school. But I love school, so I guess its okay to have some repeate characters. I got her married and she had a baby boy, who I named Apollo. He was breifly a Yurapatchi then a Kaubotchi then a Bokuhoshitchi. Im not aiming for anything in particular, so whatever he becomes, Ill be happy.

I know, I have to stop with the bad posts.... :p But I'll start stepping up the log soon, trust me :)





Holly and Apollo

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Hey people of the internet!

Shout out to desiraeisdesirae for the really nice fan-comment! :) :) I really appreciate it! :)

Also...thanks for 15 5-* ratings!! WOO!!

Its getting late, so I'll probably make this quick. Apollo evolved into a Gozarutchi which I would be more sad about if he weren't adorable in color. Plus, ninjas have grown on me ;) We got only one of his happy symbols today, but seeing as I'm not terribly busy tomorrow, we'll probably get the rest.


As you can see ^^^ we celebrated Peinotchi's birthday along with my other friend's birthday at school :) It was QUITE the celebratory day! :)

By the way, new-found obsessions:

1. Homestuck

2. M.L.P. (If you guess it, fabulous. But dont ask, its complicated ;) )

3. Greek mythology

(Just in case any of you are interested in one of the above and want to PM moi ;) )

Kk, thats about it. See you next time! :)





Holly and Apollo

Sorry, I've been quite neglectful lately... :p

Lets rewind to October 26th, when Apollo got married around 6 pm. He met up with a lovely Kunoitchi, which I figured he was PERFECT for, and they had a lovely wedding. He returned home, and little Iris was born :) She evolved from a Choribotchi to a Palletchi within the hour, and fell asleep promptly. Yesterday, Iris evolved into a Sabosabotchi, thus proving that once again, school gives me little time to take perfect care of her.


(Bad pic, sorry :p )

We tried for a minimal amount of care misses today, so we'll see what she evolves into soon. I decided to just post real quick, because I possibly wont be able to log later, but if I can I'll let you know what she evolves into. :)

Oh, and for those of you who aren't familiar with greek mythology, every time I get a new character I'll post what they are the god/goddess of :) In this case, Iris is the goddess of rainbows :)





Holly and Iris


Okay, I'm getting a little annoyed. I think this is my 5th Violetchi now, and I'm getting VERY sick of it. I take goodish care of my tamas, and THIS is what happens. Okay, no doubt I'm in a pretty yucky mood right now. :p :p Hopefully next time, things will go better. :p :p





Holly and Iris

So...I just got home from a long day of filming, and I'm SUPER tired!! Filming what, you ask?? Only about the most EPIC movie trailer ever with my friend :D Long story short, I'm going to go to bed the 2nd I turn off my laptop, so this'll be quick. Iris decided she wanted to try on a dress. I think it looks pretty cute :) We'll probably get her a pet tomorrow at the park, if I want to.

Wow, sad post, but its been a looooong day...

G'night :)





Holly and Iris

Happy Halloween Eve! :)

Might not be able to post tomorrow, but I'll try. Me and Memetchiluva464 are going trick or treating, I'm SUPER pumped!!!! ^u^

So today Iris decided to get married...so she married a Mametchi and had a baby boy who I named Posi (short for Poseidon) :) He evolved from a Yurapatchi into a Nannakotchi (??), the leafy one. Not much of an exciting day really.


I also want to show you two really cool things that I decided to make today! :) First...

My absolute favorite of my duct tape wallets <3


Then I decided to decorate my nails for tomorrow, being probably my favorite holiday ever :) They are purple and black and have glued googley eyes on them!!! :D


Epic, no?? :)





Holly(ween, hehe :) ) and Posi

Yes, I've REALLY neglected this log for the past week...

Im sure you want to hear another crummy excuse, but I'll just skip why ;)

Lets continue where we left off, shall we?

Posi went on to evolving into a Hannikamitchi, who kind of looks like he works at McDonalds, hehe :) After a long day at school when I had minimal time to check up on him, he evolved into a Peinotchi, which I personally think is UBER cute! :) Posi got stamped into my great book of tamas, and he married a Ponpontchi. They had a baby Yurapatchi who I named Zeus :) He also evolved into a Hannikamitchi yesterday after spending some time as a Nannakotchi. So far I've been careful to only get him one care miss, but we'll see how our afternoon turns out ;)


Also, we planted a seed this morning in the now-sunny sky after a night of pouring rain.


Have a fabulous Saturday ^u^





Holly and Zeus


So, yesterday me and Zeus had quite an interesting time. I took perfect care of him for most of the day, and when I went to work on a History project, I TOTALLY forgot about checking up for a couple hours :rolleyes: So, this bad care resulted in yet another repeat character, Peinotchi. :angry: I'll probably get him married as soon as I can, although he is kind of nice as company. He even painted a cute picture today :)







In other news...

I recently started a blog (basically the same thing as a log) about my duck tape crafts, so if you want to check it out (which I recommend ;) ), click HERE!

Okay, that's about it for now. Don't forget to set your tama's time one hour back for the time change :)





Holly and Zeus

Hola everyone!

As you've probably guessed by my absence in posting, it was a long week for me. Western Regionals for dance are on Friday, so I've been dancing a LOT. Plus, I'm sick.... :p Actually, I've been sick since last week. But now I have pink eye, my throat is sore, and I cough a lot. :/ Hopefully it'll be gone soon. But enough of the pity-party!

We left off with Zeus who got married to a Agetchi. So cute! They skipped the whole dating sequence (he wasn't really into that whole thing) and returned home with an egg, out of which popped a cute Nittobotchi. I named him Hades (God of the Underworld. I feel its appropriate for a Shutotchi, don't you?) ;) He evolved into Kaubotchi (a character which I feel I have gotten WAYYYY too many times) for a while, then into a Bokuhoshitchi, then finally into...Shutotchi! They are pretty adorable :3 We got all his happy symbols from the afro to a joyride to the beach, and we were really enjoying each others company. He was 5, though, and decided that it was about time to get married. We hurried off to the matchmaker and he chose a lovely Lovelitchi to marry. He also brought home an egg, which a baby Choribotchi hopped out of. I chose to name her Hestia, goddess of the Hearth. She evolved into a Palletchi, and rushed right off to bed. This morning I think she got one care miss, so I guess I can get either a Painaputchi or, if one more care miss, Sabosabotchi. If I get a new character, then we can get the Music notes background icons, and Melody Land!!! :) :)



Holly and Hestia :)


So, still sick. But I just got home from a super fun dance party :) I'm really exhausted, but I decided to give you a mini update.

Hestia evolved into a Sabosabotchi today, as expected. I tried to give her exactly 2/3 care misses than take perfect care of her, but we'll see how she turns out ;)

Okay, not much else today.

I DID get pretty epic Mickey Mouse ears at the party, hehe :)


Holly and Hestia

Hi peoples.

I kind of abandoned you...again. I got the stomach flu on Sunday, and, well, got pretty sick after that, so... long story short, I haven't really been well enough to actually sit at a computer and type a log :p


I have proven something, a discovery made all by myself! The character you get does not (and I repeate does NOT) only depend on the number of care misses you get!! Yes, thats right, you heard it here first, and its true. Hestia got quite a bit of care misses (about 5/6), and I was getting worried that she would evolve into a Violetchi, so I took absolute perfect care of her and guess what she evolved into? Perotchi! Crazy, right? She got married soon after and had a baby Momoroitchi who I named Athena. Athena was so cute, but I kind of ignored her a bit after her birth, and she ended up evolving into...


They are so flippin' (stealing Violetchilluvr3's adjective, hehe :) ) adorable!!!!! :D I took absolute horrible care of her so that she will evolve into a...whatever the teen is with the pony tail? I forgot, and frankly I'm too lazy to look it up ;)

Okay, thanks for reading another installment of my little log :) See you soon! (Hopefully) :)

Oh, and by the way, I have a regional dance competition on Friday (I have 127 competitors in my competition 0.0), so I probably wont get to post very soon, but we'll see. I'm so excited!!! :D

Okay, thats REALLY it!


Holly and Athena

Hey everyone!

Athena evolved into the most adorable...Ponpontchi!!! Hooray! :D They are so adorable its not even funny. I seriously wish I could post a pic right now, but my camera is all the way over there... *sigh* Anyways, we finished up getting her happy symbols today and she decided she wanted to try on a Kimono. She looks just smashing in it! Once again, I'll post pics tomorrow :p We're waiting on her final happy symbol tonight at around 7:30 which will unlock Melody land and the music notes background icons. YAY! :D

Okay, I've made a pledge to myself that since I'm not sick and that big dance competition yesterday is over, that I will post every day this week.

Yeah, we'll see how that turns out. :p


Holly and Athena

Hi everyone!

I promised I would post, but as you can see that didn't work out very well...

So I kept Athena around for quite a while, and we did end up unlocking Melody Land and the music notes background icons. She decided one afternoon that she wanted to try on a ruffly purple dress. She looked so good in it, and she wanted to go for a walk in the park so she could show it off. We took a walk, and on the way home she decided she wanted to stop at the Matchmaker's house. Athena took a particular liking to a Maisutatchi, and they were lovely wed. She came home with a baby out of which popped a Choribotchi, who I named Demeter (the goddess of agriculture). She evolved into a Kingyobotchi, then a Sabosabotchi, than a Violetchi (I seriously think my iD L is rigged. I got only 2 care misses :p )

We also celebrated two big birthdays today: Mametchi's birthday, and the 15th anniversary of tamagotchis!! Although I doubt any corporate Bandai people are reading my log, thanks for 15 amazing years. Keep them coming! :)


Also, being the agricultural wiz that Demeter is, she planted a fruit seed.



Holly and Demeter
