my mum started at 14No I am 10 and I still havent started my mum started at 11 so I might at 11
~*Emily*~ ^_^
if your mom gets that it means that she wont get her period anymore and that she cannot have anymore kids. if your tampons hurt it means that you didnt insert them properly. they arenot meant to hurt.I have quite low flow periods,My mum thinks im old enough now to use tampons but when I tried it really hurt'So I just use pads,The ones with the little wet wipe on the back are really good ^_^
My mum is in the menopause,But im not fully sure what it means,I do know that your period gets lighter and soon stops but im not sure about the rest.
There are a few reasons as to why that might be however, the most likely one is that you were feeling tense. Even if you don't mean to be, the muscles can contract narrowing the entry point and causing things to be very painful! Lubrication and practise will overcome this in time but as long as you are comfortable using pads then there is no need to rush things!I have quite low flow periods,My mum thinks im old enough now to use tampons but when I tried it really hurt'
If your mom hit menopause it means she stops having periods (HOORAY!) and she is disabled to have children.I have quite low flow periods,My mum thinks im old enough now to use tampons but when I tried it really hurt'So I just use pads,The ones with the little wet wipe on the back are really good
My mum is in the menopause,But im not fully sure what it means,I do know that your period gets lighter and soon stops but im not sure about the rest.
They are not meant to hurt. If you are relaxed and insert the tampon correctly then it should be completely painless to insert and also once inside. This does take some practise.Do tampons hurt?
Yes, it does. also has a should go to www.beinggirl.comit has a lot of info
I once saw even bigger sizes (like size I) O_O Tis weird.A, the smallest, B, the next, C, After that, and D, the largest.
My mum is 49 and 50 in february lolIf your mom hit menopause it means she stops having periods (HOORAY!) and she is disabled to have children.
Not always true x.x There was a 63 year old woman who just had a baby sometime earlier this year. *shudders* In most cases, it's true.If your mom hit menopause it means she stops having periods (HOORAY!) and she is disabled to have children.
My dad has had a vasectomy (sp?) so he can't have any more kids but neither of them wanted any more after mehNot always true x.x There was a 63 year old woman who just had a baby sometime earlier this year. *shudders* In most cases, it's true.
My mom hit menopause a few years ago. She drove me crazy.