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Yeah stress can make it come later or earlier sometimes. I've been under a lot of stress this month and I got it a week late, while I usually get it a week early. Some months it's so bad that I'm in tears crying from pain... A heating pad ant Midol does wonders! Hehe. Other times I barely notice I have it.

The best thing to stop the sweat is a strong antiperspirant...not just deodorant. I use Mitchum brand or Dove, they both work very well. Get a clear gel or invisible solid stick form, I don't like to use spray-ons.
My Mom bought me some Mitchum... but the one thing that puzzles me, is on the front, there is a sticker that says:


Mitchum Man?! And I smelled it and it smelled like shaving cream... :D

Well, it is gel, and I have been using it often. :D I shall put it to the test when I wear my turquoise Aeropostale shirt that the sweat usually shows up on. :ph34r:

But... Mitchum Man?!

I think Ban works very well, it really works better than others that I have used. PLUS, it smells good, comes in many different sents. Try it.

Well in some ways you may feel nervous or anxious but either way it is a growing up thing so naturally, it is a big part of growing up. Haha, that made soo much sense. But I personally hate it. I wish it would go away but others have different oppinions. If you want to know when you will get it ask your mom when she got hers, it will probably be around the same time but not always.

Yeah my period came 7 days earlier! IT SUCKS! I didnt even know and when I went to the restroom(AT SCHOOL) my underwear was stained with blood!! :( Good thing I was wearing dark colored pants.

*sigh*...My friend from school is reeeally nervous because she says she's been having cramps and she's afraid that she's going to get her period at school while everyone is watching and she's like "ZOMGG AND WHAT THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY TO MY MOM?!?!" I don't know what advice to give her... Can anyone help? -.-'

well...just incase it comes AT SCHOOL just wear thin pads until she gets it :(

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I have a question,
My period was due almost a week ago. It hasn't come. I know that I'm not pregnant, there's no way I know of in which sperm would be able to go up my cha-cha.

What are possible reasons a girl might not get her period when it's supposed to come?
Is your period regular yet? ( did you have it more than a year) If it isn't then it's probably normal.

I get nervous at school when I get cramps... I would hate it if I wasn't wearing a pad for some reason and everyone saw. ;-;
ok u said"I get nervous at school when I get cramps... I would hate it if I wasn't wearing a pad for some reason and everyone saw. ;-;" so its not ur friend it u???y couldnt u just say that???

You uh, double posted then, TM22.

My mum said I might get mine in about a year's time, but I think I'm going to get mine earlier. The good thing about my mum is that's she's easy to talk to about this kind of thing, and so when I told her I wanted to have some pads just incase she was toally cool with it and went out and bought me some the next day. They're now hidden under some clothes in my chest of drawers. Frankly, I'm not exactly looking forward to it, I just think it might come in the next six months. I've been a tempermental cow recently, and I think that might be the cause of it. Then again, it could just be me xD.

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