Hello hello! So again, I have good news, and I have bad news...
Let's start with the good news.
Tsu and Poppy are doing great! They slept well, and woke up with plenty of energy!
In fact, I caught them both singing together while I was checking up on them at one point. How adorable!
I really adore these guys....
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After a little while, I sent them both to the arcade to play some games and earn some gotchi. Let's just say that Tsu earned a little bit more than Poppy. xD
(It's hard to play the games with two units at the same time! Next time I'll just play one at a time LOL)
Either way, they seemed to be enjoying themselves, and having a great time playing ping pong with me! Today was apparently a sports day, so it was either that or football, and I much prefer ping pong myself. (Tho the football game isn't bad, just not quite as fun to me!)
We went back home after some time, and then rested for the remainder of the morning and early afternoon.
Then, suddenly...
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They both evolved! Tsu became an amazing Terukerotchi, and Poppy became a lovely Haretchi!
Both are absolute cuties, tho pls ignore the poop on Poppy's floor, lol! I didn't have the time to clean it up beforehand. xD
Now, it's time to get care misses with Poppy, as much as I hate to do it... But man, I want Momotchi!! So it's just the sacrifice I have to make...
Tsu luckily doesn't need any care misses, so he gets to be spoiled like he deserves.
I can't remember at what age these tamas evolve at, but I suppose I'll find out soon enough!
Now, onto the not as good news....
Buddy and Roswell slept and woke up just fine, and nothing seemed to be wrong. I checked on them early on, and made sure to feed them both and play a game or two to keep them happy. These seemed to be enough for Roswell, but for Buddy... He wasn't as excited, it seems.
By the time I got home from work, I checked on all my tamas, and I found that Buddy had passed away.
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RIP little guy, u and ur goofy walk shall be missed.

Roswell lives on in ur stead, I shall do better with her...