GotchiGirl96's TamaLog!


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I am so sorry I haven't been on in a while. Kim had a baby girl and left her with me this morning. I set the time so she would be sleeping and she is. I haven't named her yet so she is still a ShiroTsubotchi. I'll get to it eventually.

Lexi wants to talk to you. She is just a baby so the words are going to be spelled wrong but I'm sure you'll still be able to read it.

Hi evrywun! My naym iz Lexi. I am a SheeroSoobochee. I just gotted sik and mommee cyurd me. I feel bedar nou. I am 3 pounds overwate so mommee iz going to play jumping rope with me nou. Biy!

Lexi and I have been playing jumping rope a lot. I bought her a shovel and she dug for something and she found a cake. What a great treat for her. She really deserves it. She is such a good girl!

She just fell asleep. I can't blame her. She's had a big day so far for a little baby. She deserves a rest. She should evolve into a toddler in about a half hour. I can't wait. I hope she turns into a Harutchi.

Lexi woke up and I played a game with her. Then she started crying so I praised her. She really is a good girl. And unlike most babies, her hearts don't go down that often for a baby. She's so well behaved. I love her!

Yesterday Lexi was accepted into Pre-School. She's been going there to get skill points but then the skill points stopped coming in so I stopped taking her to Pre-School. I'm trying to have more style points so I get a different Elementary School teacher. I always get Mr. Turtlepedia because of my intellegence points. Right now I have 27 intellegence points, 36 style points, and 19 kindness points. Hopefully I will get Miss Flower as my teacher.

Lexi just graduated Pre-School and got accepted into Elementary School. I chose Miss Flower for my teacher. Instead of me having to look for the intellegence point, I have to look for the style point. I like it. It's a twist. It's a change for once.

I figured out how to win the elementary school game. If you want to know how to go to my topic in Tips and Tricks. Anyway, I have been playing with Lexi a lot and she has 113 intellegence points, 104 style points, and 32 kindness points! And she's only 2!!!!! YAYNESS!!!!!

Today I got paid 1740 points for working. The matchmaker came today at 10:30 and finally I got a boy! I'm going to name him Jack and now I know I won't get another Ponytchi!!!!!!!


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