Heart's Desire


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Alice could hear voices and a guitar being played further down the hall. As she made her way there, holding onto her violin case tightly. She was sure it would be a good idea to meet the other people that were here but was quite nervous about it.

The siblings smiled as they watched Blaze, the all too familiar trance-like state falling onto his face as he closed his eyes. Both of them knew it well. There really was nothing like the natural high of loosing one's self in their music. No drug can compare.

Auburn smiled excitedly at Angel's offer. "I'll play with you Angel!" she said, not being able to resist an offer of music. Auburn strode out of the room and retrieved her guitar, strapping it and returned to the room with it draped across her. Sterling shrugged with a grin and also retrieved Charlie, quickly returning ready to play with an eagerness that even surprised Syerling himself.

Kaylin had followed everyone into Cade's room. She sat criss-cross on the floor, looking up at all of the potential boys. She really couldn't sing, or play an instrument, but she was decent at contemperary dance. But, since there wasn't much room to dance, she just sat and swayed.

Taylor threw her bags onto one of the beds in room 29. She stretched before looking around, glancing in the bathroom, and testing out the bed. She got off of the bed and walked back down the stairs until she found the kitchen. She smelled chicken and looked over the shoulder of a boy curiously. When she realized that it seemed a little creepy, she backed up and opened the refridgerator.

Blaze ended the song he was playing, and snapped out of his trance. He opened his eyes, strummed a little longer, before he turned around and stopped to say to Angel and Auburn, "Hey, I'll jam with you guys.. What are we playing?" He asked, as he leaned back in his chair. At first, he hadn't been so eager about coming here, since he was sure it would be filled with jocks and cheerleader girls. He hadn't expected there to be people who were musically talented, just like him.

Kaylin bounced a little. She loved the sound of guitars. She loved the sound of music, in general. "You know what'd be cool? If there was, like, a stage or studio or something!" the girl cried out. Kaylin seriously acted like she was five sometimes. But it's all for attention. She's actually a lot more intelligent and experienced than she lets on. After brushing a lock of her hair that had come out of its' french braid, she added, "Then you guys could form a band, and I could be a dancer." It's amazing how little things like a stage excited Kaylin.

Cade watched Blaze, Auburn and Angel out of the corner of his eye, with jealously filling him. He wished that he could switch places with Blaze. "I should have just convinced my dad to stay in New York City so I would never have to had met my brother, or came here." He muttered under his breath.

Kaylin noticed Cade's grumbling. How could someone be in a bad mood in an atmosphere like this one? Kaylin stood up, pointed to Cade and demanded, "Smile. Frowning is bad for you." She gave Cade a rather large grin to try and make him do the same.

Taylor shrugged and grabbed a yogurt. Something was better than nothing, right? After digging around for spoons, Taylor sprinted back up the stairs. She heard guitar and peeked into the room. Once she saw how many people were inside, she backed up. Lots of people in small spaces weren't fun for her. Taylor opened up the yogurt and took a bite. She heard Kaylin's voice and rolled her eyes. Leave it to Kay-Kay to call someone out.

Cade saw a finger, and heard a voice telling him to smile. Curious to see who had spoken to him, he rose his head up and looked around, until his eyes set down on a small, tiny girl with dark hair. "Why? For all you know, I might be frowning for a good reason, you know." Although by this point, Cade was no longer frowning; instead, the tiniest of smiles was forming on his lips.

"Well, I can give you a good reason to smile, mister. You're in a house with lots of attractive people who may grow to have interests on you. Frowning is not a vrey good first impression to give someone you might want to get to know better." Kaylin said, putting her hands on her hips. It was nearly impossible for a four foot eleven girl to look intimidating, but somehow, Kaylin managed to pull it off. She tossed her long braid over her shoulder and skipped out of the room. She had a feeling he may follow her, so she waved to Taylor, but then shooed her away.

Taylor raised an eyebrow at Kaylin, but shrugged and continued down the hallway, back to her bedroom. She plopped down onto the bed before finishing off her yogurt.

"But all the "attractive" people in here are so different from me..." Cade trailed off as he watched the girl walk out of the room. He wondered whether he should follow her or not. Curious, he got up and stretched briefly before walking out of the room, after the girl.

Lucas finished off his meal by stirring it around in the pan with a little spatula thinger. A wonderful aroma spread through the air rapidly. Lucas inhaled deeply enjoying the smell

He slide the meal onto a large serving tray and finished off his pot of Asian style rice.

Jack looked into the small hole in the wall of the library. He saw only blackness in the tiny door. It was like somethin out of Alice in wonderland, a small hidden door in the wall that was shorter than most. Jack couldn't quite tell whether this was a crawl space or some form of secret passage.

Shaula groaned loudly, and grumbled in a rather bah-humbug way, "Yay. Music."

She fell on the bed, and rolled over, pressing her soft white pillow to her face as she growled in her discontent. She then sang a song to herself, to keep from exploding into an uncontrollable fit of rage. She was actually pretty good for a talentless 14-year-old cheerleader, but only now did she realize it. The happiness of her discovery kept her from being angry anymore. Shaula laid on the bed, facing the ceiling, with her left hand draped over her chest. She sighed. Ahh, bliss.

Blaze, while waiting for Angel and Auburn to start playing their instruments, decided to play another song. He ran a hand through his hair before stopping to go to the fridge in the kitchen, and take out some water. He drank a cup, and felt rejuvenated just about instantly. He walked back to the room where everybody was, and sat back down in his chair.

The siblings spent a few minutes turning their beloved instruments. Auburn grinned excitedly as she strummed for the first time in days. Oh the bliss of sweet music to her ears. Auburn wouldn't trade it for the world. Almost at once, she began to play the into to a song. A song that was very special to both Auburn and Sterling, for they had both written it together. Upon hearing the familiar music, Sterling joined in with his sister as she began the intro. As they played together, Auburn smiled, her spirits soaring, and began to sing.

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Steem thought he had heard music "great..other people" he sighed standing up feeling that he should try socializing for once, he exited his room and walked rather slowly to where everyone was, he raised his hand in greeting silently

Blaze stopped strumming his guitar when he heard Auburn begin to play a song on her guitar. He stopped playing, and then carefully put his instrument down for a moment so he could listen to Auburn and Sterling.

Auburn sang her heart out as she strummed her guitar in unison with her brother, belting out the chorus with a clear, strong voice that seemed to be unfit for such a small person such as Auburn. Sterling softly sang here and there, harmonizing with his sister's voice. Auburn closed her eyes and smiled as she sang the melody of their song, finishing it off with a single strum of her guitar and a soft hum as the last chord filled the air. She opened her eyes and breathed deeply, enjoying the familiar rush Auburn often felt when playing or singing.

Angel decided it was her turn, her time to shine. She rested the keyboard on her knees and began to play

//www.tamatalk.com/IB/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png Angel struggled to pull of all of the notes, but made a beautiful piece as her mind turned thoughts into her head, they better have a pool here. Maybe a party would do some goo. Her thoughts were interrupted when a hard note came in, but managed to pull it off.
Alice swayed to the sound of the fast but beautiful song being played. She herself could play quite a few song on the piano, more then she could on the violin since she had been playing since young age, she had only started to play violin two or three years ago and only knew four or five songs. She had soon lost herself in her memories of the songs she could play, but the thoughts were interrupted by a delicious smell in the air and absentmindedly follow the scent.

Blaze was impressed by Auburn and Sterling's piece, and also by Angel's piece (OOC: Lol, Kaguya's theme.. xD). He politely applauded both of them, before deciding it was his turn to play.. Again. He began to play the first few notes of this, and he played it at the exact speed it should be played, and then, with a deep breath right before, began to sing.

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