6/7/23 (pt 1)
SO much has happened since the last update, wow!
I have to break this up into two parts again. xD
Let's start with our faves, Tsu and Poppy!
Yesterday started with them having having dirty rooms - I promptly cleaned them up and their rooms, too!
Tbh I chuckled a little at them needing a bath, cuz this didn't need to happen if I was on top of bathing them and cleaning up. xD
Soon after that, tho... Something happened....
Looks like it's time to say goodbye. ;;~;;
Tsu and Poppy both sat me down to put together a photo album, which we also decorated, too!
(Both decided to paint their albums red, lol...)
It was kind of emotional to look thru all the photos I'd taken with them, especially the ones of them together as children...
I chose my favorite images, and was soon handed a copy of the album by both of them.

Looks like I spent enough time training Poppy, because right before leaving, she became a gymnast!!
Tsu wasn't as focused, I guess, haha. xD
Either way, both went back to the home planet, and when they arrived....
They both looked thru their photo albums, and ended up crying!! ;;o;;
To be fair, I missed them, too, so it made sense for them to miss me as well...
I guess I took good enough care of them, as they both decided to send me a new egg to care for in their places!

Tsu chose a sweet pink egg, and Poppy chose a smart blue egg...
Which hatched into a little girl, and a little boy, respectively!
I decided to name the girl Mimi, and the boy Sparrow.
Idk what inspired me, but I like these names a lot! I hope they grow up to be as cool and cute as I want them to be. :3
Crossing my fingers again for Momotchi, and for Sparrow, I'm hoping for KuroMametchi!
I need to keep better track of care misses, but tbh I'm kind of bad about that so I'm hoping for the best.
Either way, once they got their fill of milk and some snacks, the two evolved!
What adorable little tamas! Mimi is Mimitamatchi, and Sparrow turned into Mokumokutchi!
It was fun to play with them, and see all their cute little animations, but eventually, they evolved again...
Oh! I got Soyofuwatchi and Mokokotchi!
Also very adorable tamas, tho I can't help but miss what they looked like before, just a little...
Ah, well, I'm not complaining! Now I just have to focus on raising them to be the adults I want them to be!
Wish me luck...