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My friend said that taking a bubble bath is bad for your period... Is that true? o___O
No of course not! Actually it's the opposite. :) A bath, or even better: a bubble bath, will seize your cramps and stop the blood flow once you are in water. In my opinion they are really comfortable to take during your period. ^_^


No of course not! Actually it's the opposite. :) A bath, or even better: a bubble bath, will seize your cramps and stop the blood flow once you are in water. In my opinion they are really comfortable to take during your period. ^_^

accutally teachers and my mom and sister said that you can only take showers when you have your period. NO BATHS. I don't know why.

im not sure if i should ask my mother if i have a yeast infection, she might ask where i learned about it which would be hard to explain "i learned on tama talk!!!!" lol. and every time i say i don't feel good or something not be right she gives of *vibes* that she doesn't beleive me.

I've had that icky white discharge since i was like 6...I used to wipe it out with my fingers *barfs* I know, disgusting.

Like I said before, I haven't gotten my period yet.

Is a yeast infection the same as a Urinary Tract Infection? Because I've jad one of those. I think last time it got into my kidneys *shudders* painful thoughts.

Omg! I think I just had a Cramp! Right where My belt buckle would sit!!! Uh-oh. I think I better start wearing some of those pads my mum gave me...

Omg! I think I just had a Cramp! Right where My belt buckle would sit!!! Uh-oh. I think I better start wearing some of those pads my mum gave me...
have you had your period before? i haven't and when ever i read things on this i keep feeling like im having cramps. maybe its my imagination...

well,if you think she knows what it means,you should tell her and also tell her that you learned this is the internet! maybe she will understand.

PS:wat is a yeast infection :( ?

I've had that icky white discharge since i was like 6...I used to wipe it out with my fingers *barfs* I know, disgusting.
Like I said before, I haven't gotten my period yet.

Is a yeast infection the same as a Urinary Tract Infection? Because I've jad one of those. I think last time it got into my kidneys *shudders* painful thoughts.

Omg! I think I just had a Cramp! Right where My belt buckle would sit!!! Uh-oh. I think I better start wearing some of those pads my mum gave me...
o___O Since you were 6? Wow...

And, yes, discharge is very icky... x___X

I've had that icky white discharge since i was like 6...I used to wipe it out with my fingers *barfs* I know, disgusting.
Like I said before, I haven't gotten my period yet.

Is a yeast infection the same as a Urinary Tract Infection? Because I've jad one of those. I think last time it got into my kidneys *shudders* painful thoughts.

Omg! I think I just had a Cramp! Right where My belt buckle would sit!!! Uh-oh. I think I better start wearing some of those pads my mum gave me...
Is "Icky white discharge" isn't it that white "icky" stuff you get "down there", doesn't it clean it or something?

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have you had your period before? i haven't and when ever i read things on this i keep feeling like im having cramps. maybe its my imagination...
No, I haven't. I've never gotten a cramp before. Ever. I know the difference between a real one and an imaginary one, this one was real.

It's called discharge. You usually get it when you're female, normally about a year before you get your period. I was just pointing out that I got mine years ago, and that the stuff it icky. Discharge cleans out your basement (down below).

It's called discharge. You usually get it when you're female, normally about a year before you get your period. I was just pointing out that I got mine years ago, and that the stuff it icky. Discharge cleans out your basement (down below).
A whole year?! That's real long. I have dischare. It's kinda gross but I don't care myself. ;)

well,if you think she knows what it means,you should tell her and also tell her that you learned this is the internet! maybe she will understand.
PS:wat is a yeast infection ;) ?
It's a chemical imbalance down there and there's yeast and the like. I've had one from antibiotics and they are not fun. They REALLY sting, They are REALLY itchy and you need to take stuff for a few days.

Definitely talk to your mom about this. If she asks where you got this info, just say you're guessing if you have to :( run by the symptoms with her and at least get somethign for it. Irritations (itchy dry etc...) and such down there are nothing compared to a yeast infection.

Wow we have been busy here! :huh:

1. Discharge - Discharge is a sticky white/yellow substrance which will turn up in your underwear in the months - years before your period starts and continue to show up until you reach menopause. The function of discharge is to keep the vagina lubricated and also to provide anti-bacterial protection. The user of panty liners will stop you from ending up with stained underwear. When your periods do start, your discharge quantity will cycle with your hormones. It will also have a very distinctive smell - don't worry only you can smell it!

2. Yeast Infection - When things go wrong you can get what is called a yest infection which is where a thing called a yeast (kind of like a bacteria but not quite) grows too much inside the vagina. This can lead to lumpy, green or cheesy yellow, foul smelling discharge that is often accompanied by itching and redness as well as painful or frequent urination. There are many reasons for this and puberty alone can cause a yeast infection. Here are two reasonable reference sites:

Vaginal Yeast Infections by Kids Health for Parents

Yeast Infections - American Pregnancy Association

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