GotchiGirl96's TamaLog!


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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Instead of going on the computer, I was playing my DS Lite. I got Tamagotchi Corner Shop 2!!!! It's so much fun. My partner is Mametchi and I decorated his room really nice. Like 4 of my shops are at the royal level. I have every shop open except for 2 because they are locked. I wonder how you unlock them.

Anyway, Leah evolved into a Maidtchi/Meidotchi!!!!! She's so cute. Check out the V4 character chart and look for Meidotchi and that's what Leah looks like. She is 4 now. Her job is at a flower place picking flowers with a crane. It's fun, but challenging.

I got batteries for Joey and Cody. Cody is still a Nikatchi and Joey is now a Hinotamatchi. Such cute unhealthy characters.

Good afternoon! Everyone is doing good on this fine January day. I think Leah might have a baby this afternoon. I'm not sure. I'm gonna set the time to see if she will. OK. Now we wait. I'll let you know if it worked in the next post.

OK, a while ago the matchmaker came for Leah and she had a girl who is now is shirotsubotchi paused. I named her Jenna, and she is very bad because she loses hearts very quickly, more than an average baby, I'm telling you, LOL. Let's see. What else to post, what else to post? Ah, yes. Cody evolved into a Billotchi the other day. Very cute. He is on pause. Joey is a Hinotamatchi, paused as well. All of them are. I'm not in the mood for them at the moment. I'll play with them later though.

Emmy is almost 90 days old. 88 to be exact. I can't wait till she hits a hundred. It'll be such a big day for me and Emmy, LOL. I was about to right LOOL. Interesting word. If it was a real word, I wonder what it would mean.

OK, I unpaused Jenna and she evolved into a Harutchi. She pooped and got hungry. So I cleaned her up and fed her. Then she went to sleep. Sleepy girl!

Cody and Joey are still paused. Emmy is asleep and my Miuchiz is asleep.

This morning Jenna evolved into a Young Mimitchi. It's different from the other versions because there is a different happy dance she does and she came on an odd generation instead of even like the other versions. My other Tamagotchis are paused and my Emmy GigaBunny has finally turned 90 days old!!!!! YAY!! Wait till she hits a hundred. Then we'll get a real celebration going on!

Jenna has had a very busy day. We've played lots of games, went to school lots of times, and played with lots of toys. It was so much fun. She has 43,710 points now. I'm about to go to TamaTown to get more points. I'll post later after I'm back from TamaTalk.

OK, I'm back from TamaTown. I bought a piano and a guitar. I went to visit Leo and got 800 points from clicking on the fishing pole. I went to visit Leah and got a chest. I got a brochure and a passport and 9900 points. Now I have 15410 points because of the piano and guitar I bought. I'm going back to TamaTown to get more points. I'll post again when I'm done.

Jenna evolved this morning into a Mimitchi! Funny. Had a V3 named Jenna, was a Mimitchi. Went to TamaTown earlier. Got 9900 points. Now I have 31000 points. What a rip off! I tried the piano and the guitar and they played the same tune as the trumpet. I wonder why that is. It's kinda strange. Why would three different things each play the same tune. Oh and I used the cell phone and Leah came and they talked. I also used the pen and Jenna drew a bunny!!! It was so cute!


I forgot to tell you that when Leah was talking to Jenna Leah's last phrase to Jenna was OK. I called Leo's number and him and Jenna talked and the last thing he said to Jenna was :).) only the periods and colons were the right way to form a right side up surprised face.

Today, Jenna got a letter saying that she has graduated Elementary School. She was upset at first, but when the job listings came in the mail she was excited because she got a job as a.......................SCIENTIST!!!!! I've always wanted that job!!!! I was surprised that she was accepted. The game is SO EASY!!! Look at the beaker in the picture, then choose which beaker at the bottom is the same as the one in the picture. It's really easy at first, but then it gets more challenging because sometimes they show you the beakers upside down and if you don't choose within the given amount of time, the game is over. I have yet to win that game, but I have done great on it. Now all I need to do is get to TamaTown and get my Graduation Uniform souvenir.

YAY!!! Guess what??? The king just came and gave me 200 points!!!! Once he gave me 1100, but 200 is good two seeing as I haven't gotten points from him in a while. Maybe it's my work pay.

Oh, did I tell you? No I don't think I did. I unpaused my other two Tamagotchis yesterday, Joey and Cody. Jeoy evolved into a Mametchi!!!! And now Cody is 5. Jenna is 4.

Guess what????? I changed the time to see what new items the shop would have in stock and one of them was the U.F.O!!!!! I didn't have enough points to buy it so I went to TamaTown to get 9900 points and I did. Then I bought the U.F.O!!!!!! I used it twice. Your Tama goes to the AWAY sign and you have to press the B button to see them like with WORK. Then the U.F.O pops up and it takes your Tama somewhere. The first time it took Jenna to the time of the dinosaurs and the second time it took her to outer space. It was so cool. I wonder what other places you could go. Anyway, I took her back to TamaTown and got another 9900 points. Now I have 12200 points and am back in TamaTown (opened a new tab) to get my Graduation Uniform souvenir and another 9900 points so I at least have 20000 points. Then I'm gonna play lots of game with Jenna to get her more points. Eventually I will go back to TamaTown to get more points. I'll also go tomorrow to get points. I need to get back to 50000 points again before the weekend is over. So I'll stop writing a novel and get back to TamaTown to get my points back.

Thanks. But I'm going to stick with this log. It's already really popular.

I'm back from TamaTown. I got another 9900 points and my graduation gown. I'm now up to 22100 points. I'm going to play some games with Jenna to get her more points. I'll go back to TamaTown later.

Jenna wanted to write in the diary. So I'm going to let her.

Dear Diary,

Hi everyone. My name is Jenna. You know that I am 4 years old and am a Mimitchi. GotchiGirl has told you everything about my life as a teenager, baby, and toddler. Some-what about me as an adult because I still am an adult. GotchiGirl is so nice to me. She takes me to play in TamaTown all the time. Today she bought me a U.F.O and I absolutely LOVE it. It's so much fun because I never know where it will take me next. She took me back to TamaTown after to get me more points. Now I have over 20000 points. I'm getting ready to play games with GotchiGirl. After that, she says I need to get ready for work. I am a scientist and I love my job. I already got points from the king for it. (I guess it was my pay. I got 200 points as GotchiGirl already said.) I have 2 brothers. OK, they're not my biological brothers but I like to think of it that way. Really, we're just one big Tamagotchi family. Anyway, my older brother is named Cody. He is a Billotchi. He is really nice to me and plays with me all the time. We don't connect but we lean out of our Tamagotchis and play with this little ball that GotchiGirl gave us. Cody is 1 year older than me. I also have a little brother, Joey. He is 3 and is a Mametchi. He is 1 year younger than me. I think he looks up to me. He always talked to me about being nervous to evolve into an adult and what it was like. He never told that to our older brother, Cody. He is now a Mametchi and proud of it. As soon as he evolved, he jumped out of his Tamagotchi and ran into mine to show me. He is the V1/V2 Mametchi. He's so cute. I love him because he reminds me of my grandfather, Leo. I talk to him on the phone sometimes. He is just so wonderful to be around and he will listen to anything you have to say. My mom, Leah was so lucky to have him as a dad. Now they live real close to each other. My mom is so lucky. Anyway, back to my brothers. Jeoy comes to me for everything and we also play ball. He talks to me and I love it when he does because he has such a sweet, babylike voice. Cody has a deeper voice like an average 12 year old human boy. Joey's is like an average 3 year old human boy. Mine is like an average 10 year old human girl. My brother never really talked to eachother as much as they would talk to me. So now GotchiGirl is going to connect them so they could play together and give presents. Hopefully they will be nice and give good presents. I'm going to let GotchiGirl take over now because my back is now in total agony because I have to lean out of my Tamagotchi to type. Oh my. I need an aspirin. Bye for now. I'll be back later to do another entry.

Oh my gosh, Jenna. You wrote more of a novel than I did. Here's your medicine. Now go get a heating pad and lie down for a while. I never knew how strongly she felt about her brothers. I'm going to connect them now. They are playing the balloon game. I wonder who won. Cody won. Joey cried. That's okay. They'll get to be better friends the more I connect them.

Hi everyone. Good afternoon. Guess what??? I went to go to work with Jenna and Nazotchi came and payed her!!!!! She got 1140 points!!!! Then the king came and gave her yogurt!!!!! Then she played with her fishing pole and fished 1000 points!!!!! YAY!!!!!

Jenna just got a letter. I haven't opened it yet though. I'll do that right now. OH NO! The burglar! :) Great. He took 300 points. I guess it's not that bad. :lol: It could be a lot worse. Oh well. :)



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