GotchiGirl96's TamaLog!


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Umm.......I'm bored so I'm gonna post conversations with my Tamagotchis.

me: Hi Joey

Joey: Hi mom

me: How are you?

Joey: I'm okay but I think I have the sniffles

me: How do you know

Joey: *sneezes 3 times*

me: I see. Get some rest and don't go out in the cold without a coat.

Joey: *sniffles*

Oh wow, that one was really dumb.

me: What's up, Cody?

Cody: Nothing, what's up with Joey? He looks horrible.

me: He's got the sniffles. Leave him alone and don't do anymore pranks on him today....or any day.

Cody: Fine. Is he contageous?

me: I don't know. But I guess it would be best to stay away from him just in case.

Cody: Will he be alright?

me: Yeah. And since when are you the sympathetic type.

Cody: He's my little brother, mom.

me: Ok, I have nothing against it, I was just wondering.

Cody: Ok.

That was dumb too. But come on, I'm bored.

me: How you doing, Jenna.

Jenna: I'm good. I think I'm going to go get Joey some soup.

me: That's very nice of you, but he may be contageous.

Jenna: He's my little brother, mom. I have to take care of him.

me: Ok, just don't have too much contact with him.

Jenna: Don't waste your sympathy on me, save it for Joey.

me: I know you want to help and all, and you can, but just remember, I know what I'm doing. I've been raising Tamas for over a year now.

Jenna: Ok, just make sure you are being gentle around him. I know my little brother, and he is very fragile when it comes to touching and picking him up.

me: Thanks for the tip.

Jenna: No problem. I'm just a big sister doing her job.

That one wasn't as dumb as the other two, but it wasn't good. Anyway, let me know what you think of my TamaConversations.

I'm so sorry I haven't been on in a while. But who cares? We're having a MatchMaker party!

The matchmaker came to all three of my Tamagotchis. Cody got a boy, and Joey got a girl!!!!!! YAY!!!!! Their babies can mate now!!! The matchmaker came to Jenna and she got a girl and left some time ago. Her baby is named Alice and she is a 1 year old Young Memetchi.

You know, I never told you guys but today I fell asleep for 3 and a half hours thinking that Alice was paused and when I woke up she was deadly sick with two poops and all hearts empty. She is okay but I don't want that to happen again.

This afternoon Cody's battery went completely dead with a non blinking battery sign. So I changed the batteries and he was better. Then I unpaused him and Joey and then made them leave their babies. I named the babies Jen and Ben. They are going to mate so that's why I chose names that go together just like I will do with their babies' names. But that will be a while. I started them at like the exact same time so they evolved at like the exact same time into a Kinkamotchi (Jen) and a Tamatchi (Ben). They are paused and doing real well but they're kinda overweight (around 30 pounds for both of them).

All my Virtual Pets are doing swell on this fine day. Oh yea, and Emmy the GigaPet is over a hundred days old now!!!!! I think she is 101 days now or something like that. YAY!!! This is so exciting.

Guess what stinks??? A lot of things right now, but the one that has to do with my Tamagotchis is that I got the job listings on my V4 but I accidently pressed C when I was scrolling through the list thinking it would walk the toher way but instead I told them that I didn't want a job and Alice got mad and I never got my job. I am so mad at myself. Ben evolved into a HashiTamatchi and Jen evolved into a Young Mimitchi. Jen fell asleep with a hungry and happy heart missing and I found out that my best friend on TamaTalk was a boy and not a girl like I always thought he was. And plus I found an overdue school library book in my backpack obviously overdue. UGGH!!! This day is really starting to stink. Huuuaahhhh.

I got that important information mail again the next day and got a job as a newsreader. It pays really well and the game is so easy. Alice had a baby yesterday. A girl who I will name Kim. I just got another important information mail but haven't opened it yet so I'll go ahead and do that now. It was to change my current job. I was thinking about it and decided I would change my job. So now I work at a place with a plane on it but I don't know what to do. The instruction booklet says that the flag icon which is what the king gave me drives the bus and avoids the flowers. Sounds easy enough. I'll go try it. I keep losing. They give you like 3 chances but I screwed up. I'll get the hang of it eventually.

I figured it out now. I gotta hold down the button to make it go in a certain direction. It's easy now but I still lost. By the way I've been connecting Jen and Ben and now they are good friends.

Too bad I didn't get payed for my bus job because Alice left her baby this morning. The baby is named Kim and is now the Panda toddler with a Pre-School reputation, yaya!!! Oh and Ben evolved into a Decotchi and Jen evolved into a Mimitchi!!!! YAYNESS!!

I hate the world! Today I came in 3rd in the Spelling Bee instead of first like I did last year, they are banning Tamagotchis at my school, I think my V4 is glitched, and my GigaPet ran out of battery power!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGGGH! I can't believe they are banning Tamagotchis at my school. First they couldn't care less if you had it with you, next you can only have it for indoor recess, and now the principal says no electronic pets or gameboys at the school. So I can't bring my Tamagotchi anymore. Next, my V4, Kim turned into a Young Memetchi, the same character that Alice was, and that was just the generation before this and it's kinda strange. Lastly I think that my Giga is out of battery power because whenever I try to go to a different option on the menu, the GigaPets reset screen comes up and it asks me if I want a new pet. I always say no but it keeps doing it. So I can't feed it if I wanted to. And it's only 76% fed now. I hope I have batteries.

Why, thank you.

I was just playing my Corner Shop 2 and got my Sushi Shop expanded so now I was able to open the Sushi bowl and I'm playing it now!

By the way, Ben and Jen just mated and had two GIRLS!!!!!!

Oh and Kim went to sleep in case anyone's interested.

EDIT: I've been playing for a while and now all my shops are at the Royal level! I have a royal mall and all the items and just got mail from the King and Queen! IT's an invitation to the party at the castle! OMG I'm at the party! The princess is now engaged! To Prince Tamahiko! Princess just canceled the engagement because she wants to work with us! Now Princess Tamako is working with me in my shops! This is the best game ever!!!

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Everyone is doing good. The babies haven't gotten sick yet because they were on pause but they should soon. I'm gonna make the parents leave the babies tomorrow if they are not gone by then.

Kim evolved into another Ponitchi and has a job as a doctor. My GigaPet is doing good and my Nintendogs learned lots of new tricks today. Ben and Jen left their babies and I named my V3 Lexi and my V1 Nessy and they are currently paused. Kim is the only one that is unpaused.


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