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I'm not sure if I'm ecited or not. What should I feel? I've had cramps before but no period, not even spots. :D
Some peopel feel nothing at all.. They trundle off to the toilet one day and find it there waiting for them. Others get cramps and bloating and general intestinal upsets.

It isn't entirely uncommon to get cramps before menstruation... sometime your body goes through a bit of a practise phase... However, what you may think are uterine cramps may well be gut pain and your won't know for sure until you do start menstruation.

Well that's the thing, I keep on telling her that but she's like "HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO ASK MY MOM FOR PADS?!?!"
The truth is the best way. Once she starts her periods that chances are that Mum will get a regular supply without having to be prompted. Either that or the initial awkwardness will break down and she will learn to be able to talk about.

When it comes to telling about the first period it is definately best to go as close to the truth as possible - that way you don't spend time having Mum guessing randomly and you/her getting embarrassed. But there are some prompts which will get the message across more easily than others... e.g. "Something has started happening 'down there'." "I've got that thing that women get at puberty". "My underwear are a little". etc. Some subtle.. some not so subtle. :D

Some peopel feel nothing at all.. They trundle off to the toilet one day and find it there waiting for them. Others get cramps and bloating and general intestinal upsets.
It isn't entirely uncommon to get cramps before menstruation... sometime your body goes through a bit of a practise phase... However, what you may think are uterine cramps may well be gut pain and your won't know for sure until you do start menstruation.
Thanx!!! :wacko:

If I ever did I would go into the bathroom and try to compromise with some toilet paper.
My advice to you is to pack a small little bag with pads in it that you can put into your backpack so incase it happens at school you will be prepaired. Thats what I did and it worked when I first got it. The toilet paper trick doesn't really work if you ask me. I think it is uncomfortable. -.*

i don't know if its my imagination but im having cramps, nasty fluids in my underwear, and my stomach is gurgling alot! i don't know if these are smptoms... but i think im about to get it. and im kinda scared to talk to my mom for pads and stuff... when i was at my tryouts for softball i thought i got it because i felt something in my pants but it was just nasty fluids. (that was last summer) its been going on for a while. can you feel it when its happening? like something in your pants?

ta9394 - What are these nasty fluids? It could mean you might have the flu or something going on in your stomach.

i don't know if its my imagination but im having cramps, nasty fluids in my underwear, and my stomach is gurgling alot! i don't know if these are smptoms... but i think im about to get it. and im kinda scared to talk to my mom for pads and stuff... when i was at my tryouts for softball i thought i got it because i felt something in my pants but it was just nasty fluids. (that was last summer) its been going on for a while. can you feel it when its happening? like something in your pants?
It could be happeneing. But a way to talk to your mom is send her an e-mail. Just say I think i might be getting my period, can you buy me some pads. This will start an easy conversation with her. Or you can just aproach her and ask if you can talk about being a girl and stuff like that.

It's just fine. :( How old are you? I had that nasty goop for about two years before mine came :p (you'll have it for the rest of your life :) ). The gurgleing is just because your stomach occasionaly produces too much acid and it makes gurgleing noises with the food. The cramps are probably anticipation stomachaches you don't really get them until your menarche (first period.) Just calm down and buy some pantyliners. Itwill be just fine after you get used to it! :p

Hope I helped! :D ,


but its going to be hard to ask/buy pads bacause my mother says things like "your not ready, too young" i can't even shave my legs yet!

That nasty fluid, it's sticky-ish,and white, right?

If so, this is only dishcharge, it usually occurs a year before you start your period.

Hope I helped!

:( Bailey

When the big moment comes I doubt she will say you're too young. Just tell her you need pantyliners (and pads) just in case. And that you won't need the pads yet but will tell her when you do. I belive that there is no wrong time to shave though. :) Just don't be whiney and she will probably give in. :(

Let me get something straight...

So this beige stuff that shows up on my panties is discharge? :(

my mom is pretty strict about that stuff about being young because my younger sisters figuired out i was shaving my armspits, and stuff like that. She seemed kinda mad that they found out for some reason. i don't know why...

ow my stomach(sp?) hurts alot what do i do :) i never got that disgusting white stuff u talking about :X

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my mom is pretty strict about that stuff about being young because my younger sisters figuired out i was shaving my armspits, and stuff like that. She seemed kinda mad that they found out for some reason. i don't know why...
Hmm.. You could take my approach to it.. Though you may get in trouble o.o

If she insists that you're 'too young' to get your period, when you start it, lay in her bed and bleed on her sheets. That'll convince her you're not 'too young'. Though like I said, you'd probably get in trouble for it ^.^'

I don't really recommend it, but it's been proven effective.

For good advice, tell her you're having discharge and you want pads to protect your underwear from it. If she doesn't believe you, as disgusting as it sounds you could always show her your underwear as proof x.x'

I know it's hard to tell your parents personal things about your body, but it's the only really effective way to get what you want/need. You just have to be brave.

ow my stomach(sp?) hurts alot what do i do :( i never got that disgusting white stuff u talking about :X
Wait.... you are telling us that your stomach hurts and you're asking us what to do? ??

Uh... tell your Mom? or Dad? or a responsible adult like a Doctor?

I know this topic is supposed to give useful information to members about periods, but sheesh....

it is not supposed to stop you all from thinking rationallly :) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Hmm.. You could take my approach to it.. Though you may get in trouble o.o
If she insists that you're 'too young' to get your period, when you start it, lay in her bed and bleed on her sheets. That'll convince her you're not 'too young'. Though like I said, you'd probably get in trouble for it ^.^'

I don't really recommend it, but it's been proven effective.

For good advice, tell her you're having discharge and you want pads to protect your underwear from it. If she doesn't believe you, as disgusting as it sounds you could always show her your underwear as proof x.x'

I know it's hard to tell your parents personal things about your body, but it's the only really effective way to get what you want/need. You just have to be brave.
xD That made me LOL...

When I first got my period, I was just sitting down on my bed listening to music and then WHAM, I felt this jabbing pain in my side/stomach and I just started bawling my eyes out. My mom rushed in and she saw the blood on the bed and instantly knew what was happening... That was good because otherwise I would have no friggin' idea how to tell her. @_@

That nasty fluid, it's sticky-ish,and white, right?
If so, this is only dishcharge, it usually occurs a year before you start your period.

Hope I helped!

:) Bailey
oooooooooohhh*takes breath*ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh i had that a year ago!!!i thought there was somthing rong with me :mellow:


*Edit - stretching page*

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candygirl93 - As much as this topic has been bumped, it has a lot of information that answers many questions and helps a lot of people. There for I don't believe it should or will be closed. :)

Dr@g@n - I was told my period wouldn't hurt... or will it? :mellow:

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