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Being too distracted with video games appears to be a recurring gag around here...

More like a recurring inconvenience.

That's exactly what it is, h'n.

I second that.

I third that, poro.

That doesn't make sense.

Your mom doesn't make sense, poro.


Anyways, I got a Tama-Go today!

Oh, cool! Are you going to create a separate log for it?

Heck no! That's stupid! I seriously don't see the point to that.

I second that.

Don't steal my lines, Pein!

I have piercings, unlike other Kuribotchi. Your argument is invalid.

Ok, who taught him "Your argument is invalid"?!

That would be me.

I'm sensing insanity in this general area.

We're supposed to be insane because THIS! IS! THE INTERNET! *sparta kicks naga's tail*

I feel so used. Also, who's that?

That's Vanitas, the new Tamagotchi.

You named him after a video game character.

His personality reminds me of him. Plus, Vanitas is awesome! And no, I do not fangirl over him.

Whatever makes you happy.

When am I gonna be unpaused?

In due time. Anyways, gotta end this entry here. Also, this is the largest wall of colored text I have ever seen.


Yarly. Now, this entry is over. No more character interruptions past this point.

This is a (hopefully) short update to say Vanitas is now a Kilalatchi.

Isn't that the good male teen of the Tama-Go?

Yes, it is.

Just hearing the word good gives me a headache.

I looked through a growth chart, and it says that taking really good care of an odd gen male Tama-Go gives you Mametchi, h'n....

Oh dear. We're going to have 3 permanent Tamas in the log.

How did you know I was going to make Vanitas a permanent character?

Just a guess.

Will I be able to leave if I wasn't Mametchi?

Nope. The character you're named after is just too awesome.

Oh joy.

This is not a short entry.

I second that, poro.

Why do we all keep saying that?


Hello, it's time for a fan mail update. Type "Log" in the subject line if it's fan mail. Type "Riku", "Deidara", "Vanitas" or "Other" if you have questions for any of us.

Well, Vanitas unexpectedly turned into a Kuchipatchi....

We have to do something. I don't want to be a duck for the rest of my life!

We could call Tentaclear and see if he could do anything, but it would take him a few days to get here....

This will have to do.

Oh, hey. This log has gotten over 1,000 views.

That's a pretty high number.

Yes, yes it is. And this is now a short update because we haven't had one of those in a while.

Clear: New forums, so new colors for some of us.

Riku: Alright, I get gray now!

Sakura: I call this new pink!

Gachi: If Riku's not red anymore, then this seahorse is taking it!

Pon Pon: I'm staying teal, poro.

Konan: I'm going to be a lighter blue, just in case we find Kisame.

Deidara: I'm going to keep being an eyesore for no reason, h'n.

Vanitas: Guys. Focus. I'm still a DUCK.

Pein: We'll think of something.

Naga: Honestly, I really don't care.

Pon Pon: I second that, poro.

Vanitas: Say that again. I dare you.

Pon Pon: I sec- *gets a sock stuffed into his octopus mouth*

Vanitas: I was being sarcastic.

Clear: Finally got back around to unpausing Vanitas.

Vanitas:Thank you for that, by the way. Has Tentaclear gotten here yet?

Deidara:No, no he hasn't, h'n. He's stuck in a traffic jam.

Naga: I wasn't aware giant floating eyeballs could drive.

Clear: Well, he has tentacles, so...

Pon Pon: Oh, good, so he's kinda like me, poro.

Pein: What do a giant eyeball and an octopus even have in common?!

Gachi: Well, Clear did say that Tentaclear also had tentacles.

Riku: This log is starting to sound more familiar each entry.

Clear: It should already be familiar, because we go here to update.

Riku: No I meant... Oh nevermind.

Clear: Sorry about the update drought, my computer got a virus. That, and I'm too lazy to unpause Vani.

Riku: You could take him with you on your trip to Texas next week.

Clear: I could, but I don't want to lose him.

Gachi: I imagine the time difference would make it worse.

Vanitas: And you'll be too busy fighting off scorpions.


Naga: Now look what you did! You know she's afraid of scorpions!

Vanitas: I know. > :)

Konan: That's just cruel.

Pon Pon: I sec--

Vanitas: *glares at pon pon*

Pon Pon: Never mind, poro.

Clear: I can't believe I'm updating this from Texas.

Riku: Just be glad we found a private chat room for this.

Clear: Wasn't I the one who made it? Oh, well.

Vanitas: See any scorpions, yet?

Clear: No, thank Palkia.

Palkia: I didn't do anything.... oh. I get it.

Gachi: Oh, look, more characters.

Palkia: I was the only person nice enough to come, besides Naga.

Konan:You're on a trip with a couple of dragons.


Deidara: I came, too, h'n!

Naga: Lemme guess, you snuck in the suitcase.

Deidara: It was actually very comfortable in there. I've also never been inside the luggage compartment of a plane, h'n.

Clear: Speaking of dragons, on the plane, I saw a dragon 1000 times the size of a large jet!

Palkia: I'm pretty sure it was way bigger than that.

Naga: I'm pretty sure it was a cloud.

Clear: Do clouds roar and do flips?

Naga: .....Ok, I believe.

Clear: Welp, time to get around to updating this dang thing.

Gachi: But no one's unpaused.

Clear: I know, but everyone on the forums needs to know I'm still alive.

Vanitas: Reading that webcomic didn't help matters.

Clear: Are you dissing Homestuck?

Vanitas: I'm not, but you spend way too much time reading it.

Clear: It's not my fault it's full of awesome sauce. Like Adventure Time.

Sakura: I'm still surprised Finn can fit all that hair in his hat.

Pon Pon: I know, right, poro?

Riku: It's not even possible.

Clear: It's called cartoon physics, guys. GET IT RIGHT.

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