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No, I haven't. I've never gotten a cramp before. Ever. I know the difference between a real one and an imaginary one, this one was real.
Menstrual cramps are really quite unique as they are essentially the uterus contracting to expel menstrual blood. Often you can get intestinal pain which can mimic period pain because of the way your body is wired. Also... the whole area tends to get irritated either when you are menstruating or suffering a minor intestinal upset. :huh: I wouldn't be too focused on getting cramps just yet. Wait until you start periods and then worry about it... if you do. Who knows, you might be one of the lucky ones! <_<

A whole year?! That's real long. I have dischare. It's kinda gross but I don't care myself. :huh:
I've had it for 2 years!!! And once I get a yest infection it keeps coming back, it's like one BIG yest infection. Annoying I know!!! I guess you could say I've had a yest infection for 2 all most 3 years long. And it's still going strong!!! <_<

It's called discharge. You usually get it when you're female, normally about a year before you get your period. I was just pointing out that I got mine years ago, and that the stuff it icky. Discharge cleans out your basement (down below).
Ya. They say you have the "icky" stuff before, during and after your period.

Sometimes I go to the washroom and I find witheish yellowish stuff- is that disdarghe?

i don't like it but at least im more used to it though it causes stomach aches (sp?) but thats just probably a cramp because i have one now ow :D but im still happy lol :( u don't have to be scared about puberty bratztroxg or anyone else about to go through it its ok sure a little pains here and there but u get used to it eventually ;)

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For some people it hurts, for some it doesn't. For me, it doesn't hurt sooo much that I have to take painkillers and stuff, but it sure does annoy me. The first time always hurts the most...
Also... My friend (the one who's scared half to death about her period) eMailed me today asking if tampons hurt and I'm like "Umm well I don't wear them since I'm a pretty light bleeder..." and she's like "BUT WHAT IF I'M NOT?!?!?!" -.-'''''''''''' I don't know what to do with her...
Tampons don't hurt if you put them in properly. Oh, and don't try puting in a tampon when you DONT have a period. I read it's bad or something.

is that really true im going to have a kid! Woah! at least thats not going to happen right away

maby in a couple of decades lol

I dont think i wanna see this yrs! Im in grade 7. But what the hey, my time shall come.....

is that really true im going to have a kid! Woah! at least thats not going to happen right away maby in a couple of decades lol
Yeah, it's a scary thought though, that when you have your period you can have a kid. o___O

Also... I never did watch "the video." I'm in 6th grade right now...

i hate it i hate it!!! I just got it on friday and my world is coming to an end!! waaaaaaaaa

I hate it too but you get used to it after a while. Just think! at the end, you'll have so much free time and you'll feel better

i hate it and i won't be rid of it till i am in my 50s!!! waaaaaa

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