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Riku again. If you wonder what that's about, Mattaritchi and Papamametchi are talking to the fridge. I'm going to the arcade to beat Road Blocks.

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What's up!?! My name's Sora! I'm an UraTogetchi!


Whatever.... Hey, Neku? Have you seen my pen?

I can't say that I have. So shut up.

Hey there. Long time no write. Since my battery is dead again, I'm no longer active. But I'll still write since Clear is too lazy to do it herself. Anyways, we have to deal with the UraTogetchi twins now. And a strange Tama that appeared on our computer.

We aren't related. But we might as well be. Me and Sora were born on the same day.

Anyways..... I have no idea how that Tamagotchi got on the computer. But it's not causing any problems, so I guess it can stay. Before the v5 battery died, Korokotchi was Kutchipatchi. He married a Yonepatchi and became a special family type. The end.

EVERYONE! DO THE SORA! *starts dancing like an idiot*


Got any fan mail? Send it to Clear with a subject of Riku Fan Mail.

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*throws a paper airplane* I'm bored.

Well, why don't you just work on that oramagami or whatever it is.

Did that. And it's origami.

Heya. Did I forget to mention that Sora and Neku left? I didn't, didn't I? Well, they did, and their daughters, Ino and Konan were left behind. Both are this starfish thing, Hitodetchi. :)

Yeah, hi. Excuse me, but I believe I haven't been in the logs, h'n.

Well, excuse me, Marutchi. But who asked you?

Look, considering that I'm in your computer, I have the upper hand. I'm sure you don't want it to crash, h'n.

Ok, ok, fine. You can be in the logs. Just don't make the computer crash.

Remeber, send all fan mail with a subject line of Riku Fan Mail. I don't know why I have to keep reminding you. Nuff said.

Riku's currently setting up fireworks, so I'll take over for him.

Wait, WHAT?! No, no, no. This isn't acceptable.

And why not?

Because you always type in yellow. That's going to put strain on people's eyes.

Strain? I thought we were talking about pie!

Look, you just shut up, h'n. I'm a teen, and that puts me in charge. So whatever I say, goes. Now both of you Hitodetchis, leave me alone. I'm trying to type, h'n.

Whatever. Come on, Ino, let's go.

Sorry about that. Honestly, I should have put Deidara in charge of the fireworks instead of the log. He pretty much handled the Tamagotchi info part. Anyways, fan mail. If you've got it, send it to Clear with a subject of Riku Fan Mail. I honestly don't know why Clear makes me type that every time......

Well, we currently have two Mametchi around, One being me, and the other is..... Uhhhhhggggg, why do I have to say this?!

Because I told you, so keep reading!

Fine. The other Mametchi is Deidara, the Tamagotchi taking up residence in our computer. And Clear's currently thinking about resetting poor Ino to get a boy tama.

WHAT?! You can't reset Ino! We're practically sisters!

I'd hate to be the one to tell you this, but you aren't related. Now, go ahead and reset her, h'n.

Let's see..... Konan doesn't want me to reset her, but Deidara says otherwise..... I can't decide! What should I do?!

Do the thing that all good log writers do: Make a poll.

To put a flag on?

I said POLL, not POLE. Idiot.

Want to send Riku some fan mail? PM me a message with the subject of Riku Fan Mail, and I'll make sure he gets it.

Vote on whether Ino stays or goes here: Poll

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Ok, it's been like..... what, 3 days since you put up that poll, and we've only gotten one vote!

I know! This is going to take forever! Why isn't anyone voting?!

Probably because they saw the first few entries, didn't like it and stopped reading, h'n.

Hey! It's not her fault that she can't edit the first pages!

Are you saying it's my fault?!

It might as well be your fault!

Stop, guys! It can't be that! This log has over 600 views!

And..... that's good, right?

Yes, yes it is.

All fan mail should be sent to Clear with a topic of Riku Fan Mail.

Hey there. This is a message from Konan the Hitodetchi. Whenever me or my relatives post under Riku's fan mail messages (he won't stop reminding you, btw), it means Clear drew something. Here's the first ever artwork post! Torn

Well, things just went from bad to worse. This crazy storm fried our phone. But, the resulting spark frightened Deidara, and he literally jumped out of the computer. Then he slammed into the wall.

Then he started complaining on how much his hands hurt. And THEN he reached out and licked me with his HAND!

You said I whined too much, h'n!

*hiding under a blanket*

Did I forget to mention that the spark also scared Ino, and now she won't come out from under that blanket?

...... *glaring at deidara*

WHAT?! It's not my fault that she's scared, h'n!

Stop fighting!

Not until she admits that I didn't scare Ino, h'n.

Well, that didn't work. Nice try anyway, Pammee.

That reminds me. After Deidara jumped out of the computer, we found an egg on the desktop that hatched into a male Shirobabytchi.

*gives deidara a suspicious look*

Don't give me that look! Just because I have long hair, does not make me a girl, h'n.

Send all fan mail to Clear; fan mail for me with a subject of Riku Fan Mail, and fan mail for Deidara (i seriously don't know why) with a subject of Deidara Fan Mail.

Since I'm writing, guess what time it is! Artwork time! Our first Sketchfu drawing

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Things got slightly better for us. After Clear came back from the zoo and mall, she found that Pammee had become a Tongaritchi. But the Care Center did not do it's job. The poor PC Tama went to bed with 0 hungry and 1 happy! Jerks.

It's not their fault.

Yes it is, h'n. And why are people not voting in the poll?

They must think it's optional. I'm in quite a predicament here, so please vote! Also, you don't have to remind about fan mail today, Riku. We've got that covered already. *points to the above posts*

Oh, ok.

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The worst possible thing happened: Pammee vanished. We don't know how, or why, but he was gone. And all that was left was a crying Babytchi named Kisame.

It was horrible. Asteroids everywhere!

That's enough of your stories. We know you hatched on that computer, not in space.

Prove it.

*points to an eggshell on the corner of the monitor* That wasn't here when Pammee was around, h'n.

Yeah, what he said!

Vote in that poll people! We still only have one vote!

I'm starting to get sick of this argument. So I decided that the poll isn't working.

But.... Then who wins?

That's what I'm trying to figure out!

Why don't you flip a coin?

Fish face has a point.

That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard, h'n!

I'll do it, then give you guys an update on what happened.


Where's Ino? What happened?

Does this mean.....

Yep. Ino has been reset.

Which means Deidara won!

I won, h'n?!


Sorry, it had to be done.

In your face, h'n!

This is the log? It's not too exiting.


Well, that's enough talking for now. Pein is our newest Tama's name. Send fan mail to me or Deidara for more info and maybe send us some comments. You know what to put in the subject line for either of us.

So Kisame became Tamatchi. Now Operation Neglect comes into effect!

Wait, WHAT?!

It has to be done. You must become Ginjirotchi in order to match your skin color.

Don't I get a say in this?!

Apparently not.


You have to, h'n. We don't want three Mametchi roaming about. So shut up, h'n.

Konan is too distracted to put up new artwork. Just look at our sketchfu for now.

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This is not good. This is not good at all.

What is it?

I found this note. It says they captured Kisame!


We have to get him back! He's family!

I agree with Clear, h'n!

Our friend Kisame the Tamatchi has been captured! I'm too worried to notify you about fan mail!

We tried an Internet search to try and find the fiends who kidnapped Kisame. But that didn't work.

Whose idea was it to use Google anyways?

*slowly hides under the table*

Anyways, looks like those guys were on to us. Meteors and Space Dragons started heading for our location alone! We had a spare spaceship handy, though.

Of course I volunteered to fly it, but The One Who Will Not Be Named wanted to pilot it, and shoved me out of the way!

Funny, I don't remember Voldemort being here.

She's referring to me, h'n.

Anyways, Deidara flew the spaceship and took down all 3 waves!

I must say, it was rather impressive. But I distinctly remember someone telling me he had a unique skill. Why didn't you use it?

I was low on clay! Besides, it would have taken longer, h'n.

You know the drill for fan mail. But if you don't, send Clear a PM with a subject line of either Riku Fan Mail or Deidara Fan Mail.

Finally got around to posting artwork. This one is a blast from the past! Everybody dance now!

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Those guys can't take a hint. We keep getting attacked by Space Dragons and Meteors. This time, it was two waves.


Calm down, Clear. What's wrong?

One of my pet goldfish is dead!

That's even more depressing than Kisame being kidnapped.

That fish was probably older than the other, h'n.

That's true.

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Well, the number of girl Tamagotchis has gone up by 1. Clear just got a Music Star.

That reminds me, I need to get batteries for my Angel and other Music Star.

Let's just hope things don't get crazy again, h'n.

At least we have a replacement for Ino.

But not for Kisame.

Someone's missing? I could help. Really!

No offense, but you're kinda young. Wait until you're older, h'n.

Stop discouraging people, Deidara!

Let's end this now before things get out of hand.


Got fan mail? Read earlier posts for more info.

Sorry for the update drought, Clear was away for a week, didn't bring her Tamas with her, and lacked Internet access.

On the bright side, I formed a band!

Aren't your bandmates both fruit?

Yes, they're Ringotchi and Ichigothi, and I'm a Chamametchi. So?

So why is your band name Dreamers?

Like that matters, guys.

Clear has a point.

I think Dreamers is a perfectly good name for this kind of band, h'n.

Why thank you, Deidara!

But, on a slightly darker note, before I left, my other fish died.

That sucks.

Yes, yes it does, Riku. Now I don't have ANY fish.

We should try to look for Kisame now.

Don't rush it, Konan. We'll find him eventually.

Sorry we haven't updated! I haven't unpaused any of my Tamas in DAYS. That, and I was too busy playing World of Goo.

I thought you beat that in one day?

OCD flags and boredom are a dangerous mix.


Uh... who are these guys?

Who? Oh, you mean the seahorse and octopus with the weird markings. Those two are Gachi and Pon Pon.

Yes, but why are they here?

I was inspired by another log to bring in some original characters. And by that, I mean cute little squishy things.

We won't see any giant, 5-mouthed fish or dark, demonic foxes with a lightning bolt tail in here, right?

You've been snooping in my notebook, haven't you?!

Yes, yes he has, h'n.

You said you wouldn't rat me out!

No, I said MAYBE I won't rat you out.

Longest entry I've ever read, poro.

Oh no, not someone else who ends their sentences strangely!

It's a speech impediment, h'n!

I just have a habit of saying that, poro. It's the way I talk for people to know who I am, poro.

It gets on your nerves after a while, trust me.

I'll take your word for it.

We should probably end this now. All this chatting woke me up!

Oops. Sorry. Good thing this is log only.

Read above posts for fan mail info.

Sorry I haven't been updating again! More video games.

That's because she's been complaining about this "giant jellyfish".

Hey, Metamorphosis was difficult, and you know it!

Actually, I don't.

Excuse me, but why am I here?

Clear requested you be in this log, Naga.

Oh. Well, thanks for taking me out of that box, Clear.

No prob.

Uh, what is Naga?

A giant skeletal dragon, h'n.

Isn't that obvious?!

No, not really, poro.

> :ichigotchi:

Anyways, Imma end this entry here. And I may not update tomorrow, gotta try and beat Eraqus. Oops, spoilers!

I don't understand video games at all.
