Holly's Candy Shop


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PARTY TIME!!!! PAGE 10!!!!!

Can you believe its the 10th page already? I cant! And what better way to celebrate than with a...Peinotchi!!!


Yes, that's right! I actually must've neglected Ren quite well (ooh, my lazy work payed off ;) ) because he evolved into the bad-care paint person! I recently found a love in painting, so its pretty cool ;)

I got two of his happy symbols. He's looking forward to tomorrow, though, because the weekend means more quality time, since I've been in school all day.

First was Ochazuke (nice name ;) ) in the restuarant...






Then Overalls from TamaMori. :)





Thanks for sticking with me all this way, and don't forget to PM me your submissions! Please please please!! :)





Holly and Ren


My first weekend of the school year! :) We had this big ceremony for all new students today, and I even got to sign my name in this big book that every student has their name signed in...it was so cool!!! :)

Today was also a very exciting day for Ren. He stayed in my back pack happily all day and got to meet some of my new friends! :) :) Very excitingly, though, he got his last happy symbols!







And he also got a brand new pet, which looks like a suitcase and paint splotches, so I thought it matched him perfectly :)


Thats all for now! Thanks for clicking! :)





Holly and Ren


I've been in a really paint-y mood lately, thanks to my Tuesday night painting class with Renee, so after finishing all my homework for the week (they gave us sheets for all our assignments in the week, so no homework for me this week!! :D ), I decided to break out the paints and create a little magic :) I decided to paint a cherry tree :)


Now for the aweful, terrible, bad mood news that seriously plastered a frown on my face pretty much all day. My iD L was reset. I have to start all the way from the beginning. I was on the 7th generation, almost to unlocking icons, having a fun time. But no-o. The batteries had to run out while I was in jump rope class with my dance friends. My dad had to stop at the store on the way home, so I got some batteries. When I put them in, I pressed the 2nd option (usually the "download" button is the 2nd), but no, that meant reset. So I ended up AAAAAALLLLL the way at the beginning. I got a baby girl Choribotchi and I decided to name her Claire, which means "clear/bright" (I decided to not do the Japanese name theme this run). She soon evolved into a Kingyobotchi. I think I'm going to go for Meloditchi. At least thats good, right?




Oh yes, this also means that I went from about 30,00 GP's to 0. :p






Holly and Claire


(PS Any submissions? Please? Nobodys sent one, yet... :( :( :( :()


I decided to re-put on an iPod cover after I discovered a small yet annoying scratch, which was easily taken care of (Thank you, scratch remover :) )

Claire had a LOOOONG day, so I don't blame her for being fast asleep right now ;)


She decided she wanted a new living room, but couldn't do it without some $$, so she played games until she had about 11,000 GP's. Then we rushed off to the interior store and got the cupcake/polka dot theme :)


Now I know what you're thinking: "Wait, Claire's not a Painaputchi, she's a Kingyobotchi!" and my response to that takes me to the next part of tonight's post ;) At about 5:30, I heard a faint beeping and saw Claire freaking out. I told her everything was okay, just to be calm and breathe...and soon she turned into a Painaputchi! :) And to celebrate it, she planted a Popular Fruits seed


Lets see what our first little seed grows! :) And guess what?! This log received its very first 200th post submission!!!! :D Keep 'em coming! :)





Holly and Claire

Another iPod post tonight... Sorry! :p

I guess I gave Claire a little too good care and she evolved into a Lovelitchi!!!! :D I'm pretty happy :) Other than that, not much of an eventful day... This post'll be fixed tomorrow. 'night!





Holly and Claire

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4,000 views!!! :D

Today was just a magically fantastic day, and what a way to end it with some fanmial (sort of ;) ) and 4,000 log views!! :D A big thank you to FullBlownWitch for reading my log!! Its so cool, 'cause her name is Claire, and she says its fun to see my tama being named Claire ;) Keep reading! :)

Its been a really busy, busy day for me (school, painting with Renee, narwhal drawing ;) ), so I didn't really have time to get Claire (my Lovelitchi) any happy symbols...I'm going to keep her around for a while, though, so it doesn't really matter. I'm really enjoying my Lovelitchi!! :D They are just so cute!! Okay, one pic for tonight. My apologies on my ever-busying schedule!!! :p






Holly and Claire ;)


(PS Submissions are still being excepted and are GREATLY appreciated!! :) )

Ni how! :) (My friend taught me "hello" in Chinese today :) )

Ahh, a wonderfilled day, yet again. :) I didn't realize that Claire was getting so old...she's already 5!! I decided to get her 2 happy symbols today, both from the cafe. One I took pictures, the other I couldn't. Regardless, she had a great day with me at my ever-amazing new school! :D

Here's the shaved-ice that that she fell in love with :)







Also, my friend says that she thinks she can figure out the words on my iD L (like what they all mean, etc.) tomorrow!! She speaks Chinese, but she says that Chinese is really close to Japanese, and she could probably tell me what they all mean. YAY! :D

As always, thanks for clicking! :D




Holly and Claire

Weekend :)

I hurt my ankle in dance yesterday and it really hurts, plus walking around all day at school didn't really help. :p

Claire earned her last happy symbols today, so I took her to the matchmaker. She was 6, already, and decided it was time for her to find a mate. She found a lovely Kikitchi there who she fell in love with. After some dates, Claire returned home briefly with an egg. Out popped a Yuripatchi, who I named Christopher (we're learning about Christopher Columbus in history right now ;) ). I'm aiming for anything, reallly, since I haven't gotten any boy characters yet :p












Holly and Christopher


(PS Submission reminder!! :) )

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I'm quite the party animal this weekend. Yesterday I was out until 10:30 at my friend's Bat Mitzvah party, and today I'm going to another friend's birthday party ;)

So Christopher evolved into a Kaubotchi last night, and today into a Bokuhoshitchi. I think I'm going to go for no care misses, and get the stripey character that right now I dont know the name of. Also, Chris is looking to remodel later (the themes a little to...girly...for him) so maybe we shall :)


Sorry, better updates to come soon...





Holly and Christopher


(PS Up to 2 submissions!! :) Please keep entering!! :) )

Getting closer to that 200th post everyday... :)

First off, congrats to my BFF Dani on her log's 300th post! She's posted almost every day since she started it, so congrats! :)

Today Christopher evolved into a Kuishinbotchi!! How adorable, right?? :) :) We decided to get just one of his happy symbols today, the gyoza from the restaurant, for dinner :) I think we'll possibly be getting a pet tomorrow :)










Holly and Christopher

G'day :)

School turned out really well today. My yearbook photo is possibly the best I've taken yet (it was picture day today :) ), and before my History quiz today my teacher showed us his good-lucky singing rubber fish that sang the song "Dont worry, be happy". I was laughing my head off!!!! :D

I wanted to show my friends what a happy symbol was, so at lunch I got one more of Christopher's happy symbols, the overalls. Then after dinner today, he was in the mood for a little treat, so we got the candy cloud :) He was flying around on the little cloud when all of a sudden, it started raining candy in addition to raining, well, rain. Needless to say, he loved it!! :)







Just have to wait for him to get that last happy symbol, because he's just begging to get married! :)





Holly and Christopher

(PS If anyone reading this has a British accent: I seriously love your accent and I wish I had one!!!!! :D :D Jsyk ;) )


I'm so excited for tomorrow-my music theater class had singing auditions today and I think I did really well (if I do say so myself ;) ). I'll letcha know how it goes!! :)

When me and my friend were at the library after school, she wanted to play on my iD L, so I gave it to her. While I was doing French homework she accidentally almost married Christopher, bringing him to the matchmaker. He decided while he was there that he wanted to get married anyways, so he decided a little through the Wawatatchi, Lovelitchi, and Pichipitchi, finally choosing the Pichipitchi. They went on a couple dates, Christopher presented her a ring, and they happily went on a little honeymoon :) He came home and a little girl popped out of the egg he had beside him! :) I named her Macey. She's a Choribotchi currently, but I'm using my special method to try and get a Rollutchi. We'll be getting a new living room later pastably :)





Holly and Macey


(PS New submissions are always cool...just sayin'... :) )

Three-day weekendness :)

First off, thanks so much to Momo8890tamagotchi for the always-loved fanmail! :)

Ahh! I can't believe I forgot to post yesterday!!! :( Its been a long week, as you can see. ANY-WAYS, I'm sure that you can only get a Rollutchi from a Momoroitchi, because Macey evolved into a Kingyobotchi. Then, yesterday, a Painaputchi. Then, today, a Moriritchi. Yes, I know what you are thinking: "Holly, you've already gotten Moriritchi! Why would you ever get a repeat character??" Well, my answer: "Yeah, but not on this run after I accidently...reset my iD L". So I sort of did get a repeat character, but not really at all. She's still super adorable, so thats good :)



I will be trying to move on to the next gen. right away so I can get caught up with where I used to be. No happy symbols today 'cause she just evolved a little while ago and she's probably going to go to sleep soon. And I think I'll do the same ;) 'Night!





Holly and Macey

Story tiiiiiime! :)

It was a sunny Saturday morning in Chez Holly when me and Macey woke up to the sound of chirping birds. We decided to go get some breakfast, since both of us were starving! I got some Greek yogurt and cereal while Macey stuck with some fresh fruit, which she LOVED!





Then we both got dressed and headed out the door to my very first CHAMPIONSHIP dance competition! :D We hopped in the car eagerly and raced down to the hotel where the competition was. I warmed up with all my friends and got ready while Macey sat and watched the dancers before me. Finally, it was my turn to go up and dance, so Macey started screaming and cheering me on, along with the rest of my friends, right in front of the stage. I got up there nervously, and it only took a second for me to get into the rhythm. I was flying across the stage happily :)

As quickly as the music started, it ended, and I returned to my seat exhausted, but in a great mood! Finally it was time to announce awards. The announced walked into the middle of the stage and started with, "Now in 5th place..." I couldn't believe my ears at what came next: my name. I ran on the stage, took my all-glass trophy (my 31st trophy, btw ;) ) as the announcer slipped a pink leigh over my head and pink sunglasses on my eyes. How did she know that was my favorite color??? :D After all the placements were announced, I rushed off the stage and was ambushed with hugs and "congrats" :)

Tiredly I returned home at about 1:00pm, grabbed my iPod, and Macey and I laid down on my bed listening to some Lady Gaga. She started talking about what a fun time she had, and that she wanted to try and get dressed up and do what I had done. I said okay and we took a stroll down to the TamaMori shop. There we found a Kiramori scrunchy that she immediately fell in love with, so we bought it, and first thing returning to her place, she tried it on, then started dancing around. :)






She got tired after about an hour and took it off, joining me on the couch to watch some Victorious. We were having a good time, so we went to get some dumplings and soup. As delicious as it was, we decided to head home and we each took turns taking showers. I'm starting to get really really tired, and I have a big day tomorrow, so I'm going to head off to bed, and I think Macey is probably going to do the same. I see her yawning ;)

Hope you enjoyed Storytime with Holly! :) :)





Holly and Macey

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Ooh! I forgot to mention a fun craft I will possibly be doing tomorrow!! :D So Dani got a pillow pet (you probably know that if you read her AWESOME log :) ) a little while ago, and I wanted one too 'cause they seem really adorable! :) But I decided that maybe I could MAKE one! Not for me, of course, but for my iD L! :D I have some really cute cupcake fabric left over from a project from a long time ago (which you may be able to find somewhere in this log. Its a stuffed animal :) ), and I decided that it might b possible for me to make a mini pillow pet for my iD L! :) Letcha know how it goes!! :) :)

Okay, goodnight for reals! :)





Holly and Macey

He-*yawn*-llo *yawn*

Thank you SO much to kuromametchifan123 for sending me the really nice PM!! :) I love hearing from my readers, so feel free to PM me about anything at anytime! :)

Sadly, no pillow pet for my iD L...just yet. I actually ended up leaving my house earlier and returning earlier than I expected. But I did have a very fun time at a pool party with Dani and her tama :) Macey was really tired upon returning home, and we decided to grab some dinner. My dad whipped us up some delicious spaghetti tacos (they are SOOOO good!! :D ) and we just relaxed and watched some shows on the telly. Suddenly she jumped up and sprang into her super got-all-my-happy-symbols dance (We got the TamaMori tree this morning), singing and dancing. When she finished, she decided that she wanted to go meet her husband. She went to the matchmaker and found a really really nice Mametchi! :) Then she returned home with an egg which hatched into...Nittobotchi! I named him Logan. He soon evolved into Kaubotchi (ANOTHER one, really??), but thats okay ;) Then he rushed off to bed, which I might do soon, too, after watching some more of That 70's Show :)












Holly and Logan

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...my school is having school trips this week and I will be gone from Wednesday to Friday. Sorry about this, but no posting will take place during this time. Hopefully this'll give everyone who hasn't made a 200th post submission some time to think of it or make it for the 200th post which'll be happening on probably Sunday or Monday. Well, I'll probably be posting later today, but I just wanted to drop in and say that. Au revoir for now!





Holly and Logan

Merry Tuesday! ;)

Love and support to Renee on her new school adventure!!!! :) :) :) You'll do fabulous, Nay nay! I'm here for you always! :)

It was a warm Monday night, and a tired Holly was curled up in my nice and comfy bed listening to music, when I heard a faint beeping next to me on my iD L beanbag. I saw Logan blinking and looking really frightened, but I told him that everything was going to be okay in a few seconds. Suddenly he was a Bokuhoshitchi!!


Promptly, he fell asleep. I wasn't surprised, and I fell asleep too. It was just a mere 10 hours later when we both sprung up and out of bed to the soft pitter-patter of rain on the roof. I smiled my yes-theres-actually-rain-today-and-I-love-it that is exclusively for rain since I love the soft little water droplets. Logan seemed pretty excited, too, since rain isn't something very common here in summer. On our way to school we listened to the radio and enjoyed the rain streaking our window. The day passed pretty quickly, considering we got to watch 3 different movies in 3 different classes, plus no homework. :) After school I went to my normal dance class and we returned home for a yummy chicken dinner. Logan was getting some bad care from me in order to get (hopefully) Kutchipatchi. He's currently just relaxing on his beanbag, and we'll probably be going to bed soon, 'cause I have to be AT SCHOOL AT 5:30 AM!!! Well, thats the price I have to pay to go on a super epic retreat! ;)

Thanks so much for clickin', as always, and dont forget that submissions are still open!! :) Well, I guess thats au revoir for now!! :)





Holly and Logan

I'm ba-ack! :)

Well, what a Sunday. Basically right now I'm listening to Nicki Manaj, drinking hot chocolate, and logging until I have to go to a party later. Its so nice to be home!! I missed logging a lot while I was gone!!

Well the batteries have been out of my iD L since I left, and I was super busy yesterday so I didn't put them back in. But I did this morning, and something VERY strange happened. I left Logan as a Bokuhoshitchi, took out the batteries, and when I put them back in he was a Kuinshinbotchi. How the heck did that happen?! Its bloody mysterious!!! (Yes, I'm obsessed with the British accent ;) ) Also, I'm really sad that now I have to wait yet ANOTHER generation to get background icons, unlock places I can go, and so on. I'm not going to get Logan any happy symbols, just gonna get him married so I can get a move on. I hate having a repeat character... and it wasn't even my fault!!! :p :p

In other news, the Selena Gomez concert was AMAZING!!! :D :D She is so pretty and talented and just a great person, and it was so amazing to see her in concert!! She looked like she was just having the best time ever!! We also saw Christina Grimmie, a completely AMAZING singer who wrote the song "Advice" and is on youtube and Allstar Weekend, who did some really cool songs, including Last Friday Night :)

Soo...not much else to say, besides that there were no new submissions, and its only two days away :( :( Well, to everyone out there, enjoy your Sunday! :)





Holly and Logan


Yes, thats right, *sniff sniff* I'm sick. As in, I have the funny stuffy-nose voice, my throat is on fire, and I really dont feel like doing much. Thats why I didn't post yesterday, btdubs (hehe, I just love that :) B.T.Dubs. :) ). I fell asleep at 8:00, right when I was about to get off my bed and grab my laptop. So...here goes :)


Logan was alone almost all day, and we were riding home together when he decided he wanted to get married. I watched him run off to meet his fiance, which was a very nice Makiko who he immediately fell in love with. They got married and Logan came home with a little egg! Out popped Selena, a baby Choribotchi! He was so excited that he forgot that he had to leave, sadly. So he packed up his stuff and played a little ball with her, sang her a lullaby, and as she drifted off into the wonderful clouds of sleep, he slowly sneaked out the door. A sleepy Selena woke up later very hungry and unhappy, so I fed her and within the hour she evolved into a Kingyobotchi. Yeah, again. Well, good thing she'll be a (hopefully) Painaputchi soon! :)



It was a pretty slow day today for Selena and me, so when we finally got home from dance she decided she wanted to remodel a little bit. I reluctantly took a trip with her (while I coughed my throat out, btdubs) to the designers and we picked out the bubbles design. The designers soon came, and Selena loved it!! From the pink to the music notes, to the clouds and bubbles it was so perfect! :)




It was only a few moments after that when Selena evolved into...Painaputchi!I think I'll be aiming for Meloditchi. (Get it, Selena (ehem, Gomez) as a Meloditchi... :) )

As my friend says: Okies! I think thats all for tonight! :) Get ready for the epic 200th post tomorrow! :)





Holly and Selena
