Well if you've always been a little bit agro or always gotten fired up really easily then perhaps it is part of your personality. If this is something that you never used to be like...it may be a phase which can become part of your personality if you don't keep on top of it.i dunno if its my personality or phase. oh well
the outer lip on the right side (only the right lip) and if i press it it sorta stops but when i let go its keeps going. it feels like its being pressed down rlly hard. i dont cry in pain or anything its just anoying. it happens randomly... and its been happening latly

Occasionally our bodies do odd things... like have muscles spasms or hurting points that occurr in one particualar spot. These are generally nothing to worry about. If it has only been happening lately and not been getting more frequent or worse then it is probably just one of those random things. Keep an eye on it all the same. If it gets worse, happens more often or you notice anything strange like discolouration or lumps and bumps then get it checked out by a doc.