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It's sad that he's gay. =(

Sadie's look darkened, but then... her eyes widened slightly and she whispered, "Unless Max... was on our side all along. They could be targeting us and him. Or something happened to Max. He'd never let anyone harm his sister. Not even his wolf pack." She got to her feet, then tried calling Max. No answer.

Mikey sniffed the air a few times, then winced. "Blood... but not just any blood. Wolf blood." He jumped downwards, getting out his phone. "I don't plan on investigating until the others are with us. Who knows if the wolves are using this as an ambush. We're better in numbers." He made the call. "Sadie, Brandon. There's wolf blood down here, but we haven't looked in on it yet. We're at the corner of fifth and Maine. Hurry!"

Prudence nodded, pulling up to the house in a matter of minutes. She barged in, then went over to Sadie, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We'll find her, don't you worry. Any news?" She looked around at the others, trying to get as much information as she could.

I know. He's just the perfect man except for that xD

"I don't think it's a case of he was completely on our side. He hurt all of us too much for that to be the case. But I agree, I don't think he's behind this one," Brandon said thoughtfully.

Angie jumped off of Mikey's back once they were on the ground, senses tingling, ready for the first sign or smell of anything suspicious about. All they could do now was just wait until the others got here.

Brandon said as Evander and Prudence joined them, to update them on the information they'd gathered, "Mikey and Angie have just found some wolf blood down town. Lucy's kidnapped as well, so we don't think that Max is behind this one."

Evander apparently looked confused as to why Mikey was involved in this already. Of course, Cosette was his neice but wasn't it just dangerous for him to be around. And why was he with Angie? Still, that didn't actually matter at that point in time. Finding Cosette and Lucy mattered. "Well, let's stop mooching around and get there before anyone else beats us to it and then we'll put Mikey and Angie in danger, too."

Brandon picked up Sadie and put her on his back, and Evander did the same with Prudence, while Kyle and Blaise would go along, too, running alongside. They all reached the spot where Angie and Mikey were in no time at all.


Well, I still love Artie from glee, so....

Sadie looked around, not really smelling anything at all. But then she spotted Mikey and Angie and darted over to them. "Mikey, thank you so much for helping."

He shrugged in response, offering a bleak smile, before creeping down the alley, following the smell of wolf blood. "Guys! Guys!" He darted out of the alley, into the crude light of the streetlamps, his face panic stricken. "Help me out here... there's someone back in the alley!" He ran into the alley again, leading the others.

Sadie gasped audibly, tears filling her eyes. "Oh no... Max!" She ran to his side, kneeling down in the garbage and filth and blood all over the ground, taking his hand. "Max, wake up! Max!"

He opened his eyes slightly, dazed. "Sadie... you're here... how?"

"Who did this to you?" Sadie said, her voice tinged with anger and fear.

"The wolves... I tried to stop them... but they were too strong for me... they... they..." He inhaled sharply, cringing, the pain too much for him to bear. "I'm sorry... for everything. Forgive me... please..."

Sadie sobbed and said, "Of course I forgive you. Now, just relax, you'll be okay, we're going to--"

Mikey chuckled weakly, touching her face with his hand. "No... it's not meant to be... Sadie, I love you. If you could... when I'm gone... may I have... one kiss?" Sadie leaned down quickly, kissing him right then, out of friendship and pity. He smiled slightly, then closed his eyes, his body going limp. Sadie started bawling then, gripping Max tightly.

And he's not gay, as far as I'm aware. So, lucky you xD

Ahh well, I have my Rolling Stone poster to remind me of how gorgeous he is every morning.

The others just watched the scene in front of them silently, all standing next to each other, feeling a tinge of guilt for having first blamed this man for what had happened to Cosette, and, of course, deep sadness, though they could never understand how big the loss was to Sadie. Kyle had looked at Brandon when Sadie had kissed Max and Brandon has just looked back at him with an expression as if to say, 'What about it?' He knew that Sadie had just pitied her friend and had wanted to grant his last wish before he left them, so he could die happy. So how could he be jealous or upset by that when it was such a wonderful thing do do for Max? He approached her after a while, crouching beside her and wrapped his arms around her, still allowing her to hold Max, and whispered comforting words to her.

Yes, I'm very lucky!

You know what's unlucky? Antonio Banderas has to be so much older than me. *sigh*

Sadie buried her face in Max's hair, sobs wracking her body, her cries of grief sounding muffled and strained. Eventually, she kissed his forehead and laid him on the ground. "After this is over..." She said quietly, "We have to come back for him. And bury him properly and everything." She wiped her eyes, burrowing her face into Brandon's chest, sniffling quietly.

Mikey started trying to figure out where the trail of the wolf scent could possibly lead. It was very strong, but then.. human. Lucy, her lilac perfume, yes! And Cosette's baby smell. "Lucy and Cosette were here too..." He cringed. "Lucy must have had to watch her brother being... being..." He got choked up. Max had been his best friend, since they were in kindergarten, and suddenly-- he was gone. And he had been planning on being as mean as possible to Max... he knew he would regret that forever.

I noticed the other day how old he looked, actually.. (making it worse.. xD) Aren't there any other Spanish hotties you could turn to?

Brandon turned to Kyle, nodding at what Sadie had said and asked him, "Kyle, since I know you hate fighting anyway, would you maybe be kind enough to take Max's body back to the house, to make sure it stays intact so we can bury him when all of this is done?" Normally, most vampires would have cringed at the idea of helping out a werewolf, but even someone as insenstitive as Kyle knew how important this was to Sadie and Mikey, and he willingly, and carefully, it should be added, pciked up Max's body and he carried it all the way home-- he didn't even run, to be respectful. Brandon kissed Sadie's hair comfortingly, affectionately, "He died a hero, baby. He wouldn't want you to be hurt like this. He loves you, and I know I wouldn't want you to be like this if that was me. If it ever turns out to be me.."

Angie took her husband's hand and squeezed it reassuringly, to let him know she was here for him, and things would be alright. She understood his grief, and his regret. Even she, who barely knew Max, even less, the good side of him, was guilty for wanting to hurt him. "The scent carries that way," she said, nodding to the western alley leading off from where they were.

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..... WAHHHHHHHHH!!! Why God why!? D':

I don't know any xD

Mikey nodded and said, "If we want to avoid more situations like these, we need to go, now." He started down the western alley, breaking into a run, knowing that they were pressed for time.

Sadie and Prudence follow quickly, trying to be careful at the same time. This was no time to be careless or stupid, and letting everyone know they were there was the most idiotic thing they could do.

The alley led to the docks of the city, and Sadie looked at Angie for guidance from that point.

Prudence tensed. "I can hear the crying. Cosette's alive. Can't you hear it?"

Darn xD

I know of a hot Italian guy, but not Spanish.

All of the other vampires followed along quickly, Angie, following the scent until, she, too, heard the crying. "They're in this building here," she said, pointing to an old, unused and derelict warehouse of some sort. "They're high up, though. It'd make more sense to start on the roof and head down. She, Blaise and Evander hopped up, and they started heading down the various stairways leading from the roof. Brandon stayed down a minute to talk to Sadie. "I'm worried about taking you in, I can't leave you out here alone, and I'm afraid that they may need me. What do you want me to do?"

Oooooooo! Italian guy?

Prudence followed Evander closely, gently planting a kiss on his cheek. "For luck," she said softly, offering him a bleak smile. They could easily fight off the werewolves, but time was much harder to control. And Cosette, if she had any powers, couldn't use them yet. And Lucy, of course was just a human. There was no way she could fight for herself, especially when she was being held hostage. The crying got louder, and the voices of the werewolves could be heard.

"Quit crying, you little brat!" One voice yelled.

"Don't talk to the baby like that! Yeesh!" Lucy said, her voice sounding tired.

Sadie said, "I'm going in there, whether you like it or not. This our daughter, and our friend, and I can't just stand by and hope things turn out." She headed toward the warehouse, then said, "Brandon, can you carry me? Seeing as I can't exactly get in on my own..."

Yeah. The appliance company Zanussi employ an Italian guy to be their "Mr. Zanussi"; I walked past local appliance store a while ago now and on the window was a sign that said "Take home a hot Italian model" and on it was one of the most gorgeous guys I've ever seen. So I looked it up and apparently his name's Antonio and he's got a Facebook fanpage, even though the pictures on there aren't nearly as nice as the one in the shop window <3

"Thank you," Evander said, with a soft, solemn smile on his face. He returned the kiss quickly, to her lips and then said nothing more, concentrating on finding Cosette and Lucy. When he was sure they were on the right floor, he followed the sounds of the voices-- the wolves obviously weren't expecting them, or they were just dumber than he thought. He saw Angie enter, hand in hand with Mikey, down the hallway, and he beckoned for them to come to the door where he was standing with Prudence.

Brandon picked Sadie up, Bridal style and then made his way up to the roof by jumping between a wall of the warehouse and the wall of the building opposite. He continued to carry her as he began to descend the staircase. He found Angie's thoughts ahd asked her to mentally direct him to where they were. Soon, the whole group were outside the kidnapper's room.

xDDD win!

Prudence kept walking along, keeping her eyes and ears open for any movement or sound that could signal an attack or an ambush. Then they came to the door outside of the kidnapper's room, and prudence felt like her heart had stopped.

"Shut up, you traitor," the cool voice from the phone said, before the sounds of breaking glass started. The piercing cries of Cosette could easily heard, and when Sadie reached the outside of the room, she had to fight back tears.

"Leaver her alone!" Lucy yelled, and then the sounds of punching and kicking, a scuffle breaking out.

"I said shut up!" The cool voice replied, anger becoming evident. "You and your brother both deserve this fate. Helping the vampires, supporting an evil half blood brat. We're the law in this town. and all of you are violating it."

He is really quite gorgeous. But he can't hit a high F, as far as I'm aware, so he's not enough xD

Could you maybe post in Walrus? :)

Brandon rarely showed deep levels of sadness to other people. He preferred to suffer in silence, as it were, and let it out when he was alone. And even then, he never cried. But the sound of his child screaming, being mistreated and yelled at for just being who she was cause him to well up, and he had to fight back the tears. He was about ready to smash the door down, but he refrained; the situation needed more tactfulness than that.

He connected with everyone's minds, so that a plan could be discussed between all of them, but without it being heard. How are we approaching this? he asked.

Yeah, but I have to go, so I'll do it either later tonight or tomorrow

Yes you will! :3

How are you?

Prudence replied, Well, it sound like there are about six wolves in there... I should have brought my gun. They're basically human, after all, and a gun shot to the heart would kill them easy. Or even tranquilizers would work well, too.

Mikey said, Whatever we do, it's going to come down to a fight, unfortunately. First priority: get Lucy and Cosette out of there, okay?"

Sadie was silent, staring firmly at the door, Cosette's crying getting the best of her. She had to fight back the urge to go through the door and start yelling.

I'm great. I had a lovely day at work.

And how're you, during your day of not working? :)

Brandon said, I agree that we first need to get Lucy and Cosette out. After that, we give Cosette to Sadie and Lucy can stay with them, too, away from the door, with someone on guard with them.

Blaise hadn't disappointed, her firey nature leading her to go for the quick and easy method. She whipped out a pistol from inside her jacket and said, This works with both bullets and tranquilisers. Whichever you want to use, I'll put in. It just depends on whether we've got the heart to kill the bastards..

I'm loving it!

I'm eating steak, and life is great! :3 yup yup yup

Prudence replied, Kill the leader. Without him, they're nothing, and maybe we can talk sense into them. The minor wolves are probably just average people, being pushed by a crazy man with a thirst for power.

Sadie calmly said, I'm going in there, whether you guys like it or not. I can distract them easily, I'm sure that they want to talk to me. If you get Lucy and Cosette outside, I'll follow them and get them to safety.

It's a good idea, Mikey replied. But your life is in danger if you go through with this.

I know... but if all else fails, I can be changed. Sadie calmly told them.

Sounds awesome :3

Gotcha, Blaise replied, loading a case of bullets into her pistol and then holding it down by her side.

Brandon agreed with Sadie eventually. He said, It's a good point. Just promise me, as soon as we get them out of danger, you'll go with them? There was no way he could possibly live with himself if something happened to her.

I love being off work. It's so relaxing xD

But, I have to go back tomorrow.

Sadie looked at Brandon and said, That's a pie crust promise, love. Easily made... easily broken. I'll call for you when the time comes. I'll reach out with my mind. Then, she cut off her mind from theirs, not wanting them to know-- or feel-- any pain she might have. She shooed the others away, getting them down the hall and right around the corner, before returning to the door, her heart pounding furiously. She tried the handle, and was surprised when it moved easily for her, the door opening before her. She stepped into the room, and the door slammed shut.

"Well, it looks like my little plan worked," the cool voice said, from a figure lingering in the shadows. "I've lured you here."

Ahh well. Enjoy it while it lasts. :)

Brandon was desperate to go in with her. She shouldn't be alone when there were six werewolves in there. Six bloodthirsty creatures, and all it took was one to pounce and she'd be.. She'd. Don't even think about it, he told himself. Angie held onto his arm and squeezed it reassuringly. She whispered, "They'll be talking to her. We'll see them coming before they can get to her, okay?" It helped a little, but not enough for his liking.

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