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I think my period is starting!....: :( :( :eek: :( :ph34r:
:huh: :ph34r: :huh: ohh dear have you told your mum? or sis if you have one. my sis started ages ago but she was fine with it she says you will get over it!

ohhhhhhh im 11 and i dint have mine yet. scared. it feels like im going to die. i realy realy realy hope i dont get it in school. im freaking out but i dont show that i am. i hope i get it after everyone else in my class. im the only girl in my family (well withot ny mother )

Ooooooohhhhh! :huh: I just found out I have mine!!! I would dance like a mad person but I have REALLY bad cramps and this is giving me a stomachache (sp?) I feel like I'm gonna lose my cookies! (gross!!!!!) I thought I had another tpe of accident until I went to the bathroom! I was (and still am) kinda scared! My heart started pounding soooo fast! Now, I need somthing to get rid of this pain!!!!!!! Ohhhh! Glurrr! Ahhhhnnnn!and other sounds implying agony.)I don't know if I really am happy about this........
I don't really get cramps when I have my period, but my mom uses these pills, and I can't even tell when she has her period! (It would be better if she didn't announce it to me though.)

After you get your period, do you  still get discharge.

What's a discharge? :)

*don't answer this, I just found out by looking on some of the other pages =P

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Yay!!! Hooray for cardbord aplicators on tampons!! Pain free!!! Also for overnighter pads!!! Sorry if it's awkward but I like 'em!! Yay!! I love these things!!

Yay!!! Hooray for cardbord aplicators on tampons!! Pain free!!! Also for overnighter pads!!! Sorry if it's awkward but I like 'em!! Yay!! I love these things!!
I like plastic applicators... but everyone has different tastes!

Between your periods you will get discharge, Camelle.

Husky_Shiba, discharge is white, gooey liquid that comes out your vagina as a self-cleansing process. Most girls begin seeing this at about 11 years old.

I like plastic applicators... but everyone has different tastes!
Between your periods you will get discharge, Camelle.

Husky_Shiba, discharge is white, gooey liquid that comes out your vagina as a self-cleansing process. Most girls begin seeing this at about 11 years old.
sometimes girls dont only need to seet they can also feel it. thats what happends to me. my underwear just feel damp. thats also discharge. though u could get both ways. not sure

I like plastic applicators... but everyone has different tastes!
Between your periods you will get discharge, Camelle.

Husky_Shiba, discharge is white, gooey liquid that comes out your vagina as a self-cleansing process. Most girls begin seeing this at about 11 years old.
Thanks for the info.

Camelle, the cursed flower.

Finally....It's slowing down! Mine was like really heavy until today. But now it is regular! I wonder when it'll stop???? :kuribotchi:

i hate it when that happens.... and i HATE cardboard applicators... ew. i prefer plastic.

I don't have mine yet, yay!!

But I get discharge which I've had for over a year so I might end up getting mine soon.

Plus I'm 11 turning 12 in December.24th.

Arrg, getting my period again, i'm all grumpy and feel yuck...

Thank god there's no craps and it's not heavy....

(Btw, does anyone know where to plug a mic in your computer? I wanna record something... Thanks!)

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lucky you all!!! :S I started my period since I was 8 years old, Really small huh? Yeah in 3rd grade, it was strange, but I got used to it I'm now 12 :blink:


Has anyone has started her period since she was 8??

Finally!!! It's only a tiny trickle! That means it should stop any hour now!!! Hooray!!! I can't stand it any more! Why did I ever look foward to my period!?!? It is gross and vile and I can't stand the o.b. tampons my monm started me on! Strangely I prefer generic (equate) to the more expensive kind! That goes to prove that price doesn't display quality!

Tamtamkitty07, you plug the mic into the back of the computer tower =P

Oh and thanks mimitchis_rock13579 for the info :]

XD I remember seeing a video close to that. Made me giggle. The way they discribed everything just amused me. Half the kids didn't understand it because they used medical terms. I saw a video similar to that in 9th grade Health. Only this one was on reproduction and you had to watch a woman give birth >.<' That one was.. disturbing.
lol when we were watching a video all the little kids came into the room and they watched it


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