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Puberty is generally a difficult time and often we go through lots of different emotions and have some pretty extraordinary mood swings. We also tend to get a bit contemplative and start thinking about the meaning of life and our purpose etc. These things are all normal.
Depression definately is something that you need to look out for though as puberty is one of the prime times for clinical depression to raise its head. Remember, depression is an ongoing condition, it is bit different to have a bad couple of days. :furawatchi:

Signs of Depression

  • Feeling down in the dumps more often than not
  • Waking up tired
  • Feelings of complete hopelessness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of interest in things that you enjoy
  • Lack of motivation to do basic things (like getting out of bed) or not wanting to socialise
  • Feeling particularly bad at night
  • Crying for no reason
  • Sleeplessness or insomnia
  • Overeating
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Feeling guilty for no reason or not feeling at all... being "empty".
  • Inability to concentrate at school
  • Feeling angry for no reason or reacting very strongly to small things
  • Persistant health problems that don't seem to clear up

Occasionly we will all have these symptoms at some times in our lives.. it's important not to go... "I've lost my appetitire! OMG I must be depressed!"... you need to weigh it up with other symptoms too. If you have concerns, have a talk to your doctor or an adult who you know and trust. They will assist in getting the help you need.
-Feeling down in the dumps more often than not - no

-Waking up tired - i do that all the time

-Feelings of complete hopelessness - thats when im too lazy to do something and say it would be hopless

-Loss of appetite - haahhahahaahah your funny. no never

-Loss of interest in things that you enjoy - hm..... no

-Lack of motivation to do basic things (like getting out of bed) or not wanting to socialise - when im lazy and never

-Feeling particularly bad at night - i usually have leg pains then

-Crying for no reason - i barley cry

-Sleeplessness or insomnia - im always tired (if you go to sleep at 12 and wake up 6-7 u would too)

-Overeating- hehe

-Thoughts of death or suicide - dying ppl and animals not myself think of killing some ppl

-Feeling guilty for no reason or not feeling at all... being "empty". - emty cuz kitty died

-Inability to concentrate at school - thats cuz its so boring

-Feeling angry for no reason or reacting very strongly to small things - that would be me

-Persistant health problems that don't seem to clear up - no im fine

so yeah the stuff that i have

Oh, and thanks a bunch! And I think I've made a record today, because I haven't cried yet, because that last 4/5 days I've been crying my head off for the littlest things.

oh uh sometimes i get this throbbing in the private area on the right side... i dunno why its doing it right now... it sorta hurts... what is this?
Well from what you've answered I dare say you are not depressed. ;) I was a particularly over-reactive individual... well most of my life... but worst hitting puberty in the early stages. That might be a part of your personality or it might be a phase. Only you will know for sure which that is... :chohimetchi:

You will need to be a little more specific about where in the "private area" you are referring to.. For example... a throbbing on top where all the pubic hair normally is on your right side where your leg bends may just be a muscle spasm or an irritated lymph node. A throbbing down to the right side of the outer lips of the vagina maybe just the effects of tight underwear giving you "nappy rash" almost or it may be indicative of a cyst or something else. When does the pain normally occur? Is it recurring or it just something that has been happening lately? What happens if you press on it??

Yep. I must be depressed. And what makes it worse? I think I have poison ivy "down there".
By poison ivy... are you referring to a rash or is there something else that I am missing??

If you feel seriously that you may be suffering depression (and it is not just a phase of instability) then you need to go and see your doctor. Unfortunately, depression is one of those things that doesn't cure itself... if left untreated the problem can become very serious and your own mental health may endanger your life! The earlier the problem is dealt with, the shorter and simpler treatment is likely to be and the easier it will be to get your life back on track.

Question 1:Yes,maybe its because of the hot water ;) .Question 2:Yes.

Question 3:No.

Question 4:Not really servere.Just a little.

I'll ask my sister about that whole paragraph later.
I didn't forget about you!

Just a few more questions... is it the breast which is itchy or your nipples? If it is your nipples do they appear dried and/or cracked or swollen? Are you wearing bras and if so, do they fit you properly? It sounds like it might be a mild irriation either to the detergent in your clothes, friction or maybe just because you are wearing something that is a little too tight. Skins can become itchy when circulation is restored to the more superficial layers of the skin.

Well from what you've answered I dare say you are not depressed. ^_^ I was a particularly over-reactive individual... well most of my life... but worst hitting puberty in the early stages. That might be a part of your personality or it might be a phase. Only you will know for sure which that is... :)
You will need to be a little more specific about where in the "private area" you are referring to.. For example... a throbbing on top where all the pubic hair normally is on your right side where your leg bends may just be a muscle spasm or an irritated lymph node. A throbbing down to the right side of the outer lips of the vagina maybe just the effects of tight underwear giving you "nappy rash" almost or it may be indicative of a cyst or something else. When does the pain normally occur? Is it recurring or it just something that has been happening lately? What happens if you press on it??
i dunno if its my personality or phase. oh well

the outer lip on the right side (only the right lip) and if i press it it sorta stops but when i let go its keeps going. it feels like its being pressed down rlly hard. i dont cry in pain or anything its just anoying. it happens randomly... and its been happening latly

By poison ivy... are you referring to a rash or is there something else that I am missing??

If you feel seriously that you may be suffering depression (and it is not just a phase of instability) then you need to go and see your doctor.  Unfortunately, depression is one of those things that doesn't cure itself... if left untreated the problem can become very serious and your own mental health may endanger your life!  The earlier the problem is dealt with, the shorter and simpler treatment is likely to be and the easier it will be to get your life back on track.
By poison ivy i mean real poison ivy, like a rash. I had some on my face and then it started itching real bad in my vagina.

I'm only 11 and I am too embarrassed and stuff to go to a docter for my depression. I told my sister who is 14 one time and I told her all about it and stuff but she was on the phone with her best friend so I don't think she was listening too good. Does excercising and eating healthy have to do with depression :(

Sometimes its Weird, I get weird pains in the lower lower Part of my Stomach, But My Peroed Hasn't started, And I ahve been getting them for months!

I kinda wish I got my period just so the first time is OVER WITH! Like I've said, I'm only 10 and my mum got her period when she was 14. I think I will get it when I'm 11 or 12. Oh and we shouldn't let this topic get old.... it's a very helpful topic.

OK um I think this should be pinned, its a helpful information tool and alot of girls have posted here, Lets make it one huge puberty topic, for boys and girls!

Good idea to get this pinned!

BUT: I think there should be a seperate puberty talk for males. As most girls know boys don't like sharing emotions like girls do and might feel uncomfertable about talking about "Growing Up" in front of complete strangers, girls and people that they're never going to meet.

OK um I think this should be pinned, its a helpful information tool and alot of girls have posted here, Lets make it one huge puberty topic, for boys and girls!
Good idea! I kinda think it should too.

BTW you wont see me on this thread anymore. My mom isn't letting me reply to it anymore because she says it's inappropriate.

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