Holly's Candy Shop


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HAPPY 200TH POST!!!!!!!!!!

Welcome to the 11th page!! :D Time for a small art gallery of fan art work and mine! :)


The awesome designs of the super fantastic mochatchi34 feature...



And Starfalltchi!


These are super fabulous designs and I want to thank you so much for submitting something! :) You're the only fan-reader, so thank you!! :D


The fabulous design of my BFF Dani includes...



Thank you so much Dani! I always appreciate your support :)


The special design of moi is...



Thank you all so much for sticking with me through so many posts! There are many more to come, so I hope you stay with me! I really appreciate all of you and love logging so much that having people read my log makes me smile so much :) Cheers to a great 200 posts, and many more to come!! :)






Sorry I've been M.I.A. (missing in action)!

I have no voice right now, as in I cant speak. Apparently my sore throat got a little worse :p Luckily, my little Selena has had some better luck than me ;) She evolved, happily, into a Meloditchi! I just looove having a Meloditchi around! :) They are super cuteee! Selena got one of her happy symbols for breakfast today: the heart-tart thingy :) We'll see about more tomorrow.



Well, a raspy-voiced goodnight to ya'll! :)





Holly and Selena

What the sparkles?!

12 5-Star ratings!!!!!!!! :D

This is amazing! Thank you so so so so so so so so so much! :)

As I was pretty much immobilized from my knee and disappearing cold, I decided to watch a Spongebob marathon and finish up my Pillow Pet sewing. It looks really cute! :)


I also decided to make a Harry Potter wand, so I went outside and found a stick that I carved in with some hearts (using scissors, o' course) to personalize it ;)


(Btdubs, I apologize for the bad pics. The sun went down too quickly for me :p )

Selena got her second to last happy symbol today: The Kimono! She loves it so much. Yeah, work it, Selena! ;)



The last one has to grow, and since tomorrow she will be turning 6, I should probably get her married. *Sigh* I'll miss her. :(

See you tomorrow! :)





Holly, Selena, and Sabrina (the Pillow Pet I made ;) )

Back with some better pics of my hand-made Pillow Pet this morning! :) The sun came up and my pics were MUCH clearer, so I decided to post some of those better pics for y'all :)

Its a Pillow...


Its a Pet...


...Its a Pillow Pet! :) Try and guess what my favorite color is xD (And if you guessed anything but pink, sorry!)

Okay, I'll be back with a real update later today. Just wanted to show you a better pic! :)






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Today I continued my craftiness and made a Pear Phone (As seen on iCarly/Victorious)! :) Its really fun and cute, I just love it!! :)



Today was a LO-ONG and busy day on screen ;) Soooo Selena turned six, got her last happy symbol, and got married! It all started when we grew a Okarina. She loved playing with it! :) Then she did her whole "All the Happy Symbols" dance



After that she decided she wanted to get married, and she fell in love with a Hirotchi (which I thought was a match made in heaven ;) ) and returned home with a...Momoroitchi!!






I was so happy that this would be my first chance to get Rollutchi, but instead she evolved into a Palletchi (Which I was actually happy about, since I only got a Palletchi once). I think I'm going to aim for Pichipitchi, again ;)






Holly and Mia

(PS Now you can conveniently click on my siggy any time to see my log! Click the pic! ;) )

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Yeah, sorry about not posting yesterday. I kind of bought this new book on my kindle and wouldn't stop reading it, and well, all of a sudden it was bed time. So...yeah ;) (Btdubs, the book was The Hunger Games)

Mia evolved into a Sabosabotchi sometime during English class yesterday, and today she evolved into Perotchi at lunchtime today. I actually really like Perotchis, so I'm kind of glad :) Aaaand I'm almost back to the gen I was on when some wave of stupidity came over me and I reset my tama ;) So, yeah. All's good here! Emma will be here tomorrow afternoon...I'M SO EXCITED! :)





Holly and Mia


(Sorry for the pastepudding update, but I still have a bit of homework to finish. And I just wanted to use the word pastepudding xD (Which, btdubs, means bland or boring, hehe :) )

Edit: I just realized you dont know who Emma is. Well, she's the Pillow Pet I ordered for myself...tee hee. :)

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i know, bad ipdate on my ipod... :p Im going out of town until sunday for another dance competition, and since i just boufht a new dress from my friend, her mom did a whole makeup tutorial for it and stuff, so i was at dance extra late tonight. but it was totally worth it cause my dress is e-piiiic!!! :) :) Anyways ebough about me. emma came and she is SO awesome!!!!! :) Also, Mia is doing well as a Perotchi. might leave her home this weekend. well, its super late ans even though i dont have school tomirrow, im still exausted. 'nght!


Holly and Mia

Wow I'm far behind...

Well, things got hectic, again. I'll do my best to be better about posting, etc. But on the upside, I won my 32nd trophy this weekend, hehe :) Plus, I finished both Hunger Game books...AMAZING. Now onto Mockingjay! :)

So...Mia is 6 and we tried to grow a Kendama so she could get married but it just wont work!!! She'll be 7 at the age of marriage. Other than that, we got all the happy symbols. She's starting to get a little tired of our room theme, so we'll pastably be looking into getting a new one later... :) So...yeah. I have left almost no pics in recent posts, so I have one for you tonight, one I could post. Just of Mia.


Okay, sorry! I'll be back soon with better updates, take my word for it. :)





Holly and Mia

"I just came to say Hello!"

Yes, its stuck in my head.

Good thing I love that song. <3

So...after growing 3 freaking Okrinas and a jump rope, Mia FINALLY grew a Kendama!! At the age of 8, she got married to a Guriguritchi. That went on some dates, and she came home with a little egg that popped out a...Momoroitchi! :) I went shopping right after she was born and throughout all my trying on of clothes, the baby was ignored, resulting in a Palletchi, which I think is still really adorable :) I'm not exactly aiming for anything right now. We'll see how things go! :)


Also...check out my snazzy new necklace that I got today! :)


I've been obsessed with the Hunger Games lately, and this reminded me of the Mockingjay that was Katniss' "symbol" (read to find out what that means, or PM me ;) ), so I was super psyched when I saw it! :)

Okay, off to bed, and then a weekend's-worth of good with-picture posting! :)





Holly and Hazelle

Hi everyone! :)

Hazelle and I had a great day! :) It was the first "Fun Friday" at school, which meant that instead of wearing our uniforms like we usually do, we got to wear whatever we want, and they had a HUGE ice cream bar after school! :) Plus games, music, and a lot of fun :) After all of this excitement, she evolved into a Sabosabotchi! :) I guess that my care misses are leading me towards a Pichipitchi, so be it! ;) Okay, more exciting posts tomorrow...I have a little surprise for y'all :)


Also, I accidently took this pic today, but I thought it looked really cool :)






Holly and Hazelle

Edit: Thanks to the 13th person who voted this log 5 stars! :) I really appreciate it! :)

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It was just another Saturday, and after the busy week, Holly and Hazelle, a girl and her tama, decided to just hang out and enjoy the stress-less afternoon. First they decided to play some Wii. So they picked up the controllers and started kicking some butt at Wii tennis :)


Then they got a little tired of tennis and switched to Wii archery, which Holly ROCKED at :D


After playing they decided to drink smoothies and listen to some tunes including some of Holly's favorite songs like Pumped Up Kicks, Judas, and Moves Like Jagger. :)


Hazelle spotted Holly's pink sunglasses right then, and she was just dying to try them on!


Emma was getting lonely then, so Holly and Hazelle decided to hang out with her and watch some iCarly ;)


It was a great Saturday and they hope you had a fabulous one too! :) :)


Holly, Hazelle, and Emma <3

Thanks SO much for the 14th 5-Star rating! :)

It was an exciting day for Hazelle and I! First, we decided to go the park and be kind to the environment by recycling some trash.




For our efforts, they were so happy they decided to give up chopsticks (?), so now we can eat at the restuarant for 50% off! :)



After that, Hazelle started flashing and getting very scared. I told her all would be okay, and soon she was a...Violetchi! :) How adorable are they??? :)


Tomorrow we should be getting some happy symbols and connecting with Dani's tama when we volunteer tomorrow with little children! I'M SO EXCITED! :D

Okay, until then, thank you SO much for clicking!!! I really really really appreciate all of you readers out there... :)





Holly and Hazelle

My lip is very puffy right now, 'cause my brother accidently hit it ;)

So, while I sit here sipping my peppermint tea, my lip gets bigger and bigger. Wow, I've really gotta rethink this whole tea thing... ;)

First Hazelle wanted to dress up, so she tried on the Kimono and loved it! :)


Then she wanted to get a pet, so she got a fluffy green unicorn pet! :D


Then she met up with Marshall Lee, Dani's tama, and they took a picture together :)


All in all, it was a great day, although I cant really speak right now, due to a puffy lip ;) Thats okay, though, doesn't hurt too bad ;)





Holly and Hazelle

Another one of my lazy posts, I know... :p But I decided to have strong will and post every single day of the week from now on. ;) Lets see how this works out ;)

Today Hazelle and I went shopping, and in the hats isle at Tama Mori, she fell in love with this really cute flower hat. She'd been saving up, so even though it was 2,000 GPs, she still bought it. For lunch we headed out to the bakery for her final happy symbol, that little brown cake thing, and now she is stamped in the great book of my tamas! :) Im planning on getting her married tomorrow, pastably for all my friends. :)

Okies, that wraps up another installment of my little log. until next time, I bid you farewell! :)





Holly and Hazelle


(PS Please go to Non Tamatalk General and click on the "Bracelet Swap" topis, please please please!!! Its going to be super fun, but only if a lot of people do it!! Thanks! :) )

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As I promised, I got Hazelle married today, in a lovely ceremony with a Kutchipatchi. After many dates with her loved one, she returned home to play with her little daughter, Chloe. :) Chloe soon got sleepy, and when she woke up, no one was there, so she started pouring her eyes out. Her spirits didn't brighten much until she evolved into the ever-adorable Palletchi, and at lunch went with me to get a new remodel theme. :)


I'm not really aiming for anything right now, but she'll probably evolve into a Sabosabotchi, probably because I can only check up on her a few times during the school day.

So far so good, see you tomorrow! :)





Holly and Chloe

hey hey hey!

I know I didnt post yesterday, bt before yu get too judgey, my internet was down, so i couldnt post... :( Sooo...for tosay and yesterday, Chloe evolved into a Painaputfhi then Chamametchi, who is ADORBS!!! :D im going to get more happy symbols tomorrow, but I have origami club and my friends birthday party, so im not sure how poatinf will go ;)

Sorry, excuse my typos, im on an iPod ;)


Holly and Chloe

(P.S. RIP Steve Jobs... :( :()

Bonjour!! :)

Shout out time! :D First, thanks to ApertureGotchi for the avatar compliment! :D Next, thanks so much to mimitchi^0^ for the really nice fanmail!! Their log is also amazing (its true, dont deny the awesomeness, mimitchi^0^ ;) ), and you can read it by clicking HERE!! I always love fanmail!! :D

Today was an AWE-SOME day for Chloe and me! She got a pet, her 2nd happy symbol, connected with Gale (Dani's iD L), AND evolved into her double identity at the Henshin Jo! So first off, she ended up getting a Sopranitchi (??), who is super adorbs and fluffay!! Then we went to TamaMori and picked up the helmet thing that she fell in love with. She tried it on, and thought it would look even better if she was in a full 'stume. So we headed to the Henshin Jo and...


Epic, no? :) Then she met up with Gale, and they played some games and took a photo with their pets :)


Tomorrow I'll do a "photo-album" post and show you all the pics on my iD L ;) But its getting now, so I want to leave you with just one more thing:


A Harry Potter scarf I just found lying around in the laundry room!! How awesome, right?? :)

Well, thanks for reading! :)





Holly and Chloe


I'd love to do a long, spectacular log that you all deserve, but I'm REALLY tired, so I'll probably make this really brief.

Yesterday morning Chloe got married to Dani's tama Gale, and they had twin baby boys! I decided to name my boy Cinna. He evolved from a Nittobotchi to a Furutspatchi, then today into a Happabouyatchi, who is uber cute! :)


I dont have any real goals for what he is going to be, because personally I like all of the characters from Happabouyatchi.

We also celebrated Memetchi's birthday today. Happy birthday, meme!! :)

In other news, I've been kind of obsessed with duct tape lately (after a trip to Target sparked my interest in brightly colored tape :) ), and I made this duct tape wallet yesterday. I think I'm going to make a little purse for my iD L, hehe :)







Holly and Cinna

Better posts to come! I have a test tomorrow, so I was studying for a while, so now you get a suckish post :p

Today was an okay day. I put Cinna in the backpack this morning, and through the hustle and bustle of the day, I only checked him after 1st period... By the end of the day I was FREAKING out because I hadent even fed him once all day (besides that one time), so I checked on him right at the end of the school day and he had evolved into a....Kikitchi! :D They happened to be super cute in colour! :) (Yes, Im going to spell "color" the British way now ;) )

We'll be working on happy symbols tomorrow, and on Thursday I can finally (!!!!) get different icon bakgrounds!!!! :D

Okay, thats it. Happy Thanksgiving to all you Canadiens that celebrated yesterday! :)





Holly and Cinna

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I know, I need to post pics.

I cant now, though, because right now I'm in the middle of a Dr. Who marathon. <3

Today, in haste for those background icons (I had to wait like 16 whole gens...sheesh...), I sort of got all of Cinna's happy symbols. I just need that last one tomorrow at lunchtime and I'll be golden. I cant wait! :D Tomorrow, too, I'll probably be taking Cinna on a trip to Henshin Jo, which I'm really excited for because I dont know his "alter-ego", but I cant wait to find out what it is :)

Sorry, I know you guys deserve more than a lame post, but the commercials are almost over. ;)





Holly and Cinna
