Sorry if I may be bumping up this topic. (Hope not!)
I feel like I shouldn't take this so persinoly but the night before last, my step dad said like I can be hard to love or I am hard to love. I was put to bed at like 11:40 but couldn't get to sleep untill 12:35 because I couldn't stop thinking maybe I am hard to love. It bothered me a lot. He said he didn't mean it but in some way, I don't belive that. I know, I shouldn't make a big deal about it but I can't get it off my mind and this topic and writing it down helps a lot. Well, I guess I just needed to write it down or something. But lately my parents have been saying I have an attitude when I think I don't! And my step dad gets on my nerves so easy, I feel like I want to explode!!!! Anyone else have a step dad that get on they're nerves?! Ok, I feel better now. lol
I don't know very much about your family situation or how long your step dad has been your step dad for but you need to remember that because you are not his blood there is a natural difficulty in bonding closely..especially if your step dad came into your life when you were say 5 years old and he was not involved in a lot of your early development. Like you would know from kids at school, people who make things difficult for you are harder to get on with and his statement would have been more of a reference to the fact you don't share the same blood line and therefore the love you share is one that is built over time and is dependant upon the behaviour from both sides.
Think about your stereotypical step family stories where kids hate their step parents... it is a little hard to love someone who you didn't bring into the world and who also hates you!
You sounds like you're hitting that time of life when everyone just annoys you to pieces and your parents apparently know nothing about you and have got you all wrong!

This is difficult for both blood parents and child but put yourself in your step dads shoes for one moment. Every time he moves you get frustrated with him.... he feels like he's under attack in his own home by someone that he wants to have in his life but keeps putting up the "leave me alone" sign. Even the closest friends can drift apart this way and as can happen with step parents and children. He obviously does care and wants to feel close to you but perhaps your feeling that he's getting on your nerves is showing a bit much for him and it makes it hard for him to feel like he can maintain the established bond between you.
Please don't take it that I am taking his side of things... I am just trying to give you another angle.
When you say "But lately my parents have been saying I have an attitude when I think I don't!" perhaps you might want to explore this with them a little. Having been where you are and looking at kids who are where I was, I can see that rarely does a parent declare the perception of "attitude" where there isn't one. Keep in mind that what you might not see as being an issue from where you are, may be perceived differently by adults. If you explore what it is that they feel you are doing to demonstrate "attitude" then you might be able to see things from their end and also get an idea of what other people may say too. It may also help you to change so that you can still storm and rage without them thinking that you are being a nasty teenager about it (aka having attitude).
Whatever the case, this time will pass and you will look back and see things differently. A lot of life's relationships involve biting your tongue when you would much rather rip someone's head off or turn into a mini-nuke. It may be extraordinarily difficult for you at the time but it will help preserve your relationships. That way, when you calm down then you can discuss whatever is bugging you in a calm, rational manner and both you and them are less likely to get hurt.